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Instructions Nikon, Modèle 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5D ED-IF AF Zoom-Nikkor

Fabricant : Nikon
Taille : 4.84 mb
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Langue d'enseignement: itenfrde

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No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION. ..... Instruction Manual Bedienungsanleitung Manuel d’utilisation Manual de instrucciones Manuale di istruzioni English Deutsch Francais 1......... Focal length scale index line Brennweitenskala-Indexlinie Ligne d'index d'echelle de focale Linea de indice de escala de distancia focal Linea indice della scala della lunghezza focale 2..../....(.) Aperture index/Mounting index (line) Blendenindex/Objektivindex (Linie) Index d'ouverture/index de montage (ligne) Indice de aberturas/indice de monturas (linea) Indice delle aperture/Indice di montaggio (linea) 3..... Aperture ring Blendenring Bague des ouvertures Anillo de aberturas Anello di apertura 4........ Meter coupling ridge Steuerkurve Index de couplage du posemetre Protuberancia de acoplamiento al exposimetro Indice di accoppiamento dell'esposimetro 5CPU.... CPU contacts CPU-Kontakte Contacts CPU Contactos CPU Contatti CPU 6..F...... Aperture indexing post Anschlag fur Blendenkupplung Douille d'indexation d'ouverture Poste de indice de apertura Perno per misurazione dell'apertura 7.............. Aperture-direct-readout scale Skala fur Blendendirekteinspiegelung Echelle de lecture directe de l'ouverture Escala de lectura directa de apertura Scala di lettura diretta delle aperture 8.........(EE.....) Minimum aperture signal post (EE servo coupling post) Signalstift fur kleinste Blende (Kupplungsstift fur automatische Blendensteuerung) Levier de signal d'ouverture minimale (levier de servo couplage EE) Borne de senal de abertura minima (Borne de acoplador EE) Attacco di segnale di apertura minima (attacco per accoppiamento EE servo) 9.... Aperture scale Blendenskala Echelle des ouvertures Escala de apertura Scala delle aperture !.......... Minimum aperture lock lever Verriegelung fur kleinste Blende Levier de verrouillage d'ouverture minimale Palanca de fijacion de apertura minima Leva di blocco di apertura minima "...... Focal length scale Brennweitenskala Echelle de focale Escala de distancias focales Scala della lunghezza focale #........ Zoom ring Zoomring Bague de zoom Anillo de zoom Anello dello zoom $....(....18mm.) Infrared compensation index (at 18mm) Infrarot-Kompensationsindex (bei 18mm) Index de correction infrarouge (a 18mm) Indice de compensacion infrarrojo (a 18mm) Indice di compensazione per infrarossi (a 18mm) %......... Lens hood mounting index Montageindex fur Gegenlichtblende Index de montage de pare-soleil Indice de montaje de visera del objetivo Indice di montaggio del paraluce &.... Distance scale Entfernungsskala Echelle de distance Escala de distancias Scala delle distanze (..... Focus ring Entfernungseinstellring Bague de mise au point Anillo de enfoque Anello di messa a fuoco )....... Distance index line Entfernungs-Indexlinie Ligne de repere des distance Linea indicado ra de distancias Contrassegno distanza ........ 77mm........... ...LF-1 ........HB-23 .A .......... Fig. A Minimum aperture lock lever Abb. A Verriegelung fur kleinste Blende Fig. A Levier de verrouillage d'ouverture minimale Fig. A Palanca de fijacion de apertura minima Fig. A Leva di blocco di apertura minima J E GF S IT Ck Serienma.iges Zubehor Ch Aufsteckbarer Frontdeckel 77mm. Objektivruckdeckel LF-1 Bajonett-Gegenlichtblende HB-23 Accessoires fournis Bouchon avant d'objectif diametre 77 mm Bouchon arriere LF-1 Parre-soleil baionnette HB-23 Accesorios estandar Tapa frontal a presion de 77 mm Tapa trasera de objetivo LF-1 Parasol de bayoneta HB-23 Accessori in dotazione Tappo anteriore da 77mm dia. Tappo posteriore LF-1 Paraluce a baionetta HB-23 You are now the proud owner of the AF Zoom-Nikkor ED 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5D IF, a lens that will provide you with years of exciting picture-taking opportunities. Before using this lens, please read these instructions and the notes on safety operations in your camera’s instruction manual. Also, keep this manual handy for future reference. Major features • Compact and lightweight. Covering a convenient range of focal lengths from 18mm ultra-wideangle to 35mm wideangle. Closest focus distance of 0.33m (1.08 ft.) possible at any focal length. • Autofocus operation is possible with Nikon autofocus cameras (except the F3AF); manual focus possible with all Nikon SLRs. • For more accurate exposure control, subject distance information is transmitted from the lens to the camera body, providing 3D Matrix Metering and 3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash with appropriate Nikon cameras and Speedlights. • One aspherical and one ED (Extra-low Dispersion) lens elements ensure that images that are sharp and clear from center to edges and virtually free of color fringing, regardless of the focal length setting. Also, by utilizing a 9-bladed diaphragm that produces a nearly circular aperture, out-of-focus images in front of or behind the subject are rende...

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