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Instructions Excalibur electronic, Modèle CHESS STATION 975-3-EFG

Fabricant : Excalibur electronic
Taille : 265.66 kb
Nom Fichier : 1b14a64f-80b8-4d35-b2c9-a334233ad778.pdf
Langue d'enseignement: enfrde
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Facilité d'utilisation

The LCD will also show 01FrOm. To select a different piece to move, press a DIRECTION key— right, left, up, down, or diagonal— until the piece or pawn you want to move flashes on and off. 2. Press the OPTIONS/GO key in the center of the DIRECTION keys. FrOm will disappear. Time will start counting. 3. Press a DIRECTION key to move the piece to the square you want. You’ll see your piece flashing on possible to squares as you move it—at the same time it continues to flash on its from square. Note: Press CLEAR to stop a square from flashing in #1 or #3 above, and start the move entry process over. 4. Press the OPTIONS/GO key again to finalize your move. LCD Chess will now respond with its move, flashing the move for a few seconds. Enter your next move by repeating the above steps, and have fun. Special Features and Function Keys Your LCD Chess partner is packed with valuable special features that can help you learn to play better and better chess—and to have a lot of fun! But there are more special features than there are keys! So each key has two labels, one above and one below. The black label below each key shows the primary function of the key. The blue label above the key shows its secondary function. 4 Below are the features available to you through the primary functions. Remember, to access any of these features, you simply push the proper key, looking at the black label below the key. Primary Key Functions NEXT/2nd KEY This is a special key, so its color is blue. Use this key to select the secondary function mode of the other keys. (See "Secondary Functions," page 3.) During move entry, this key acts as a NEXT piece key. Use the NEXT piece key, if you have difficulty getting to the piece you wish to move using the DIRECTION keys. During move entry, press this key repeatedly to scan backward to select a piece to move. CLEAR/ON KEY Use this key to turn on LCD Chess. You can even use it as a clear or "escape" key to exit any of the special modes like OPTIONS, SETUP, LEVEL, RATING and CONTRAST. HINT KEY Pressing this key displays HinT and flashes a recommended move on the screen. To make the hint move, just press the GO key. Or press a DIRECTION key to select a different piece to move. If the hint is a book move or a replay move, OPEn or rPLAY will be shown instead of HinT . UNDO KEY This key lets you take back a move or moves you’ve decided against. Press this key repeatedly to continue taking back moves. After you take back a move, you can use the GO key to replay the taken- back move or moves. GO KEY Press this key to register your move, or press it twice before you register your move to switch sides (colors) with your computer. (Between presses, the display will read FLIP.) Also use GO to replay moves in the take-back mode (see "UNDO,” above). OFF KEY This key turns the unit off, auto 5 ENGLISHENGLISH ENGLISHENGLISH matically saving a game in progress. Use the ON key to turn the unit back on. If it is not "thinking," LCD Chess will automatically turn off after a period of time, saving your game position. Use the ON key to resume the game. LEVEL KEY Use this key to view the current level of play (for more information, see “Levels of Play,” page 5). Use the +1, -1, -10, and +10 keys to change the level number. Also use the LEVEL key to enter level option mode. How to Change Level Options When the level is displayed, pressing the OPTIONS key shows: FAST: In this mode, LCD Chess uses a more selective search for thinking. It may miss a tactical move, but it can look more deeply into the position. Press the +1 key to turn FAST on or off. Or press the OPTIONS key again to show: rAnd: Allows the computer to randomly choose between two good moves so that you get to practice and play against different responses. Press the +1 key to turn random on or off. Press CLEAR when you are finished with the LEVEL key. Secondary Key Functions Below are the features available to you through the secondary functions. To access any of these features, you first press the blue 2nd key and then press the indicated key, looking at the blue label above the key. You may press the CLEAR key or the 2nd key to stop using a secondary function. OPTIONS KEY Pressing the OPTIONS key repeatedly will display all selectable options. To select or change an option, use the -1 or the +1 key. Options Before the Game Starts OPEn: Select one of 34 book opening lines of play. (See page 6.) GAME: Select one of 16 Great Games. (See page 7.) MATE: Select one of 31 mate-in2 problems. Problem 32 is a matein- 3 problem. If you can’t find the solution, make LCD Chess show you the correct moves to a problem by setting the level to 73, and then pressing the GO key twice. TrAIn: Select one of eight training positions. Positions with the Black king in the middle give you practice in checkmating the Black king. 6 Options Before and During the Game HELP: When this option is turned on, all legal moves for the selected piece will be shown at one time. InFO: When tu...

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