Fabricant : Electrolux
Taille : 279.54 kb
Nom Fichier : c1aee67e-9016-4cc7-9e1e-b4331becfe26.pdf

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Facilité d'utilisation
• As you followthe instructionsbelow,refer to Figure 1 for more information. • Thecuttingbarblade(locatedunderthe reel)pivots.Thefrontscrewsmovethe cutterbarawayfromtheblades,while therearscrewsmovethe cuttingbartowardthe blades. • Adjustingthe screws is a very sensitive procedure. 1116thof a turn is considered a major adjustment, • Beforetightening one adjusting screw,be sureto loosenthe opposingscrew an equal amount. LOOSENING THE BLADES • Thecutterbarblade mustbe movedfurtherfromthecuttingreel. • Loosen both back screws equally by turning them counter-clockwise, • Tighten bot'lfrontscrewsequallyby turningthem clockwise. TIGHTENING THE BLADES • The cutterbarmustbemovedclosertothecuffingree!, • Loosenboth front screws equally by turning them counter-clcokwise. • Tighten both back screws equally by turning them clockwise. CHECKING ADJUSTMENTS • Turnmower upside down. • Insert a piece of paper (i.e., writing or newspaper)between the cutter bar and the reel blades, and carefully turn the reel blades by hand. • All blades should slice the paper evenly the entire length of the cutter bar while the reel turns smoothly. • If the mower has an uneven cut, an adjustmentshouldbe madeto the appropriate side of the blades to attain an even cuttingaction. FIGURE 1 ILLUSTRACI6N 1 DESSIN 1 Adjusting Screws Tornillosde ajuste Vis d'ajustement RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION ITEMS IN CARTON 1. Read and familiarize yourself with the methods of use. 2. Inspect your lawn amd remove foreign objects, etc. 3. Don't operate mower when barefoot or wearing sandals. 4. Use caution -A mower is a precision piece of lawn care equipment and should be treated as such. 5. Don't operate a damaged mower. Have repairs made before returning to work. 6. Never place your hands or feet near a moving part. 7. Do not mow the lawn when it is wet enough to be slippery. 8. Always be sure of your footing. Walk, don't run. 9. Keep all screws and nuts tight. Be sure equipment is in a safe operating condition. Keep mower clean of dry grass and dirt. REGLAS DE OPERACI6N SEGURA 1. Lea y famillarfcesa con las formas de uso. 2. Inspaccione su c6spad y retire cualquier objeto extrai'lo, etc. 3. No opera la podadora descalzo o usando sandalias. 4. Tenga cuidado. Una podadora as un aparato de prscisi6n para el cuidado del c6sped y debar ser tratada como tal. 5. No opera la podadora se estd daf=ada. Rep_rela o mdndela a reparar antes de volver a usarla. 6. Mantanga las manos y los pies alejados de las partas m6viles. 7. No corte el c6sped si estd mojado o resbaladlzo. 8. Tenga los pies firmes en todo momento, iNo cora, caminal 9. Mantenga apretados todos los tornillos y tuercas. AsagOrasa de que su podadora est6 en condiciones adecuadas para un uso seguro. Mantdngala limpia de hierba seca y sucledad. REGLES POUR L'UTILISATION DE LATONDEUSE 1. Lisaz attentivement et familladsaz vous avsc le mode d'entretien. 2. Inspsctezla surfacede la pelouseb toodraet enretirertousles corpsetrangers(outils,jouets,debris,etc.) 3. Ne pas utiliserla tondeuseIorsquevous6tespiednusou Iorsquevousportez des sandalas. 4. Soyezprudent.Une tondeuseb gazonest unepibce d'equipamentsp_cifiquepourI'entretiendela pelousaet doiten touttempst_traconsider6ede lasorte. 5. N'utilisazpasunetondeuseendommag6e.Assurazvousquelas r_perationsndcessairesont 6t_ effectu_esavant de raprandre sonutilisation. 6. Nejamaisapprocherlasmainsoulespiedsprbsdespieces mobilesde la tondeuse. 7. Ne pas tondrala pelousaIorsqu'elleest mouill6eau pointd'6tre gliasante. 8. Pouaseztoujours_,lam_me cadence,mamhezNE COURREZ PAS. 9. Guardeztouslesviset scmus bien s6rrds.Aasurazvousavant chaqueemploique rdquipement est en bonnecondition de march...