Évaluations - 4, GPA: 3.8 ( )

Instructions Scarlett, Modèle SC-1022

Fabricant : Scarlett
Taille : 278.26 kb
Nom Fichier : Scarlett-SC-1022-Pdf-Rus.Pdf
Langue d'enseignement: hrukendebgethucsltro
Photos et spécifications   Scarlett  SC-1022
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Facilité d'utilisation

Base unit with cord storage compartment 1. База питания с отсеком для хранения шнура 2. Body 2. Корпус 3. Spout 3. Носик 4. Removable filter 4. Съёмный фильтр 5. Lid 5. Крышка 6. Lid release button 6. Кнопка открытия крышки 7. On/Off switch 7. Выключатель 8. Indicator light 8. Световой индикатор работы 9. Handle 9. Ручка 10. Water level scale 10. Шкала уровня воды CZ popis BG ОПИСАНИЕ 1. Napajeci podstavec s prostorem na elektricky kabel 1. База за захранване с отделение за съхраняване 2. Teleso spotrebice на кабела 3. Vylevaci hubice 2. Корпус 4. Vyjimatelny filtr 3. Чучур 5. Viko 4. Свалящ се филтър 6. Tlacitko pro otevreni vika 5. Капак 7. Vypinac 6. Бутон за отваряне на капака 8. Svetelny ukazatel provozu 7. Изключвател 9. Drzadlo 8. Светещ индикатор на работа 10. Ukazatel hladiny vody 9. Дръжка 10. Скала PL OPIS RO DESCRIERE 1. Podstawa zasilajqca z komorq do przechywawania 1. Suport de Tncalzire cu spatiu prevazut pentru cablu kabla 2. Corpul 2. Obudowa 3. Cioc 3. Dziobek 4. Filtru deta§abil 4. Filtr zdejmowany 5. Capac 5. Pokrywa 6. Buton deschidere capac 6. Przycisk otwarcia pokrywy 7. Intrerupator 7. Wytqcznik 8. Led prezenta tensiune 8. Wskaznik swietlny pracy 9. Maner 9. Uchwyt 10. Podziatka poziomu wody 10. Indicator nivel apa UA опис SCG опис 1. База живлення з вщаком для заховування шнура 1. База напа]а^а са оде^е^ем за чуваше га]тана 2. Корпус 2. Кути]а 3. Носик 3. Писак 4. Зшмний фтьтр 4. Филтер на скида^е 5. Кришка 5. Поклопац 6. Кнопка вщкриття кришки 6. Дугме отвара^а поклопца 7. Перемикач 7. Прекидач 8. Св1тловий ¡ндикатор роботи 8. Светлосни индикатор рада 9. Ручка 9. Дршка 10. Шкала р1вню води 10. Скала нивоа воде 2 SC-1022 EST KIRJELDUS 1. Alus juhtmekambriga 2. Korpus 3. Tila 4. Äravöetav filter 5. Kaas 6. Kaane avamisnupp 7. Lüliti 8. Märgutuli 9. Käepide 10. Veetaseme skaala LT APRASYMAS 1. Maitinimosi baze su skyriu elektros laido saugojimui 2. Korpusas 3. Snapelis 4. Nusiimamas filtras 5. Dangtis 6. Dangcio atidarymo migtukas 7. Jungiklis 8. Sviesos darbo i ndikatorius 9. Ranekna 10. Vandens lygio skale KZ СИПАТТАМА 1. Бау са^тауына арналган бел1кт1 ^оректену базасы 2. Тулга 3. Тумсьщша 4. Алмалы-салмалы cy3ri 5. ^а^па^ 6. ^а^па^ ашу ногаты 7. Ажырат^ыш 8. Жумыстьщ жары^гы индикаторы 9. Тут^а 10. Судецгешнщшкаласы D GARÄTEBESCHREIBUNG 1. Bodenstation mit Kabelaufbewahrungskammer 2. Behälter 3. Ausgießöffnung 4. Abnehmbarer Filter 5. Deckel 6. Deckelknopf 7. Ein-/Ausschalter 8. Kontrolleuchte 9. Griff 10. Wasserstandsanzeiger LV APRAKSTS 1. Pamatne ar nodalTjumu barosanas vada glabasanai 2. Korpuss 3. SnTpTtis 4. Nonemamais filtrs 5. Vacins 6. Vacina attaislsanas poga 7. Sledzis (izslegt) 8. Darba gaismas i ndikators 9. Rokturis 10. Üdens Umena skala H leIräs 1. Äramforrast biztosfto elem csatlakozo taroloval 2. Keszülekhaz 3. Teafözö szaja 4. Levehetö szürö 5. Fedö 6. A fedö nyitogombja 7. Fökapcsolo 8. Müködesi jelzölampa 9. Fogantyü 10. Vizszintet merö skala CR opis 1. Baza napajanja sa mjestom za cuvanje kabla 2. Trup 3. Grlic 4. Filtar na skidanje 5. Poklopac 6. Sklopka otvaranja poklopca 7. Prekidac 8. Svjetlosni indikator rada 9. Drska 10. Skala nivoa vode 3 SC-1022 GB INSTRUCTION MANUAL IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS • Please read these operating instructions carefully before connecting your kettle to the power supply, in order to avoid damage due to incorrect use. • Before first switching on check that the voltage indicated on the rating label corresponds the mains voltage in your home. • Incorrect operation and improper handling can lead to malfunction of the appliance and injuries to the user. • For home use only. Do not use for industrial purposes. • Always unplug the appliance from the power supply when not in use. • Keep the base unit away from water and protect from splashes. • Do not immerse the unit, cord or plug in water or other liquids. If it has happened, remove the plug from the wall socket immediately and an expert should check the unit before using it again. • Do not operate the appliance if the cord or the plug is damaged or, if the appliance has been otherwise damaged. In such cases take the appliance to a qualified specialist for check up and/or repair if necessary. • Ensure that the cord does not hang over sharp edges and keep it away from hot surfaces. • To disconnect appliance from the power supply pull it out by the plug only, not by the cord. • Place the appliance on a dry stable non-hot surface, away from hot objects (e.g. hotplates); do not place under curtains and shelves. • You should never leave the appliance not supervised during use. • Keep the appliance away from children. • Use the kettle only with the base unit supplied, and do not use the base unit for any other purposes. • Never take off the kettle from its base unit while in operation. Switch the applianc...

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