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Instructions Olympus, Modèle E‑M5 Mark II

Fabricant : Olympus
Taille : 5.04 mb
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Langue d'enseignement: en

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Le document est chargé, s'il vous plaît patienter

Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :

Facilité d'utilisation

• The shutter button is pressed halfway
• A strip of light may appear on the top/bottom
repeatedly in shooting mode, activating
of the monitor, but this is not a malfunction.
the auto focus.
• When a subject is viewed diagonally in the
• A picture is displayed on the monitor for
camera, the edges may appear zigzagged on
an extended period of time.
the monitor. This is not a malfunction; it will
• The camera is connected to a printer.
be less noticeable in playback mode.
• Using an exhausted battery may cause the
• In places subject to low temperatures, the
camera to turn off without displaying the
monitor may take a long time to turn on or its
battery level warning.
color may change temporarily.
• The Olympus lithium ion battery is designed
When using the camera in extremely cold
to be used only for the Olympus digital
places, it is a good idea to occasionally place
camera. Do not use the battery to other
it in a warm place. The monitor exhibiting
poor performance due to low temperatures
• If the battery’s terminals get wet or greasy,
will recover in normal temperatures.
camera contact failure may result. Wipe the
• The monitor of this product is manufactured
battery well with a dry cloth before use.
with high-quality accuracy, however, there
• Always charge a battery when using it for
may be a stuck or dead pixel on the monitor.
the fi rst time, or if it has not been used for a
These pixels do not have any infl uence
long period.
on the image to be saved. Because of the
characteristics, the unevenness of the color
• When operating the camera with battery
or brightness may also be found depending
power at low temperatures, try to keep
on the angle, but this is due to the structure
the camera and spare battery as warm as
of the monitor. This is not a malfunction.
possible. A battery that has run down at
low temperatures may be restored after it is
Legal and Other Notices
warmed at room temperature.
• Olympus makes no representations or
• Before going on a long trip, and especially
warranties regarding any damages, or
before traveling abroad, purchase extra
benefi t expected by using this unit lawfully,
batteries. A recommended battery may be
or any request from a third person, which
diffi cult to obtain while traveling.
are caused by the inappropriate use of this

Please recycle batteries to help save our
planet’s resources. When you throw away
• Olympus makes no representations or
dead batteries, be sure to cover their
warranties regarding any damages or any
terminals and always observe local laws and
benefi t expected by using this unit lawfully
which are caused by erasing picture data.
Do not allow children or animals/pets to
handle or transport batteries (prevent
Disclaimer of Warranty
dangerous behaviour such as licking,
• Olympus makes no representations or
putting in mouth or chewing).
warranties, either expressed or implied, by
Use Only Dedicated
or concerning any content of these written
materials or software, and in no event
Rechargeable Battery and
shall be liable for any implied warranty of
Battery Charger
merchantability or fi tness for any particular
purpose or for any consequential, incidental
We strongly recommend that you use only the
or indirect damages (including but not limited
genuine Olympus dedicated rechargeable battery
to damages for loss of business profi ts,
and battery charger with this camera.
business interruption and loss of business
Using a non-genuine rechargeable battery and/
information) arising from the use or inability
or battery charger may result in fi re or personal
to use these written materials or software
injury due to leakage, heating, ignition or damage
or equipment. Some countries do not allow
to the battery. Olympus does not assume any
the exclusion or limitation of liability for
liability for accidents or damage that may result
consequential or incidental damages or of
from the use of a battery and/or battery charger
the implied warranty, so the above limitations
that are not genuine Olympus accessories.
may not apply to you.
• Olympus reserves all rights to this manual.
• Do not push the monitor forcibly; otherwise
the image may become vague, resulting in
a playback mode failure or damage to the
EN 165


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