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Instructions Lenovo, Modèle A700 All-in-One (ideacentre)

Fabricant : Lenovo
Taille : 11.5 mb
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Langue d'enseignement: en

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Facilité d'utilisation

Bluetooth configuration
Bluetooth configuration
Air mous
Air mouse
Important information on how to use the remote contro
Important information on how to use the remote contr l
Install the batteries as indicated below
Install the batteries as indicated b
In addition to the functions of a normal remote control, the air mouse can also be used as a regular mouse.
In addition to the functions of a normal remote control, the air mouse can also be used as a regular mouse.
Remove all batteries when you do not use them for a long time to avoid possible leakage. Use reliable good quality
alkaline battteries. Y
alkaline battteries. ou can use the remote control in the following directions according to your games
ou can use the remote control in the following directions according to your games:
Pull the lid of the battery
Pull the lid of the battery
compartment on the back of the
The air mouse buttons are: Left air mouse
remote control.
button, Air mouse On/Off button, Right air
Press the air mouse On/Off button to switch between
mouse button.
the air mouse and the remote control.
When the air mouse On/Off button is on,
When the Bluetooth indicator light blinks
it is ready for use.
twice every second and at the same time
the remote control makes a beep sound,
Insert the batteries and
it means that the remote control is waiting
close the lid of the
for Bluetooth connection and the steps to
battery compartment.
add Bluetooth devices to the OS can be
Hold the air mouse horizontally.
Do not use the air mouse in a slanted or vertical position.
Make sure the position of
Doing so might result in the pointer moving into another
the polarities of the batteries
direction other than the intended one.
is identical to the image.
Select the Lenovo_RC icon from the Add
a device dialog box and click Next.
Note: Use good batteries and place them
Select Enter the device's pairing code
correctly in order to avoid malfunction or
and enter the password 0000. Once the
Too close to the computer.
possible damage of the remote control.
Bluetooth connection has been completed
0 -1 meter (0 - 3 feet)
successfully, the Bluetooth indicator light
Suggested range:
will turn on and the remote control can
1 - 3 meters (3 -10 feet)
LED indicator of Bluetooth
Turn on / off / switch to
Too far from the computer.
The remote control is now ready to be
now work properly.
Over 3 meters (over 10 feet)
LED indicator of joystick game
configured by executing the following
Make sure there are no physical
LED indicator of CD game
obstacles between the remote
steps below.
Game switch
control and the computer that could
Phone On/Off
The optimum distance between the remote control
The best angle to use the remote control is
block the Bluetooth connection.
Turn on / off the air
and computer is 1 - 3 meters (3 -10 feet).
within 30°.
Fast forward
To open the Devices and Printers dialog
Play or pause
box, go to Windows and click Start ->
Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound.
Once the Bluetooth connection has been
Turn on / off the
Bluetooth LED solid:
completed successfully, the Bluetooth LED
Windows Media Center Start
Indicates a normal Bluetooth connection to the computer. Otherwise, this indicates disconnection or that the remote control is in sleep
indicator becomes solid and the remote
control can be used.
Press Add a device and pop-up a
Turn on the Windows
M LED solid:
Media Center
dialog box. The procedure to establish
Do not press Play and digit 1 again after
Indicates that the CD game is active and can be manipulated by the remote control.
connection as described in the steps
having completed successfully the
Bluetooth connection. Doing so will restart
3D LED solid:
below needs to be finished within 180
Air mouse ON/OFF
the pairing process.
Indicates that the joystick game is active and can be manipulated by the remote control.
seconds. Failing to do so will require you
Left air mouse/Game A
Right air mouse/Game B
When the Games mode and
to repeat the steps until the connection
Bluetooth audio configuration.
Volume up/Game X
Channel Up/Game Y
Windows Media Center are both
Game switch button:
has been completed successfully.
1. In the Add Wireless Device dialog box, right click on
turned on at the same time,the
Used to switch among the 3 different game modes - CD game, joystick game, or to turn off the game. Press the button once to switch
direction and OK buttons only
Lenovo_RC device and select Properties in the
Volume down/Game throttle up
Channel down/Game throttle down
to another mode.
work for games and do not work
2. Check the Headset box under the Services tab
for Windows Media Center. For
The remote control is the standard MCE remote control for the model configured with Windows MCE.
in the Properties dialog box. Click OK.
joystick games, the Volume
Press Play and
Digit/Input sources
3. Right-click on Lenovo_RC device and select
Up/Down buttons as well as the
digit 1 at the
The Telephone and Air mouse buttons need to be pressed for more than 1 second to turn these functions on. Additional software
Control in the menu.
Channel Up/Down buttons
needs to be installed in order to use the telephone.
same time for
4. Under the Device Operations tab, if the computer
function as Game X/Y and
about 10 seconds.
* key
# key
is not connected to your Bluetooth
Game throttle up/down buttons.
Note: When using the remote control, make sure the front side faces up.
headset(Lenovo_RC), click on Connect to
You cannot use them to adjust
establish the Bluetooth connection.
Teletext On/Off(Select models only)
volume or to switch channels.
When in air mouse and game mode, if the remote control does not move or no button is pressed during 10-20 seconds, the
(Select models only )
remote control switches to sleep mode. During sleep mode, the Bluetooth connection remains on and the Bluetooth LED will be
solid. Move the remote control or press any button to switch back to its previous mode.
When in telephone mode, the remote control will never switch tostandby or sleep mode.
To start the games
In any mode other than telephone mode, if there is no operation within 10 minutes after switching to standby mode, the remote
control enters sleep mode. As a result, the Bluetooth connection between the computer and the remote control will disconnect
and the Bluetooth LED light will turn off.
Press any button to wake up the remote control. However, wait for a moment to restore the Bluetooth connection. No pairing is
needed when it is woken up from standby mode or sleep mode.
When the computer goes into standby mode (S3), sleep mode (S4) or is turned off (S5), the remote control will go into sleep
mode, disconnecting the Bluetooth connection. After waking up or restarting the system, you may press any button on the remote
When using the remote
Do not use the
control to renew the Bluetooth connection.
control, make sure the
remote control
Be aware of the
remote control's wrist
when your hand or
people and the
Use the remote control normally to save battery power. When the remote control power indicator blinks every three seconds, this
strap is adjusted tightly
the remote is wet.
objects around
means that the battery power is low and the remote control will turn off automatically after 10 minutes.
around your wrist to avoid
You might receive
you when you
hitting people or objects
an electrical shock
use the remote
Press the Game button
When the M indicator
When the remote control power indicator blinks 3 times per second during 3 seconds and if in telephone mode there are 3 beeps
around you.
and damage the
to switch to the CD
light is on, it means
during 3 seconds, this indicates that the remote control cannot be used.
remote control.
game mode.
that the CD game
You need to replace the batteries to use it again. After replacement of batteries, the indicator light will stop blinking.
mode has been
Insert the Game CD in the
switched on.
optical drive and follow the
In Windows MCE mode:
prompts to start the games. Use
MCE remote control works normally. Press the related button to turn on the air mouse, game or wireless telephone function.
the remote control to install and
play the games.
In Air Mouse mode:
Do not throw the
Do not swirl the
Keep a safe
For more information about the
MCE remote control and air mouse work normally. Press the related button to turn on the game or wireless telephone function.
remote control at
remote control
distance from all the
games, check out Access Help
will to avoid
by the wrist
objects and people
on the Game CD.
In Telephone mode:
hitting someone
strap to avoid
within your reach.
MCE remote control and wireless telephone function work normally.
or damaging
hitting someone
Pay attention to the
Press the related button to turn on the game or air mouse function.
or damaging
lighting devices
over your head to
In Game mode:
avoid damaging the
The Game function works normally. Press the related button to turn on the air mouse, MCE remote control or wireless telephone
remote control.
function.wireless telephone function.


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