Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
HP Integrity BL860c i4, BL870c i4 & BL890c
i4 Server Blades
Additional HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31) drivers,
products, and patches
HP requires the installation of the HP-UX 11i v3 OE Update Release for September 2012 and the additional
components from this Errata document for the initial HP-UX support of these new HP Integrity server blades.
The new HP Integrity server blades cannot be supported on OE Update releases before September 2012.
Please refer the links below for more information and download the additional components.
Please see the HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update guide of September 2012 release for known problems
and issues.
Instructions for Download and Installation of Required HP-UX Components
Please install the desired Operating Environment (OE) from the September 2012 release to the new HP
Integrity server blades. Then, download and install the additional HP-UX components on your server blades:
HP Insight Mangement
IM 7.1 Update 2
CloudSystem Matrix for HP-UX1
CSM 7.1 Update 2 (version
1 Requires update to OA 3.70, which can be obtained from the HP SUM Integrity CloudSystem Matrix bundle version
For additional HP-UX information, go to: http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-core-docs
HP Software Depot site: http://software.hp.com/
The IT Resource Center: http://itrc.hp.com/
© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
HP Part Number: AM377-9001A
Published: December, 2012