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внешнюю сетку водой. Примерно через 10-20 секунд Внешняя сетка cиcтeмы выключите бритву. (см. рис. 4) Снимите рамку сетки и промойте Система внешней сетки имеет ее под краном. дисковый нож (а), закрепленный Сухой тряпочкой удалите влагу с между 2 сетками (b). Они бритвы и снимите защитный двигаются вверх-вниз независимо колпачок с тем, чтобы внешняя друг от друга, следуя очертаниям сетка полностью высохла. Вашего лица. Дисковый нож легко захватывает Чистка щткой и обрезает более длинные, Сожмит

Avoid water contact! .Do not get the appliance wet. Doing so may result in electric shock, short circuit, or fire. .Do not use with wet hands. Doing so may result in electric shock or short circuit. CAUTION! Prohibited! .Do not touch the steam, the steam outlet, or iron plate. Doing so may result in burns. . Do not bring hands or other exposed skin areas carelessly close to the steam. The steam is not visible, but it can burn you. . Do not remove the tank during use or immediately after use. (Re

• Do not take much hair as it may be difficult to style your hair. 3 33 For an inward curl, clamp the hair with the attachment facing inwards. For an outward curl, clamp the hair with the attachment facing outwards. • Clamp the bundle of hair in the center of the Iron Plate (J). • Clamp the hair just above the point at which you want to make curls. EH-HW51_32_11_CIS.indb 8 2011/01/27 12:59:16 English 4 After clamping a bundle of hair, rotate the main body through an angle amounting to slightly m

• After switching on, the styling straightener reaches operating temperature (approximately 100 .C) after about 1 minute. • Steam will be generated when you apply the high-temperature Iron Plate (J) to wet hair. Be careful not to burn yourself. • Avoid using flammable styling products, since they may generate gases when heated. • Avoid accidentally touching the Temperature Level Adjustment Switches (C) and changing the temperature during use. Using the styling straightener Before use, confirm th

.Do not scratch, break, alter, or excessively bend, twist, or pull the power cord in any way. Also, do not place the power cord under or between heavy objects. 3 EH-HW51_32_11_CIS.indb 3 2011/01/27 12:59:16 English . . . . . . . . When the appliance is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the appliance is switched off. For additional protection, the installation of a residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating curren

. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. 3. If the cord or plug is damaged, stop using it immediately and contact an authorized Panasonic service center. .CAUTION 1. Do not put your hands on the air outlets or use them if they are damaged. You may get burned. . Only use the hair styler for drying and styling human hair. Do not use it for children. 3. Do not use the hair styler if it is d

В случае перегрева фен переходит в режим прохладного воздуха. Выключите фен и извлеките вилку из розетки. Дайте фену остыть в течение нескольких минут перед его последующим использованием. Проверьте, чтобы в воздухозаборном и воздуховыпускном отверстиях не было волос, ворса и т.д. перед включением прибора. 10. В процессе использования фена Вы можете почувствовать специфический запах. Это объясняется образованием озона в процессе работы фена и безопасно для человеческого организма. Инструкция