Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
You can view/edit/ process/print RAW images at high speed. You can also edit JPEG images while retaining the original images. ZoomBrowser EX (Win) / ImageBrowser (Mac) Picture Style Editor Installing the Software This software is recommended for users who mainly shoot JPEG images. You can easily view/edit/ organize/sort/print JPEG images. This software is aimed at advanced users who are experienced in editing images. The software edits Picture Styles and you can create/save original Picture Style files. • Never connect the camera to your computer before you install the software. The * software will not be installed correctly. • Even if the previous version of the software is installed, install the software by following the steps below (the current software will overwrite the previous version). 1 Insert EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk (CD). • For Macintosh, double-click to open the CD-ROM icon displayed on the desktop, and double-click on [Canon EOS Digital Installer]. Click [Easy Installation] and follow the instructions on the screen to install. • For Macintosh, click [Install]. 3 Click [Restart] and remove the CD once the computer restarts. • When the computer has restarted, the installation is complete. eos .digital Solution Disk ZoomBrowser EX (Win) / ImageBrowser (Mac) Picture Style Editor та#шт*ш«я jpeg jpeg m^o Picture Style,#£$/Ä-^ßJlft Picture Style X#o #)o 1 ШЛ EOS (CD)о i Macintosh,^í^^^M±M^^^^m^,^í [Canon EOS Digital Installer] } йй [ШШШ] i Macintosh,^í [S^lfê^o 1 AVDVIC rV7^5i7®ffl^W*J® CD £ЛП5 2 CD-ROM i Windows[Т-ОУ^а—^—]^1СШ^^П^7^^У i Macintosh !^У±^Ш^^П^7'<^У 3 [Japanese^iU^AVDVICDtf—rS i ИТ©«ШГ®ЙДЙИ* PDF ^—Ьй^е-гт-Го Windows Macintosh EOS Utility: EOS-1Ds Mar^s1D Mar^,50D, 40D,Kiss X2,Kiss Fffl EU2.5aW_J_00 EU2.5aM_J_00 EOS Utility: EOS 5D,Kiss Digital Xffl EU2.5bW_J_00 EU2.5bM_J_00 Digital Photo Professional DPP3.5W_J_00 DPP3.5M_J_00 ZoomBrowser EX / ImageBrowser ZB6.2W_J_00 IB6.2M_J_00 Picture Style Editor PSE1.4W_J_00 PSE1.4M_J_00 Software Instruction Manual Contains the Instruction Manual files for the above software. Copying and viewing the Instruction Manual PDFs 1 Insert the [Software INSTRUCTION MANUAL] CD into your computer. Double-click the CD-ROM icon. • For Windows, it is the icon displayed in [My Computer]. • For Macintosh, it is the icon displayed on the desktop. 3 Copy the [English] folder to your computer. • Instruction Manual PDFs with the following names are copied. Windows Macintosh EOS Utility: For EOS-1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark III, 50D, 40D, DIGITAL REBEL XSi/450D, DIGITAL REBEL XS/1000D EU2.5aW_E_00 EU2.5aM_E_00 EOS Utility: For EOS 5D, DIGITAL REBEL XTi/400D DIGITAL EU2.5bW_E_00 EU2.5bM_E_00 Digital Photo Professional DPP3.5W_E_00 DPP3.5M_E_00 ZoomBrowser EX / ImageBrowser ZB6.2W_E_00 IB6.2M_E_00 Picture Style Editor PSE1.4W_E_00 PSE1.4M_E_00 *H/MK«fflÄW«PDFÄtt 1 rn [&^«дад$] *âSAi+*rno i Windows,^ i Macintosh,^^M±M^^m^o 3 ШШ [Chinese] * i WT£№fémü0MPDF£#MSJo Windows Macintosh EOS Utility: EOS-1Ds Mark Ills 1D Mark Ills 50Ds 40Ds 450Ds 1000D EU2.5aW_C_00 EU2.5aM_C_00 EOS Utility: EOS 5Ds 400D DIGITAL EU2.5bW_C_00 EU2.5bM_C_00 Digital Photo Professional DPP3.5W_C_00 DPP3.5M_C_00 ZoomBrowser EX / ImageBrowser ZB6.2W_C_00 IB6.2M_C_00 Picture Style Editor PSE1.4W_C_00 PSE1.4M_C_00 йвдша jpeg 4 □ £-bfc PDF i АУГ1У1С Adobe Reader (Я-УэУ 6.0Щ±)й-УТ!— i Adobe Reader ß-У^-^у ^Й'бШ^^У^- h^íítc 4 Double-click the copied PDF file. • Adobe Reader (Version 6.0 or later) must be installed in your computer. • Adobe Reader can be downloaded free from the Internet. 4 PDF £#o i Mi+ШШё^ Adobe Reader...