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Instructions Emerson, Modèle Barbie BAR504

Fabricant : Emerson
Taille : 527.87 kb
Nom Fichier : 1aa134f2-d555-46af-9a90-e88504df63b1.pdf

Langue d'enseignement: en

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Facilité d'utilisation

• Avoid using or storing this unit in dusty or sandy locations. 4 Dear Customer: Selectingfineaudioequipmentsuchastheunityou’vejustpurchasedisonlythestartofyour musical enjoyment. Now it’s time to consider how you can maximize the fun and excitement your equipment offers. This manufacturer and the Electronic Industries Association’s Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at asafelevel. Onethatletsthesoundcomethroughloudandclearwithoutannoyingblaringor distortion and, most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of sound. So what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts. To establish a safe level: • Start your volume control at a low setting. • Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and without distortion. Once you have established a comfortable sound level: • Set the dial and leave it there. Taking aminute todothisnow willhelpto preventhearingdamageor lossinthefuture.After all, we want you listening for a lifetime. We WantYou Listening ForALifetime Used wisely, your new sound equipment will provide a lifetime of fun and enjoyment. Since hearingdamagefromloudnoiseisoftenundetectableuntilitistoolate,thismanufacturerand the Electronic Industries Association’s Consumer Electronics Group recommend you avoid prolonged exposure to excessive noise. This list of sound levels is included for your protection. Decibel Level Example 30 Quiet library, soft whispers 40 Living room, refrigerator, bedroom away from traffic 50 Light traffic, normal conversation, quiet office 60 Air conditioner at 20 feet, sewing machine 70 Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, noisy restaurant 80 Average city traffic, garbage disposals, alarm clock at two feet THE FOLLOWING NOISES CAN BE DANGEROUS UNDER CONSTANT EXPOSURE: 90 Subway, motorcycle, truck traffic, lawn mower WeWant You 100 Garbage truck, chain saw, pneumatic drill LISTENING ForALifetime 120 Rock band concert in front of speakers, thunderclap 140 Gunshot blast, jet engine 180 Rocket launching pad Information courtesy of the Deafness Research Foundation. ASSOC I ATIONEST. 1924 EL ECTRONIC INDUST R I ESEIA 5 LOCATIONOFCONTROLSLOCATIONOFCONTROLS 32145678910131112 1. Carrying Handle 2. Display 3. Sound Level Indicators 4. CD Door OPEN Button 5. SKIP/SEARCH+Button 6. SKIP/SEARCH – Button 7. PROGRAM Indicator 8. PROGRAM Button 9. Microphone ON/OFF Switch 10. CD Compartment 11. Microphone 12. DC 9V IN Jack (Left Side of Unit) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 13. Microphone Volume Control 14. POWER Indicator 15. PLAY/PAUSE (®p) Button 16. STOP (X) Button 17. PLAY/PAUSE Indicator 18. REPEAT Button 19. Microphone ON/OFF Switch 20. REPEAT Indicator 21. Battery Compartment (Rear of Unit) 22. Headphone Jack (Right Side of Unit) 23. Power/Music Volume Control 6 POWERSOURCESPOWERSOURCES This CD player requires either six (6) “C” batteries (not included) or an AC adapter (not included). BATTERY INSTALLATION 1. Remove the Battery Compartment door turning the twoscrews counterclockwise as shown and lifting the door off. 2. Insert six (6) “C” batteries (not included) according to the polarity diagram inside the Battery Compartment. Alkaline batteries are recommended for the longest playing time. 3.Replacethebatterycompartmentandtrunthetwoscrewsclockwisetolock. AC OPERATION To operate the unit using AC power, connect an AC adapter (not included) to an AC outlet having 120V, 60Hz AC. Plug the small end into the DC 9V IN 7 jack on the left side of the unit and connect the other end into the AC outlet. The batteries are automatically disconnected when the AC adapter is used. CAUTION: When not usingACpower,disconnect the AC adapter from the wall outlet by pulling the plug (not the cord). Do not touch theAC adapter with wet hands. Fully insert the plug without exposing any part of the blade. 7 OPERATIONRotatethePOWER/MUSICVOLUMEcontrol.clockwiseuntilaclickisheartoturntheuniton;thePOWERindicatorwilllight.OpentheCDcompartmentdoorbypressingtheCDDoorOPENbutton..Insertadiscontothecenterspindle(label121Presstrackonthedisc;thecurrenttracknumberwillbedisplayed.TheSoundAdjustthePOWER/MUSICVOLUMEcontrolasdesired. . SKIP/SEARCH–.or+.button. 23214TOINSERTANDPLAYACD(.II) thefirst121Presstrackonthedisc;thecurrenttracknumberwillbedisplayed.TheSoundAdjustthePOWER/MUSICVOLUMEcontrolasdesired. . SKIP/SEARCH–.or+.button. 23214TOINSERTANDPLAYACD(.II) thefirst CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE 8 OPERATION(CONTINUED)OPERATION(CONTINUED) 56 When the disc is through playing, it will stop. Press the STOP 5 button to stop the disc before it is finished. Rotate the POWER/MUSIC VOLUME control counter-clockwise until a click is heard to turn the unit off; the POWER indicator will turn off. TO PAUSE PLAYBACK 1 Press the PLAY/PAUSE (®p) button to pause playback;...

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