Instructions Sentry Industries, Modèle CA656
Fabricant : Sentry Industries Taille : 1.24 mb Nom Fichier : CA656_instructions.pdf
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Facilité d'utilisation
Extreme cold IE-H.GW 32 or 0 C)r heat (¡above !M f or 40'C) and humidity may alBO affect the functions o1 the calculator Never use volatile fluid such as lacquer ffiinner. benzine, etc. when cleaning ihe unit FOR servicing, contact your reiaiier o< nearby dealer. Before starting calculation, be sure to press the IonTcI key and to confirm that '0' Is shown In the display. Special care should be taken not to damage the unit by bending or dropping. For example, do not carry It In your hip pocket. na : Pushing thfi key ones morn displays the result in Me (lasting decimal point system again. To sepcify the number of decimal digits in the calculation result. (®) çi Clear entryJFactorlal key !CE| : Us ad 1o clear an incorrectly on ta red number. 123 ¡T} 455 ICE! 456 f=j - 57*. ■**' I.tit; ! Calculs’.«« the factorial of tho displayed number. Factorial of * n • jn*1 ) ■ (n • 2 ) **• •■* 2 • 1 (?) ok DegreeVmlnute/aecond ■* Decimal degree* conversion,'hexadecimal number key «° To eonverl deflree/«inute/second to decimal degree and vice versa. O - Hexadécimal number *0* key. (effective only in hexadecimal number mode« HEX mode) THE KEYBOARD OPERATING CONTROLS © © I Of? Power oir key When this key ie depressed, ihe calculator is turned off Automatic Power-Off Fundlon.[A,P-0.} This calculator Is automatically turned off approximately 6 minutes alter the Iasi Key operation to save the batteries. Power on and clear.'statiatlcal calculation mode key ,c'! «ri! Push ihre key to turn the calculator on 11 ¡s ready lor operation. When pushed during operation It clears ihe calculator except for tha memory. Iiir; «Är statistical program will be activated. When the calculator ts sat to ihe statistical calculation mode through 1heae kayn the symbol “ fiWi “ appears, and at tho same time the numerical values and caieuiaiion commands, except tor memory contents are cleared. Meanwhile, in the ©f;E Natural logarlthis.'antHogarlthm and hexadectinalDumber key Lift): Used «o oMaln the logarithm base e la input It is also used for identifying ihe calculated values of Y or e. © Ss © Z statistical calculation mods the |T*I ■ i+“.: , ru and keys work aa Ihe |jT) , \j[; , $ and I »in' koys, reapectlvoJy. And pushing jhose keys ¡mmediateljyartor the key they work as tha j^*J4 . ! p ] and |_co.! kays. 2nd function designation key Degree,'fladlam'Grad selector,'angular unltsonverslOQ key Used for calculation ot trigonometric, Inverse trigonometric end coordinate conversion The we key change* the angular modo ti D€<3 -► ft AD -> GRAD
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