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Catégorie : navigateurs GPS et des récepteurs

U UUUUUS SSSE EEER RRR’ ’’’S SSS G GGGU UUUI IIID DDDE EEE D DDDo oooc cccu uuum mmme eeen nnnt ttt N NNNo ooo..._ 8 8881 1112 2220 0007 777_1 111 F FFFe eeeb bbbr rrru uuua aaar rrry yyy 2 2220 0000 0002 222 R RRRa aaay yyyT TTTe eeec ccch hhh N NNNa aaav vvvi iiig ggga aaat ttto ooor rrr 4 444. ...0 000 R RRRa aaay yyym mmma aaar rrri iiin nnne eee, ,,, I IIIn nnnc ccc. ... F FFFt ttt.. . L LLLa aaau uuud ddde eeer rrrd ddda aaal llle eee E EEEn nnng gggi iiin nnne eeee eeer rrri iiin nnng ggg

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 905 kb   Fabricant : Raymarine  
Catégorie : navigateurs GPS et des récepteurs

The display is updated to show the new route leg. Restart Cross Track Error (XTE) Reset XTE is useful if you find yourself off track and want to go straight to your target, rather than get back onto the original track. Whilst following a route, or going to a target point, you can restart the XTE. This sets the XTE to zero and moves the origin to the vessel’s actual position. . To restart XTE: 1. Press the GOTO key. If following a route, the following functions are displayed: STOP FOLLOW RESTART

Téléchargements : 20   Taille : 905 kb   Fabricant : Raymarine  
Catégorie : navigateurs GPS et des récepteurs

Raychart 420/ 420D Chartplotter Owner’s Handbook Document number: 81162_2 Date: January 2000 RayChart 420 and 420D Chartplotter Owner’s Handbook SAFETY NOTICES 1. HIGH VOLTAGE. The display unit contains high voltages. Adjustments require specialised service procedures and tools only available to qualified service technicians – there are no user serviceable parts or adjustments. The operator should never remove the display unit cover or attempt to service the equipment. 2. NAVIGATION AID. This de

Téléchargements : 0   Taille : 832 kb   Fabricant : Raymarine  
Catégorie : navigateurs GPS et des récepteurs

Its accuracy can be affected by many factors, including equipment failure or defects, environmental conditions and incorrect handling or use. It is the user’s responsibility to exercise common prudence and navigational judgement. This device should not be relied upon as a substitute for such prudence and judgement. CAUTION: Do not connect/disconnect the GPS Antenna from the display unit whilst power is applied. Such action could cause irreparable damage. WAAS Satellite Differential GPS WAAS prov
