Facilité d'utilisation
20) The cabinet may be washed with mild soap or detergent and lukewarm water, then polished with liquid appliance wax. To ensure continued peak efficiency, the condenser coils (outside of the unit) should be checked periodically and cleaned if they become clogged with soot or dirt from the atmosphere. Brush or vacuum exterior coils to remove debris from fins. FIG. 20 HOWTOREMOVETHE FRONTGRILLE • Open the inlet grille downward. • Remove the screw securing the Front Grille. • Push the grille up from the bottom and pull the top of the grille away from the case to lift the top tabs out of their slots. HOW TO REPLACE THE FRONT GRILLE Attach the front grille to the cabinet by inserting the tabs on the grille into the slots on the front of the cabinet. Push the grille in until it snaps into place. IG. 22 -13 BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE Check the following list to be sure a service calI is reaIly necessary. A quick reference to this manual may help you avoid an unneeded service call. THE AIR CONDITIONER WILL NOT OPERATE Check if.., Then.,. The Current interrupterdevice is tdped. Press the RESET button locatedon the power cord plug Ifthe RESETbuttonwillnotstayengaged,discontinueuseofthe air conditionerandcontactaquaIifiedservicetechnician. Wallplugdisconnected. Pushplugfirmlyintowalloutlet. Housefuseblownor circuitbreakertripped. Replacefusewithtimedetaytypeorresetcircuitbreaker. PowerisOFF Pushthepowerbutton. Unitwasturnedoffandthenontooquickty. Setunitoffandwait3 minutesbeforerestarting. TEMPControlsetwarmerthanroomtemperature SetTEMPControltoaIowernumber. AIR FROM UNIT DOES NOT FEEL COLD ENOUGH. Check if.., Then.,. FANSPEEDsetatLOW. PushFANSPEEDbuttontosetatHI. TEMPControlsettoowarm SetTEMPControltoalowertemperature. Roomtemperaturebelow70'F (21C). Coolingmaynotoccuruntilroomtemperaturerisesabove70'F (21oC) Temperaturesensingtubetouchingevaporatorcoil, Straightentubeawayfromevaporatorcoil locatedbehindfrontgrille THEAIRCONDITIONERCOOLING,BUTROOMISTOOWARM-ICEFORMINGONCOOUNGCOILBEHINDINLETGRILLE. Check if... Then... Outdoortemperaturebetow70"F(21C) Todefrostthecoil,settheMODEtoFAN,FANspeedtoHigh Airfiltermaybedirty CteanairfilterRefertoMaintenancesectionofowner'smanual Todefrostthecoil,settheMODEto Cool,Fan speedto high,andthe TEMPControlsettoolow Tempcontroltoa highertemperature THEAIRCONDITIONERBUTROOMISTOOWARM COOLING, Check if... Then... Dirtyairfilter-airrestncted. CleanairfilterRefertoMaintenancesectionofowner'smanual. TEMPControlsettoowarm SetTEMPControltoatowertemperature. Frontofunitisblockedbydrapes,blinds,furniture,etc. CIearblockageinfrontofunit. Air distributionis restricted. Doors,windows,registers,etc open Coldairescapes. Closedoors,windows,registers,etc. Unitrecentlytumedonin hotroom. Allowadditionaltimetoremovestoredheatfromwalls,ceilingfloorandfurniture THE AIR CONDITIONER TURNS ON AND OFF RAPIDLY, Check if,.. Then,.. Outsidetemperatureisextremelyhot. SetFANSPEEDonHItominimizethecoolingload Unitissettoenergysavermode Approximatelyevery3minutesthefanwiltturnonandtheunitwillcheck theroomair temperatureto determineifcoolingis needed.Thisis normal energysavermodeoperation. NOISE WHEN UNIT IS COOLING. Check if,.. Then,.. Soundoffanhittingwater-fromthemoistureremovalsystem Ttlisisnormalwtlenhumidityishigh.Closedoors,v,Andows,andregisters Wndowvbraon -poornstaation. Referonstaaonnsructonsorcheckwthnsaer. WATER DRIPPING INSIDE ROOM WHEN UNIT IS COOLING. Check if,.. Then,.. Theairconditionerisimproperlyinstalled. Tiltairconditionerslightlytotheoutsidetoallowwaterdrainage.RefertoIinstallationinstructionsor checkwithinstalIer. WATER DRIPPING OUTSIDE WHEN UNIT IS COOLING. Check if... Then.,. Theunitisremovinglargequantitiesofmoisture Thisisnormalduringexcessivelyhumiddays. fromhumidroom. -14 -15 INDICE DE MATERIAS ............................. 16 GARANTJA ................................................ 16 SEGURIDAD .............................................. 17 Importantes instruccionesde seguridad ..... 17 REQUERIMIENTOS EL_:CTRICOS ......... 18 INSTALAClON DEL CABLE ELC:CTRICA-.18 INSTALAClON ........................................... 19 Requistios de ventana .......................... 19 Installaci6n ............................................ 20 Montaje en una ventana de corredera horizontal ............................................... 20 Instalacion de ventana con marco ......... 22 La eliminacion de Ia ventana ................. 22 OPERACION .............................................. 23 C6mo y por que ..................................... 23 Sonidos normales .................................. 23 Capacidad y tiempo de funcionamiente .--23 Caracteristicas ..................................... 24 Uso del equipo de aire acondicionado --24 Caracteristicas del equipo de aire acondicionado ....................................... 25 MANTENIMIENTO .................................... 26 Limpieza del filtro del aire ...................... 26 Limpiezadel equipode aireacondicionado..--26 C6mo sacar Ia re...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Climatiseurs - 580. 75063 (1.46 mb)