Instructions Apple, Modèle 2A034-4320-A
Fabricant : Apple Taille : 1.21 mb Nom Fichier : Wired_Keyboard_Aluminum_2007_KH.pdf
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Open Mac Help and search for "keyboard.” Ergonomics For information about ergonomics, health, and safety, visit the Apple ergonomics website at Support For support and troubleshooting information, user discussion boards, and the latest Apple software downloads, go to 4 English Apple Keyboard МШШ^ЛП ШШШШШТ Apple Keyboard &Ж*П^|£Ш&ЙШ1Й0 М1ЖД ШШШ ÏÏIÊè.fàMWfc Mac ± SS Mac OS X v10.4.10 Ш Жт^о ШШШШ& Ш^ЯШШША. Й±Й USB ÉMffiAS Mac ±^Дй USB *□, ШШ№ЖШ& Mac OS X v10.4.10 ШЖraKÍ. SS Apple Keyboard Software» шшшвшмшшт*: 1 Apple (в) > “Ш№ЖШ" о 2 ШММШ^ъШШ^о Apple Keyboard Software: 1 Üijfn] Apple Keyboard Software» 2 ЙЙ AppleKeyboardSoftware ffifeo 3 Й#ФЯ 5 JT^ Exposé, Dashboard widget, йй~ Í 1ГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГПГП (-$■) Жйй (-$-) «Фййя!. И ttffl “Exposé © JJ^ Dashboard ЩЙЙ ] ► II Ж — - — (-) Жйй (—) Жё%в®йЖ?Л*пй^®й®йо C йал**ж®шжл*о б ййшай ^Й®^1ШЙ: 1 й® Apple (в) > “I^fiS^M" о 2 £fô “®Й^ША о 3 *g “®Й"^ “®ЙШ1" о *g “®Й1ЛЙ"Ш^ Mac OS X Finder ^АЙЙЙЙЙМ^ШЖ.ЯМЙ! “Mac ШЙ" оТ^ “Mac ШЙ" . ШШ1Ш “^Й" о ЛШХЦ^ ^AAftIÏM^,®ÂïnS^№'Î^S.i#l5ÎBl Apple АШ^М^ИЙ о 5.Ш Apple Ш^Т^.ШЙЙ 7 Apple Keyboard Я& #Ш&ММ7 Apple Keyboard Ш&!Ш#И Mac Mac OS X v10.4.10 ^±ЖФ° &£&№«& •^М^ЙЙШМ’ШШМЙ usb ШШ.ШЛ. Mac ±й usb Щ-ШШЖШ.ШШ MfíS Mac OS X v10.4.10 “Apple Keyboard ШМ$^Ш” ° 1 1№1?ЯИ “ШМ(в)” > “$^ШМ1Я-"” ° “Apple Keyboard Щ&$£1Ш” : 1 iifflíi ЯЙ’ТЙ “Apple Keyboard ШМ 2 SffiT AppleKeyboardSoftware ШЯЩ.° 3 в ЖШФ£ widget ÎT^ Exposé Dashboard i ii ii im ■| iî ii ii h i -a- -;6;- <Îffl Exposé © ÎJI^ Dashboard i#E° IÈMW - — ü« (-)^»fi (— H4 9 “ШМ^Ш,”ШШ£Шй “ШМ”Ш«ё^ЙйШМ° емш^^йй&: 1 alS “ШМ (в)” > “^^ÊéisxÆ"'” ° 2 g-T “ШМ^;#Ш” ° 3 g-T “ШМ”^ “ШМ'ШШ” ° g-T “ШМ'ШШ”Ж}н^ Mac OS X Finder 1Щ^#-Й1ЛЙШ° М^ШМЙШЙШ№^ “Mac даМЙВГИШ'МЙТР^ “Mac ЯЙ iÂ^”æif* “ШМ” ° лих* £ПтГШАШ1¥ЧШ^ЁЙШШ’а#1Й Apple ЙА!И¥Ш: ° ЙЯ Apple $íflT®’ affltt ЯЙ° 10 ЖШФ£ Apple Л|^зр| Apple ?|МН o| °[Lf| Цт$Ш Л}#8}0| #Bj 4ÉSS cf# -Misé ?|MH# Ц£Ц0\ A|Sfèhi|À|Â. 0| ?|ЙН* Ahgefoj Д5 7|^в ttg*|-3|S, Ahgxhoj MacOfl Mac OS Xvl 0.4.10 014Ю1 ¿№ioi ai(Ho|: auiciK ц%хщ 7i¿¿=«wi л^ад ?|MH# ааада, ?|MHS] usb ?l|0|** A|-§4°| Macoil ait USB гжо|| ÿiâÿ Ц±ш rtïMîlloW Mac OS X VI0.4.10 0|&°S 9ВДMëpl Apple Keyboard Soft wa re# -У л[ 5^ ■*• I S. <âc\\o\ Alia ±“ SÍJICH* sfSMBlô, 1 п||^ЭДо|| âfeApple(é)>±=Mil|0| Sct|o|EiA¡a¡5fA¡A|2. 2 ¿fa c>°l M°à9 m-Htwa. Apple Keyboard Software# •У 1 0|Ц5|-0^ Apple Keyboard Software# cfês=5ftjx|a. 2 AppleKeyboardSoftware 0|-0Ц§ 0|g в^!в|-ул|.£. 3 sfg &°i ¿ase m-s^xis. ng^(h 11 7|£H &EM afe ?|ft AhSSfoj fiL|Eis| Sp|# 2§5pl Exposé» SD|, Dashboard widget* Mi, ■§!« JllOjSfc fs| »0# s^X|S. m mi I I (I 11 11 I li I (I 11 11 I •$■ -jó'- S.L-1 EHS) Bt7|# OffiTHsWLK .$.) Bt-TIK -&) 5^A|S. H HÉ Exposé as AhS*H>( cn^a&ol gBj °¿fe SE?# ff ffloil ü¡A|2. © Dashboard* SCHA) w¡dgeto|| q° ^aj go)| qg §m» 2°üa|£. w SI^TIUf OIS iüEH, §gM SE^ ^0|=5f*JA|£. ► II inSN, sg& BEfe éafo|H*s *ra«p|i-t g|A| gx|shfejA|s. m o¿oS gy jmh cu tan, S94f ££ éek>|has o|#s^a|£. i ±%m 5EÉ SIIE# IÉ0||A] Lf£É A|§H# H4W2. i) <») B“E|2J ÍE^ B||H# SS0||A] Lf£^ Af£HS| ©US S0|?1LfH» feO|4|A|£M$). ▲ t|^a»ZHLHBia D|t|(H íí 71*^32 Sl°4W£. 12 tngos 71MH & a\^± ?|мн sua* л|§ЭД ?|МН» x|g*№S 4= 7|MH#A^*fSfSfB|Ö, 1 Apple(é) > A|±ä ffäää# idüjâ^Alfi. 2 ?|ÜH&n^»#S|S^A.|S. 3 ?|MH 5E£ ?|MH E^?|* #&!5^Л|£. ?|MH аз?I# ИЭД Mac OS X gg ж^л§ 5E£ FinderCHI 2i£ 4Ití SÍCHo|| ВД аз?и fiä*ftiA|s. ?|ЙН0|| im W äafc Mac Ш T älsMU. Mac E|"J| Ши "?|üH’S °ЛЩ S4 ej*n s=f, а а ш eta «Hi as эмь Apple m\ gsf i ai-oi e., gHrSft|A|£. *13! *IS4 m\ зиа Эй, A|g*| s# 7||X|S ÿ Apple 4iïS¥||(H 4§££t УпгбША!^.. ng^th 13 Regulatory Compliance Information Compliance Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. L'utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l'utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif. Radio and Television Interference The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Apple's instructions—it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment ha...
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