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Instructions Electrolux, Modèle 35900

Fabricant : Electrolux
Taille : 240.23 kb
Nom Fichier : aff7bc17-5a9d-4a0e-a50e-61ba5f24f8d6.pdf

Langue d'enseignement: enes

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Facilité d'utilisation

• if the mower has an uneven cut, an adjustment should be made to the appropriate side of the blades to attain an even cutting action. FIGURE 1 ILLUSTRACI6N 1 DESSIN 1 Adjusting Screws Tornillos de ajuste Vis d'ajustement 7 _3 1 / _ .\, \ '\ 111 11B 17 14 15 I 13 12 i 1i 10 9 13 11 I 11 28 29 30A \ 32 33, 3_2 31A 18" HAND-LAWNIVIOWERS PODADORASMANUAL DE18" 18" TONDEUSEMANUELLE MODELNUMBER35900 MODELONO.35900 MODELENUMERO35900 KeyNO. CIM Dumem 1, 2, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, I1. 11. B 12. 13. 14. 15. 15, A 16. 17, 18. 19, F'll Be. De Rep. NumeroDes Pieces 30122 30137 3Q004 303_ 303_20 _ 30_16 10122-3-20 30317-1 30926-I 30337 30733 10446 30660 3Q_2G 10326-17-20 10326-18-20 30990 10491-1-20 30737-3 210300 Pal Nanll NombmDUl Rapuesto Desc_on DUSPieces BallCup Recept_o del copnste Rouge 8nil B_aringA_sembly Momajedel€_"matede bolas Assemblagebilnisde i_u_emant BeatingCo_e Cormdel co,linste Cone dlJ.ou,_inst Spring, ReelAdj. Resorside aJuste_d dlindro Ressortd'ahJstementfmo_eu) DustCap Co_ena_ po_ Prot_e onusslere (mo_eu) _ Spacw Es_ader ddl€_Indm F_lle RachutPard Tdnquete Encllouetaoe_ rochst ReelAssembly(Incl. KeyNOS.2 t_ 6) Montajedel ctlindm(Incl. IQsnos. dla_ de2 a6) Assemblagedu moyon(co_dantnis piecesnumero_ 30137.30004-30309-30308-0-20-30307) Axle SnaplOng Aro an "E" dni eje Anneaua pression(essieu) Hub Cap Tapacubo Couve_e du mo_eu Axle Eje Es._eu Axle Nut Tuercadni eje EcrouHexagonalgout I'esnieu Wheel & Tire Reude-Llauta Roueet Pneu He_ HeadBoit Pemode capezade_ni Boniona t6te _nale Co_r Plate Plata de ni cubierta Plaquede co_rmrture Left Side Plate Plocaniteral izqulerde Fix_on Isteraleeau_ll# RightSide Piate Placalateralderecha Flxat]_ 1_6_e drolte Handle Retaininglong Aro de monni6n de la manija Anrmaude Rsten_ ShrubBar ASS'/. Ensamnia# de ni barrade pintecckin 8arre de torsion Left PinionGear Pi_ Iz_rdo Engronaged p_onongauche Adjus_g Screw5/16 X 1 (Incl. in Key NOeL15 & 15A) Tornillodll ajuatede5/16 x 1 (seindwe enlosno_.dims t5 & 15A) VIs d'aJustemest(conBerdles piecesnumem 10326-13-20 st 103_6-17.30) Rap. Req. Nece_im 2 2 2 1 1 I 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 I 2 1 1 4 Bey NO. Claw NunlerO 20. 21. 22. Z'J. 24. 25. 25. A 26. 27_ 28. 29. 30. 30. A 31. 31. A 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. PartNo. De Rap. NumemDesPieces 30737-2 310.39 31003 31U/'_ 30119-2 103_5.3-20 _19 30320 30_/1 30319-3 10016"11 10473-1 31107-14 31107-15 31100 31100-2 30992 31098"3 310_.3 30948 10474 Pal Nwe Re_. Nenl_e DillRapasto Be_riptni_ DesPiec_ Ne_m_tre lOghtPinionGear 1 derecho Engreongea pignondroit CutterBerBert 3/8X11/8 2 Tornilnide )abarTadecorte,3/8 x 1 1/8 pulgades Boaton-Banedes lames3/8 x 1 I/8 WingNUt 2 TuercaHexzgona_ EcmuHe_a_pnni HOllerBr'ac_ 2 Soportedel rodllni Lequst CarriapeBolt_d16X 11/4 2 Pernode carruajede 5/18 x I 1/4 goaton5/16 x 1 1/4 CutterBet _,_ 1 B_rz de corte Banedes lames CutstrBe_Stud(incl. m KeyN_. 15&15A) Z Eap4_ de _ barrade corte(se Indl.en 10sn_ 15y 15_Q RMt -Barredes _nes fco_eut lesnumero_1Q_I 15/q RogerSec_n 7 Seccni_d. mdHIo Sec_onduRouleau RollerSpacer 2 Espaniaderdel r_uni Ron_lle de Rouleau RolerTape 1 Tubodel r_li!lo Tubedurooleau ComplesiRnilerkssembly 1 Mofltajecompletodel roniEo A_s_mniaoeoourle mufeau ComplsteHandle/_nl. I Montajecompk_tode ni manila Assemblagepour_apnignee i_ HandleBect_on_H 1 Secnion_fedor de la manijareded derecha SectionDnioneedrniteinfedeupe HandleSectionLH 1 Seo_oninferiorde la man_am_ad b_uletda Sectionon,nee oaucheinf_euze HandleB_t 1/4-20-1" 2 Pemodelama_a 1/4-20-1" Bo_lonpour_, pdlgnee1/4 x 2 HandleBdt 114x 1 114 6 Pemode la manija1/4 x 1 1/4 BO_ pourla pnig_le1/4x 114 He< Nut 114Nyk_ Insert 8 Tuercahexagonal,Insertode ni_n EcrouHe_anonal CenterHandleSection 2 Secc_ superiorde la ma_ja Sec_ de oonineesuoedeum HandleGdpSecden I Secniondel manoode la rna_ja Sectionde onianeece_rale FoamGrip I Mangode eapuna Ma_ de pnigneeen caoutchouc _em. Hazdwam 1 Paqustede nirreteda Assemblagede _incnilterle CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Alwaysusecare whenoperatingyourlawnmowerandkeepclearof movingparts.Avoidstrikingorrunningintosolidobjectsordebdsin thearea tobemowed.Be surethe moweriscleanandfollowa regularmaintenancescheduleinordertoprovideefficientandsafeoperation. A well-carad-forlawn mowerwill lastlongand operatemoreefficiently. TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN MODEL 35900 LAWN MOWER For two years from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Lawn Mower is maintained and lubricated according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material and workmanship. If this Craftsman Lawn Mower is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of pur chase. This warranty does not cover: Expendable items which become worn during normal use. Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence, and the failure to maintain the equipment according to the instructions con tained in the owner's manual. WARRANTY SERVICE IS AVAILABLE BY RETURNING THE CRAFTSMAN LAWN MOWER TO THE NEAREST SERVICE CENT...

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