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a nut or a washer), we would be glad to replace them, or, for the sake of expediency, replacements can be obtained at your local hardware store. C CCL LLE EEA AAN NN U UUP PP The cast iron and other unpainted parts of the Model G7153 may be coated with a waxy oil that protects them from corrosion during shipment. Remove the protective coating with mineral spirits and paper towels. Do not use gasoline or other petroleum based solvents because of their extremely low flash points. Do not use chlori

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It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of course, all information is strictly confidential. 1. How did you learn about us? ____ Advertisement ____ Friend ____ Catalog ____ Card Deck ____ Website ____ Other: 2. Which of the following magazines do you subscribe to? ____ Cabinet Maker ____ Popular Mechanics ____ Today’s Homeowner ____ Family Handyman ____ Popular Science ____ Wood ____ Hand Loader ____ Popular Woodworking ____ Wooden Boat ____ Handy

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parts. non-slip footwear is recom-20. checK damaged parts. mended. Wear a protective hair cov-Before further use of the tool, a ering to contain long hair. guard or other part that is dam 12. alWays use safety glasses. aged should be carefully checked also use a face or dust mask if cut-to determine that it will operate ting operation is dusty. Everyday properly and perform its intended eyeglasses only have impact resis-function. Check for alignment of tant lenses, they are not safety moving par

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Tighten the work stop knob (Figure 16). .................................... Figure 16.. Using work stop. .............................................. Figure 17.. Using angle stop. 3..With each new workpiece, place the work- piece against the work stop, clamp it, then bend it until the moving bender base contacts the angle stop. -6 T10050 Right angle iron Bender parts Breakdown & List ...................................................................................................... REF PAR
