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Instructions Omega Vehicle Security, Modèle DPC10-CS

Fabricant : Omega Vehicle Security
Taille : 365.38 kb
Nom Fichier : M1663.pdf
Langue d'enseignement: en
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net Display Size:.43’ high Front Panel Rating: NEMA-4X when mounted with gasket provided Case Material: Cycolac X-17 TOTALIZER Type: Up/Down Counting Digits: 8 digits positive/minus sign and 7 digits negative Scaler: 0.0001-100.0000 (0.0000 scales by 100 ) Decimal Point: 5 positions, programmable DC COMMON (Terminal 1) EXTERNAL RESET INPUT (Terminal 4) Resets totalizer when connected to dc common. Minimum Low Time: 0.25 to 1 .O sec. (maintained) The required pulse width varies with count speed, scale factor and number of digits displayed. Voltage Thresholds: Low 0 to 0.4 V dc High 2.0 to 28 V dc f---2.677 ” (68mm) -w I I Recommended 1.299” 7mm) Panel Cutout (33mm) COUNT INPUT A (SUBTRACT); COUNT INPUT B (ADD) (TERMINALS 2&3) DPCl&CS Inputs A& B require a voltage source, such as a current sourcing sensor or a current sinking sensor used with the provided pull up resistors. Speed: 0 to 10 kHz Minimum Low Time: 80 microseconds Minimum High Time: 20 microseconds (These times are with a O.OV to 5.0 V swing.) Input Impedance:2KR above 5 V dc Voltage Thresholds: Low 0 to 1.2 V dc, High 2.0 to 28 V dc, Maximum High 28 V dc DPCl O-CC Inputs A & B are designed for contact closures to dc common. Speed: 0 to 20 Hz Minimum Low Time: 10 milliseconds Minimum High Time: 40 milliseconds Input Impedance: 101kD Voltage Thresholds: Low 0 to 0.4 V dc High 2.0 to 28 V dc Maximum High 28 V dc PROGRAM ENABLE INPUT (Terminal 5) Operation: Level sensitive (maintained) COUNT ACCURACY Absolute when operated within specifications. INTRODUCTION Your OMEGA DPCl 0-CS or DPCIO-CC is a counter with an eight-digit LCD display. A programmable scaler and decimal point allow for display in any engineering unit. FRONT VIEW Plastic front panelsealed to 8-digit LCD meet displayNEMA-4X IReset/ Programming Programming button button REAR VIEW APPLICATION You must make certain programming and wiring choices to accomplish your application. We recommend the following sequence: 1. Answer the following questions: ??W hat type of sensor will be used? ?• What engineering units should the counter be scaled to? ?• How many pulses per item is the sensor providing? ?• Is a decimal point needed on the display? 2. Calculate the scale factor. MOUNTING 1 ‘~‘lnstall mounting clip PROGRAM MODE NOTE: To enter the program mode, you must connect a jumper between terminals 1 and 5 (see page 4). To leave the program mode, disconnect the jumper. Screens There are four program-mode screens in the DPCl 0-CS and DPClO-CC. Upon entering the setup mode, thecounterwill display screen 1. Press and hold the 141 key while repeatedly pressing them key to advance to successive screens. , OPERATION Add/Subtract Counting There are two count input terminals on the rear of the totalizer. Count pulses entering Input A (terminal 3) cause the total to decrement (count down). Count pulses entering Input B (terminal 2) cause the total to increment (count up). The totalizer may start counting from zero, when reset, or may start from a user-programmed offset value. The offset value is a positive number and may be up to six digits. If only one of the count inputs is used, the totalizer becomes an up counter with a range of zero to 99,999,999, or a down counter with a range of zero to -9,999,999. If both inputs are used, the totalizer displays the difference count between the two inputs-counts at Input B are added, counts at Input A are subtracted. In this mode of operation, the totalizet ’s range is -9,999,999 to 99,999,999. Positive numbers are not indicated with a plus sign(+). Both inputs may occur simultaneously, in which case the displayed total does not change. Count Inputs The DPClO-CS has hi-speed inputs and can accept pulses from solid state, current sourcing sensors at up to 10 kHz per input. The sensor must supply at least +2.0 V dc, but not more than +28 V dc to the input. Counts are entered on the positive-going edge of the pulse. The DPClO-CC has low speed inputs and can accept pulses from solid state, current sinking sensors or contact closures to ground at up to 20 Hz per input. These inputs are internally pulled up to +3 V dc. The sensor must be capable of sinking current from the input to bring the input voltage down to +0.4 V dc or less. Counts are entered on the negative-going edge of the pulse. Page 2 COUNT SCALER Calculating the Count Scale Factor The count scale factor is used to convert the incoming count pulses to the desired unit of measure to be displayed (feet, gallons, etc.) or to correct for a known amount of error (wheel wear, viscosity, etc.). This scaler has six digits available with a fixed decimal point. Count Scaler Range: 0.0001 to 99.9999 (Setting the count scale factor to 0.0000 will allow scaling by 100) Count Scaler (CS) Formula: cs=E$ where: DPF is the decimal point factor corresponding to the desired decimal point location. DISPLAY DPF DISPLAY DPF xxxxxx = 1 xxx.xxx = 1,000 xxxxx.x = 10 xx.xxxx = 10,000 xxxx.xx = 100 PPI is the number of pulses per item...

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