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Téléchargements : 13   Taille : 3 mb   Fabricant : Eagle Electronics  
Catégorie : Laminator

Liquefied or tacky adhesive will deposit on the heat rollers if the following procedure is not observed. Grab hold of the web. (top and bottom film), and install feed table under the web. Lower the safety shield and press the SPEED (>»-•) button to indicate 3 or less on the display panel. Hold down the RUN and REVERSE buttons together and guide the web out the front of the laminator. Make certain no exposed adhesive contacts the heat rollers and the film completely exits the laminator. 5. Relea

Téléchargements : 24   Taille : 3 mb   Fabricant : Eagle Electronics  
Catégorie : Laminator

IL 60CW S47V54] -4477 NATIONAL SERVICE BULLETIN TO: SEE DISTRIBUTION FROM: NATIONAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT : Ultima ! Eagte Spscifiealions N.S.H. NO: 209D Page 1 of 1 Date: 09/07/90 The foltowing sMpplamonts should replace 2.Û Specifications in your axistine Ultiffia/Eagle Operator and Service Manual 92.0 SPÉCIFICATIONS MODEL ULTIMA 65 EAGLE 35 EAGLE 65 EAGLË 105 FiiMCAPACrTY: WkHh 2T-(Mari Gau*- 1,15,3ml CoiitPlp: 1" Poty«ln 12‘fSs**) I.S.3.S. IQml 1' POiy-ln 2fi.S‘(8flcm1 15,3.5. t
