Facilité d'utilisation
Tile convection tim will mrn on (after a short delay), tlle PREHEAT light will turn on and ] 00°F will appear ill tlle display. (The temperature display will start to change once the o\vn temperatm'e reaches 100°K) Tile control will beep when tile oven is i)reheated--this will take approxhnately 10 to 15 minutes. Tile PREHEAT light will turn off and tlle disi)lay will show tile set temperature. When tlle PREHEAT light goes off; [)lace ii)od ill tile (wen. Check tlle fl)od fiw aloneness at tlle minimum time on the redpe. Cook longer if necessary. ,\hdl i-rack conve( tion balding'section intbrmation. Using tile Temperature knob, set temperature, in 25°F increments, to :)a0 K fist more tlle desired fi'om 200°F l_ Tm'n tlle ()\vn Mode knob and tile Tempeiamre knob to OFF when convection cooldng is finished. NOTE: A cooling tim will turn 1111[O cool internal parts. This is mmnal, and tlle fire ma} continue to 1"{511 evesl ai[eF tile ovesl is tHFned off. Type of Food Rack Position Biscuits (1 rack) B or C Biscuits (2 racks) A & C or B & D Mullins and Cup(akes (l rack) B or C Msdlins and Cupcakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D Cookies (1 rack) B or C Cookies (3 racks) A, C & E 2-I_aver Cakes (1 ra(k) B or C 4-I_aver Cakes (2 racks) A & C or B & D 1 Frozen 2 Frozen Pie Pies (l rack) (2 racks) B or on eooMe A & C or C sheet) B & D The ovenhas5 rackpositions.Seethe Fullextensionovenracks sectionfor how to use,removeand replacethe racks. on cooMe sheet) Cass(roles (l ra(k) B or C 12" Frozen Pizza (1 ratk) B or C 2-12" Frozen Pizzas (2 racks) A & C or B & D Roasting (large cuts of meat, A, B or C turkeys, etc.) NOTE: These rack positions are use racks _dlich give best results. •/re allothel" stl *_*estion suggestions-Racl< s A and D Com/ectlon Roasting I.l?dl Ove_ How to set the oven./br convection roasting Convection roasting tips OFF o CLEAN PROOF BAKE • CORVBAKE IRACK CONVECTION CONV BAKE BROIL • MULTi CONVECTION ROAST OvenModeknob Convection Roasting is good for roasting large tellder cllts of I//eat, iiIlCO'_el'ed. O Turn the Oxen Mode knob to CONVECTION ROAST. Using tile Temperature knob, set tile desired temperature, ix* 25°F increments, fi'om 200°F to 550°F. Tile oven and tile ()vex* interior lights will turn on immediately and stay on until and the oven is turned off. The convection thn will turn on (a4,ter a short delay), the PREHEAT light will turn on and 100°F will appear in tile display. (Tile tempelature display will start to change ()lice tile ()veil telnperature reaches [ 00°F.) Tile control will beep when the oven is preheatedlthis will take approximately [ 0 to 15 minutes. The PREHEAT light will turn off and the display will show tile set temperature. Using tile broiler pan and grid provided, heated air will be dreulated o\er, under and around the food being roasted. The heated air seals in juices quickly for a moist and tender interior while, at tile same time, creating a rich golden brown extelJol: \\lien you are comvction roasting, it is impo*_ant that you use the broiler pan and glid. Tile pan is used to catch grease spills and the grid is used to pre\ ent grease spatters and allow heated air to drculate under tile meat and increase browning on the undel_ide of the m eat or potlltry. * Place tile grid on tile broiler pan. OFF 500 "o • 400 450 Temperature knob Check the food for aloneness at tile minimum time on tile recipe. Cook longer if necessary. Tm'n tile Oven Mode knob and tile Temperature knob to ()FF when convection cooking is finished. NOTE: A cooling thn will turn on to cool internal [)arts. This is nomml, and tile thn may COlltillt/e to rllll evell atter tile ()veil is turned off. Grid Ill#'!lllfill_{l'l_'ik'Ix'l\\,_ Broilerpan Com,'ection Roasting with the Probe I,l?d[ Ovum Double oven display shown HOw to set T T OFF the oven Jbr o_ ® CLEAN o PROOF CLEAN WARM convection ' = 200 roasting _ .250 BROIL LOW i BROIL =300 with the @@® HIGH _@ 5,_ _350 probe BROIL MULT| 4OO CONVECTION 450 ROAST Pushto select Mini-Kneb Oven Mode knob Temperature knob Turnto select Pusbto enter See the Convection mastit_g" tips section. 1 Place the rack in the desired rack position and insert the probe into the meat. 2 Plug the probe into the outlet in the ovem Make sm'e it is pushed all the way in. CAUTION:Topreventpossibleburns,donot unplug Close the oven door. tbe probefrom tbe ovenoutlet until theovenhas cooled.Donotstoretheprobeinthe oven. 3 Push the PROBE button. NOTE: On doub& wall ove_z medals, the ov_z control will automaticall), set the ove_ that has the/)robe /)lu_'ed,b_to it. 7 When the internal temperature of the , l//eat re;iches tile IiHl//1)er yoH hilve set, 4 Tm'n the Mini-Knob to select and push it the probe and the oven turn off, END will to enter the desi*ed internal food or meat show in the display and the oven control will temperature. The minimum and maxim um beep. (PROBE will remain lit along with the internal temperatures f_)r the iood that you probe temperature0 To stop the reminder can ente...
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