Facilité d'utilisation
For Parts, Service, Warranty or other Assistance, please call 1-800-223-7278 (In Canada call 1-800-463-3582). FRANCAIS : PAGE 34 10" Bench Drill Pre s s (Model SM300) PART NO. 638517-00 10-30-05 Copyright © 2005 Delta Machinery ESPANOL: PAGINA 18 To learn more about DELTA MACHINERYvisit our website at: For Parts, Service, Warranty or other Assistance, please call 1-800-223-7278 (In Canada call 1-800-463-3582). FRANCAIS : PAGE 34 GENERAL SAFETY RULES Woodworking can be dangerous if safe and proper operating procedures are not followed. As with all machinery, there are certain hazards involved with the operation of the product. Using the machine with respect and caution willconsiderably lessen the possibility of personal injury. However, if normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, personal injury to the operator may result. Safety equipment such as guards, push sticks, hold-downs, featherboards, goggles, dust masks and hearing protection can reduce your potential for injury. But even the best guard won’t make up for poor judgment, carelessness or inattention. Always use common sense and exercise caution in the workshop. If a procedure feels dangerous, don’t try it. Figure out an alternative procedure that feels safer. REMEMBER: Yourpersonal safety is your responsibility. This machine was designed for certain applications only. Delta Machinery strongly recommends that this machine notbe modified and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. If you have any questions relativeto a particular application, DO NOT use the machine until you have first contacted Delta to determine if it can or should be performed on the product. Technical Service Manager - Delta Machinery4825 Highway 45 North Jackson, TN 38305(IN CANADA: 505 SOUTHGATE DRIVE, GUELPH, ONTARIO N1H 6M7) READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL WARNINGS AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS EQUIPMENT. Failure to follow all instructions listed below, may result in electric shock, fire, and/or serious personal injury or property damage. 1. F O R Y O U R O W N S A F E T Y, R E A D I N S T R U C T I O NM A N U A L B E F O R E O P E R AT I N G T H E TO O L. Learn the tool’s application and limitations as well as thespecific hazards peculiar to it. 2. KEEP GUARDS IN PLACE and in working order. 3. A LWAY S W E A R E Y E P R O T E C T I O N . We a r s a f e t y g l a s s e s . Everyday eyeglasses only have impactresistant lenses; they are not safety glasses. Also useface or dust mask if cutting operation is dusty. Thesesafety glasses must conform to ANSI Z87.1 requirements. NOTE: Approved glasses have Z87printed or stamped on them. 4. R E M O V E A D J U S T I N G K E Y S A N D W R E N C H E S. Form h a b i t of checking to see that keys and adjustingwrenches are removed from tool before turning it “on”. 5. K E E P W O R K A R E A C L E A N. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents. 6. D O N’ T U S E I N D A N G E R O U S E N V I R O N M E N T. D o n’t use power tools in damp or wet locations, or exposethem to rain. Keep work area well-lighted. 7. KEEP CHILDREN AND VISITORS AWAY. All children and visitors should be kept a safe distance from workarea. 8. MAKE WORKSHOP CHILDPROOF – with padlocks, master switches, or by removing starter keys. 9. DON’T FORCE TOOL. It will do the job better and besafer at the rate for which it was designed. 10. USE RIGHT TOOL. Don’t force tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. 11. WEAR PROPER APPAREL. No loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, bracelets, or other jewelry to get caughtin moving parts. Nonslip footwear is recommended. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair. 12. SECURE WORK . Use clamps or a vise to hold work when practical. It’s safer than using your hand and freesboth hands to operate tool. 13. D O N ’ T O V E R R E A C H . K e e p p r o p e r f o o t i n g a n d balance at all times. 14. M A I N TA I N TO O L S I N TO P C O N D I T I O N. Keep tools sharp and clean for best and safest performance. Followinstructions for lubricating and changing accessories. 15. D I S C O N N E C T TO O L S before servicing and when changing accessories such as blades, bits, cutters, etc. 16. U S E R E C O M M E N D E D A C C E S S O R I E S. The use of accessories and attachments not recommended byDelta may cause hazards or risk of injury to persons. 17. R E D U C E T H E R I S K O F U N I N T E N T I O N A L S TA RT I N G. Make sure switch is in “OFF” position before plugging in power cord. In the event of a power failure, move switch to the “OFF” position. 18. NEVER STAND ON TOOL. Serious injury could occur ifthe tool is tipped or if the cutting tool is accidentallycontacted. 19. CHECK DAMAGED PARTS. Before further use of the tool, a guard or other part that is damaged should becarefully checked to ensure that it will operate properlyand perform its intended function – check for alignmentof moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakage o...
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