Fabricant : Bayer HealthCare
Taille : 2.29 mb
Nom Fichier : 7ef3a4d0-3943-43d8-b325-fec788c3bf99.pdf

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Facilité d'utilisation
1 Open meter, insert 10-test disc, close meter. 2 Pull (a) and push (b) handle to expose test strip. 3 Apply sample. 1 3 2 ba Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 IntroductIon IntroductIon1ALookAtYourMeter2expLAnAtIonofdIspLAYsYMboLs4testIngMAterIALs6EvEryday usE InsertIngA10-testdIsc7runnIngAbLoodgLucosetest10marking a deleted blood test 17understanding your test results 18runnIngAcontroLtest20marking a control test 22BEyond EvEryday usE recALLIngtestresuLts24viewing your averages 25clearing stored test results 26setupfunctIon27setting the time 27setting the date 28setting the buzzer level 30setting the time format 31setting the date format 32trAnsferrIngresuLtstoAcoMputer33cLeAnIngYourMeter34repLAcIngthebAtterY35taBlE of contEnts IntroductIon IntroductIon1ALookAtYourMeter2expLAnAtIonofdIspLAYsYMboLs4testIngMAterIALs6EvEryday usE InsertIngA10-testdIsc7runnIngAbLoodgLucosetest10marking a deleted blood test 17understanding your test results 18runnIngAcontroLtest20marking a control test 22BEyond EvEryday usE recALLIngtestresuLts24viewing your averages 25clearing stored test results 26setupfunctIon27setting the time 27setting the date 28setting the buzzer level 30setting the time format 31setting the date format 32trAnsferrIngresuLtstoAcoMputer33cLeAnIngYourMeter34repLAcIngthebAtterY35taBlE of contEnts Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 tEchnIcal InformatIon specIfIcAtIons38perforMAnceevALuAtIons38solvIng ProBlEms soLvIngprobLeMs39troubLeshootIngAnderrorcodes40custoMerservIce45repLAceMentIteMs46WArrAntYInforMAtIon47 The Ascensia® BREEZE® Blood Glucose Monitoring System (meter, test strips and controls) is intended for self-testing by persons with diabetes and by healthcare professionals, to monitor the level of glucose in whole blood. The BREEZE System is specific for glucose and has been referenced to plasma/serum glucose. taBlE of contEnts Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 tEchnIcal InformatIon specIfIcAtIons38perforMAnceevALuAtIons38solvIng ProBlEms soLvIngprobLeMs39troubLeshootIngAnderrorcodes40custoMerservIce45repLAceMentIteMs46WArrAntYInforMAtIon47 The Ascensia® BREEZE® Blood Glucose Monitoring System (meter, test strips and controls) is intended for self-testing by persons with diabetes and by healthcare professionals, to monitor the level of glucose in whole blood. The BREEZE System is specific for glucose and has been referenced to plasma/serum glucose. taBlE of contEnts IntroductIon IntroductIon: Thank you for choosing the Ascensia® Breeze® Blood Glucose Monitoring System! We are proud to be your partner in helping you manage your diabetes. We understand that people who regularly check their blood glucose levels want a meter that is simple, straightforward and easy to use. As you use your Breeze System, you will appreciate the: • “no coding” of the test strips; • small sample volume; • fast reading time; • convenience of a 10-Test Disc; • simple “Pull and Push” step to begin testing; • user-friendly design. This ease of use comes with the added bonus of the reliability that you count on from Bayer. This user guide shows you how to use your Breeze System. It will answer any questions you might have and guide you through the testing process. It is here to help you! This user guide is divided into color-coded sections to help you easily find the information you need. See the Table of Contents for a complete list of topics. CAUTION: Before using any product to test your blood glucose (sugar), read all instructions carefully and practice the test. Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 Top End of Meter ReleaseButtonTestStripSlotTabtoOpenButtonDoorScreenThis is where your test results will be displayed. BatteryHolder(side of meter) Holds one CR2032 lithium battery (included). On/OffButtonUsed to manually turn the meter on or off, check the number of strips and check the date/time. DataPort(side of meter) Insert cable here to allow communication between the meter and a personal computer. ReleaseButtonPress to release and discard the used test strip. MeterHandleUse this handle to push out a test strip and automatically turn on the meter. a look at your BrEEzE mEtEr: ButtonDoorOpen to expose meter buttons. Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 Top End of Meter ReleaseButtonTestStripSlotTabtoOpenButtonDoorScreenThis is where your test results will be displayed. BatteryHolder(side of meter) Holds one CR2032 lithium battery (included). On/OffButtonUsed to manually turn the meter on or off, check the number of strips and check the date/time. DataPort(side of meter) Insert cable here to allow communication between the meter and a personal computer. ReleaseButtonPress to release and discard the used test strip. MeterHandleUse this handle to push out a test strip and automatically turn on the meter. a look at your BrEEzE mEtEr: ButtonDoorOpen to expose meter buttons. OpenLatchPress in and pull up on the base to ...