Instructions Pioneer, Modèle CNDV-1100HD
Fabricant : Pioneer Taille : 2.22 mb Nom Fichier :
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!Thescreensshownintheexamplesmaydifferfromtheactualscreens. Theactualscreensmaybechangedwith- outnoticeforperformanceandfunctionimprovements. = For details of the updated data, refer to Renewal data. ! Lane information and directional information are added. = For details, refer to Display during motor way driving. The other operations are essentially the same as those at the time you purchased the hard 2012 HDD NAVIGATION UPGRADE DISC CNDV-1100HD Thissoftwareupgradewillresultinchangestocertainfeaturesandavailabilityofinformation.Whilethechangesareintendedtoimprovetheoveralluserexperienceformostusers,Pioneeranditslicensorsdisclaimanywarrantyorliabilityfordamagesinconnectionwithsuchchanges. DONOTLOSESUPPLIED“MEDIANUMBERCARD”. If“MEDIANUMBERCARD”islost,re-creationofthe“MEDIANUMBER”isnotpossible.Alsoyoumustsubmitthe“MEDIANUMBERCARD”forrepairs.Thecardisnecessaryasproofofauthenticityifserviceisrequired(includingrecovery). Thispackageisunique,andcannotbeinstalledonmorethanoneunit. Web-connectedcomputerisrequiredforonlineissuanceofpassword. PIONEER CORPORATION 1-1, Shin-ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-0031, JAPAN PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, Belgium/Belgique TEL: (0) 3/570.05.11 PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.S.A. TEL: (800) 421-1404 English <12D00000> © 2012 PIONEER CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan UR Models to be upgraded This package can upgrade the software programme and database of the following models: AVIC-HD3, AVIC -HD3 II Manual overview This manual is a supplementary document that summarises the points that will be renewed after upgrading your navigation system by using this package. The operations other than those described in this manual are basically the same as those at the time you purchased the hardware. Use the Operation Manual included in the hardware package as your primary reference. For customers upgrading the hardware for the first time For customers using AVIC-HD3 By upgrading the navigation system with this disc, the points described in this manual are changed. For customers using AVIC-HD3 II By upgrading the navigation system with this disc, following points are changed. ! Map database (including POI) and Gracenote® Database are renewed. ware. Use Operation Manual included in the hardware package as your primary reference. For customers who have previously upgraded the hardware For customers use the hardware upgraded by CNDV-800HD Read the instruction relevant to AVIC-HD3 II. For customers use the hardware upgraded by other upgrade packages By upgrading the navigation system with this disc, followings are only updated. Map database (including POI) and Gracenote® Database are renewed. = For details of the updated data, refer to Re newal data. Be sure to read the following descriptions Licence agreement This provides a licence agreement of this software. Be sure to read this before using the software. About the database This provides some notes for the map database and the date when it was recorded. Other precautions This provides the important precautions for using this software. Engb PIONEER CNDV-1100HD THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU, AS THE END USER, AND PIONEER CORP. (JAPAN) (“PIONEER”). PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS. BY USING THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THE PIONEER PRODUCTS, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE SOFTWARE INCLUDES A DATABASE LICENCED BY THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER(S) (“SUPPLIERS”), AND YOUR USE OF THE DATABASE IS COVERED BY THE SUPPLIERS’ SEPARATE TERMS, WHICH ARE ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT (refer to TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE TOMTOM DATA). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS, PLEASE RETURN THE PIONEER PRODUCTS (INCLUDING THE SOFTWARE, AND ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS) WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THE PRODUCTS, TO THE AUTHORISED PIONEER DEALER FROM WHICH YOU PURCHASED THEM. 1 GRANT OF LICENCE Pioneer grants to you a non-transferable, nonexclusive licence to use the software installed on the Pioneer products (the “Software”) and the related documentation solely for your own personal use or for internal use by your business, only on such Pioneer products. You shall not copy, reverse engineer, translate, port, modify or make derivative works of the Software. You shall not loan, rent, disclose, publish, sell, assign, lease, sublicence, market or otherwise transfer the Software or use it in any manner not expressly authorised by this agreement. You shall not derive or attempt to derive the source code or structure of all or any portion of the Software by reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, or any other means. You shall not use the Software to operate a service bureau or for any other use involving the processing of data for other persons or entities. Pioneer and its licensor(s) shall retain all copyright, trade...
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