Instructions Adams, Modèle Speedflame Power Gas Burner
for Natural and L.P. gases EXTERNAL ORIFICE CHANGE Adams special orifice in the manifold union permits orifice change without disassembling the burner. REDUNDANT GAS VALVE Provides back-up valve for added safety ELECTRONIC PRIMARY CONTROL Meeis the most stnngent flame supervision specifications. Flame proving within four (4) seconds; supervises all Ignition functions including 8 of a second relight capability; senses flame by rectification, providing positive flame monitoring PRESSURE SWITCH Field- proven motor switch ensures blower operation Specifications - Model G2T 4” Blast Tube capacity soM to 8soMBtu/Hr Natural Gas Model Capacity M/BTU Max Min G2T-300 G2T-600 G2T-B50 300 600 850 50 50 200 Combination Gas Valve %" 2000DERHC W VR8304M 1” 7000ERHC Ignition_Motor HP Direct Spark 1/7* Direct Spark Direct Spark L.P. Gas Vt” 2000DERHCLP Direct Spark 3/4M VR8304MLP Direct Spark G2T-400LP 400 50 G2T-850LP 850 200 *Air Spoiler Installed Dimensions: Height 17” - Width 13” - Depth (Chassis only) 8" 1/7 1/7 ' 1/7* 1/7 If § i Manufacturing Company 9790 Midwest Avenue • Cleveland. Ohio 44125 Telephone (216) 587-6801 FAX (216) 587-6807 Form G2 E-Mail: