Facilité d'utilisation
Look for any signs of dislocation of the vent components. Appliance Checkout Qualified Service Technician Perform the appropriate appliance checkout procedure detailed in this manual. Replacing Rockwool Ember Materials Homeowner/Qualified Services Technician Remove old ember materials and vacuum the screened rockwool placement area. Place new rockwool as described in this document. Periodically (After the Burning Season) maintenance Task Accomplishing Person Procedure Cleaning Firebox Interior Homeowner Carefully remove logs, Rockwool and volcanic stoneif used. Vacuumout interior of thefirebox. Clean firebox walls and log grate. Replace logs, Rockwool and volcanic stone as detailed in this manual. Check Flame Patterns and Flame Height Homeowner Refer to Figure 8 and verify the flame pattern and height displayed by the appliance conforms to the picture. Flames must not impinge on the logs. Checking Vent System Homeowner Inspect the vent system at the top and at the base (within the firebox) for signs of blockage or obstruction. Lookforany signs ofdislocation of the vent components. Cleaning Optional Glass Doors Homeowner Clean as necessary following the directions provided in this manual. DO NOT TOUCH OR ATTEmPT TO ClEAN DOORS WHIlE THEy ARE HOT. NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE. LENNOX MERITLENNOX MERIT SERIES B-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • 42" LMBV MODELS • CARE AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS logs and Rockwool Placement WARNING: lOGS GET vERy HOT AND WIll REmAIN HOT UP TO ONE HOUR AFTER GAS SUPPly IS TURNED OFF. HANDlE ONly WHEN lOGS ARE COOl. TURN OFFAllElECTRICITy TOTHEAP PlIANCE bEFORE yOU INSTAll GRATE AND lOGS. Proper log placement is critical to prevent sooting. Carefully position the ceramic fiber logs over the burner as described in the following steps, and detailed in Figures 11 through 15. Note:Logsshouldbeplacedinthegapsbetween the flame peaks and should be positioned so that at no time they impinge the flames. Step 1. Remove the rockwool from the packaging and tear into nickel size pieces. Spread the rockwool evenly on top of the burner. Do not use more than is necessary. The rockwool should not cover the burner ports, as shown in Figure 10. Step 2. Place the hole at the bottom of the Rear Log over the pin at the rear of the log grate, as shown in Figure 11. The log should rest against the back refractory. Step 3. Place the Rear Top Log over the left side of the Rear Log. Lay the log over the top left corner of the Rear Log, as shown in Figure 12. The log should rest against the back refractory. Step 4. Engage the bottom hole of the Front Left Log with designated pin on the grate, and align the bottom groove of the log over the far left grate bar. See Figure 13. Step5. EngagethebottomholeoftheFrontRight Logwithdesignatedpinonthefarrightgratebar. Align the groove on the bottom of the log over the far right grate bar. See Figure 14. Step 6. Engage the bottom hole of the Top Right Log, over the pin on the Front Right Log. Rest the upper portion of the log in the notch Figure 13 of the Rear Log. See Figure 15. Notch In Rear log Rear log Pin burner Ports Figure 10 Figure 14 Rear log Top Right log Front Right log Pin Front left log Rockwool Front Right log Pin Front Right log Figure 11 Figure 15 Rear Top log Rear log Figure 12 WARNING: THIS APPlIANCE IS NOT mEANT TO bURN WOOD. ANy ATTEmPT TO DO SO COUlD CAUSE IRREPARAblE DAmAGE TO yOUR APPlIANCE AND PROvE HAzARDOUS TO yOUR SAFETy. WARNING: THE SIzE AND POSITION ON THElOGSETWASENGINEEREDTOGIvE yOUR APPlIANCE A SAFE, RElIAblE AND ATTRACTIvE FlAmE PATTERN. ANy ATTEmPT TO USE A DIFFERENT lOG SET IN THE FIREPlACE WIll vOID THE WARRANTy AND WIll RESUlT IN INCOmPlETECOmbUSTION, SOOTING, AND POOR FlAmE qUAlITy. LENNOX MERITLENNOX MERIT SERIES B-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • 42" LMBV MODELS • CARE AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS WIRING DIAGRAmS Wiring diagrams are provided here for reference purposes only. This information is also provided on schematics found on pullout labels located within the control compartment attached to the gas control valve. Electronic and Millivolt wiring diagrams are provided here. SIT Millivolt Wiring Diagram * For Wall Switch Attachment Only. If any of the original wire as supplied must be replaced, it must be replaced with Type AWM 200°C – 18 GA. wire. Thermopile THTP TH TP Limit Switch Damper Switch BK BK BK BK WHT * 1. If any of the original wire as supplied must be replaced, 1. it must be replaced with Type AWM 200°C – 18 GA. wire. 2. 120V, 60Hz – Less than 3 amps. BK Junction Box Transf. 120 V. 24 V Factory Wired Field Wired BL Electronic Wiring Diagram (Honeywell) (Optional ON/OFF Switch Wiring) R BK BL To Opposite Side G W OPT. ACCESSORY SWITCH 120 VAC. BK LIMIT SWITCH W Gas Valve B BL OPTIONAL ON/OFF SWITCH OR WALL SWITCH R R IGNITER CONTROL PILOT ASSEMBLY Break Off Tab DAMPER SWITCH BK BKWHT BKBK NOTE: DIAGRAMS & ILLUSTRATIONS ARE NOT TO SCALE. LENNOX MERITLENNOX MERIT SERIES B-VENT GAS FIREPLACES • 42" LMBV MODELS • CARE AND OPER...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Cheminées - MILLIVOLT LMBV-42REN (1019.19 kb)
Cheminées - MILLIVOLT LMBV-42RMN (1019.19 kb)