Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
7 InstallAdditionalMassStorageDevicesInstallingaSCSITapeDrive
1. Set the jumpers on the device to an unused address. Refer to the SCSI
If you are installing an IDE drive or internal
Addressing section below for more information. Verify terminator power is off.
SCSI devices with certain configurations, you
may need additional cables or adapters. For
2. Remove the tray from one of the front shelves and store it.
part numbers for HP cables, adapters, and
3. Install the tape drive, using the rails supplied with the device.
trays, and configuration information, see the
Technical Reference Label on the side of the
4. Connect the tape drive to SCSI cable and power cable.
chassis or the Management Software CD-ROM.
5. Remove the shelf cover plate from inside the front bezel before replacing the
cover. See figure below.
Preinstalled Devices
Installing Additional SCSI Hard Disk Drives
! A flexible disk drive is preinstalled in Shelf 1
1. Set the jumpers on the device to an unused address. Refer to the Technical
! An IDE CD-ROM drive is preinstalled in Shelf 2
Reference Label on the side of the NetServer chassis and the SCSI
! A SCSI hard disk drive is preinstalled in Shelf 5 in the
Addressing section below for more information.
NetServer Model 2100 (SCSI ID=0)
2. Install the drive.
Boot device priority order
Rear Shelf 6: Remove the rear shelf cover plate and install the drive using the
The system searches for a bootable device in the following order:
four 1/4" screws supplied with the device. Replace the shelf cover plate when
1. Flexible disk drive with bootable flexible disk
the device is in place.
2. IDE CD-ROM drive with bootable CD-ROM
Front Shelves: Use the mass storage trays supplied with your NetServer.
3. IDE hard disk drive (if user installs)
3. Connect the hard disk drive to SCSI cable and power cable.
4. PCI Slots in the following order: 3, 1, 2, 4
Installing an Additional IDE Device
! If you are installing an additional IDE device,such as an IDE CD-ROM drive or
IDE hard disk drive, refer to the Accessories chapter in your HP NetServer
User Guide.
! You may need to remove the filler panel from inside the front bezel before
replacing the cover. See figure below.
Front Cover
All front shelf hard disk drives
Shelf 5
must be installed in the mass
(SCSI hard
storage trays provided
disk drive)
Shelf 1
Filler panel
Shelf 6
(3.5" flexible
disk drive)
Shelf 2
(CD-ROM drive)
Shelf 3
Shelf 4
(mass storage
tray installed)
SCSI Termination
Example of a hard disk drive and jumper settings.
The NetServer SCSI cable is terminated. Verify added devices
A0, A1 and A2 are SCSI ID settings and TE is device
are not actively terminated.
active termination setting (always off).
SCSI Addressing
Each SCSI device must have a different SCSI address or ID.
This address (0 through 6) dictates where each SCSI device is
in the boot priority order and is set by means of jumpers located
on the outside of the device.
The figure and table to the right are an example of a SCSI hard
disk drive that may be preinstalled in your HP NetServer Model
2100. Use this as a general reference for jumper locations and
settings. Refer to the documentation that came with your SCSI
device for the correct jumper locations and settings. Refer to the
Technical Reference Label on the side of the NetServer chassis
for recommended SCSI setting strategy.
8 ConfiguretheHPNetServer
1. Replace the air cooling duct and cover. Refer to the diagram in
6. Choose automatic mode for first-time installation of NetWare 4.1 or
Roadmap Step 4 showing proper alignment of the cover.
NTAS 3.51 on a factory-configured HP NetServer E 30.
Connect all external power and data cords.
Choose manual mode to install an alternative NOS, to customize
2. Turn on the HP NetServer and monitor and insert the HP
your hard drive partition or if you replaced HP components (for
NetServer Navigator CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. If the
example, replaced an HP board with a third-party NIC or SCSI
NetServer doesn't boot from the Navigator CD-ROM, turn the
controller board.
power off, wait 10 seconds, and turn the power on again. If the
7. If you are installing non-Plug-and-Play ISA boards, Configuration
system fails to boot, follow the instructions on the screen:
Assistant will instruct you when to install them. During installation, the
! Press F2 to enter Setup
HP NetServer may reboot several times. If the system fails to boot,
! Press F4 to accept automatic configuration update
follow the instructions on the screen to correct the problem.
3. Go to the HP NetServer Navigator Main Menu and click on the
8. Install your NOS. If you selected HP automated installation process,
“Configuration Assistant” icon.
you will be guided through the process by a series of HP screens.
4. Click the "Express" button to begin the configuration process .
If you selected NOS vendor installation process, view and print the
5. Select your NOS. If you choose Novell NetWare 4.1 or Windows
HP NOS installation tips. Install the NOS using the installation utility
NTAS 3.51, you will be prompted to choose between automatic
supplied with your NOS.
or manual NOS install.
9. Install Server Management Software.