Fabricant : COBY electronic
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Nom Fichier : CXCD237_MN.pdf

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Facilité d'utilisation
Thic plug will fit into the power outlet only ore way. Thic c a cafety feature. If you are unable to ircert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug s ho uld cti 11 fail to fit, co rrtact yx> u r e lectr c ian to re p lace yo ur o be o lete outlet. Do rot defeat the cafety purpose of the polarized plug. 12. POW ER- COR D PR OTECT1 ON Power-cupply co rdc cho ukl be routed co that they are not likely to I» walked on or pinched by itemc placed upon or againct them, paying particular attention to cordc at p luge, convene rce receptaclec, and the point v/he re they exit from the appliance. 13.LIGHTNI NG To protect yo ur p ro d uct fro m a lig htni ng cto rm, o r v/he n it c left unattended arri unuced for bng perbdc or time, unplug it from the v/all outlet and dicconrect the antenna orcable cyctem, The will prevent damage to the product due to lightning arri po wer-li re s urges. 14.POWER LINES An outcrie ante nna eye tern cho uld rot be located in the vicinity of 0 ve rhead po we r I irec o ro the r e lect lie I ¡g ht o r powe rc ire uitc, o r v/he re it can fall into cuch power liree orcircurtc. When ¡retailing an outcrie ante nna cyctem, extreme care cho ukl be taken to keep from touching cuch power liree or circuits ac contact with them might be fatal. 15.OVERLOADING Do rot overload v/all outlets and extension cordc ac thic can recult 1 n a rc k of fire ore lectric c ho ck. 16. OBJECT AND LIQUID ENTRY Never push objects of any kind into this prod uct thro ugh openings as they may to uchdangerouc voltage points or short out parts thatcouki res ult in fire o r electric shock. Never spill o r spray any type of Ikj uri o n the product. 17. OUTDOOR ANTENNA GROUNDI NG If an o uts ide ante nna is co nrected to the prod uct, I» s ure the ante nna system is g rounded so as to provide some protectb nag airct voltage surges and built-up state charges. Section 810 of the Natbnal Electric Cbde, ANSI; NFPA70, provides information v/rth respect to proper grounding of the mast arri cup porting ctructure, grounding of the lead -i n v/i re to an ante nna d icc harge prod uct ,c ize of g ro und i ng co nd ucto re, b catio n of ante nna d icc harge prod uct, co n rect b n to g ro urri i ng electrodes, arri require mente fo r g ro uncling electrode. GC398A EXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING AS PER ANTI ON AL ELECTRICAL CODE 18. SERVICING Do rot attempt to cervice thic prod uct yo ure elf as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangeroue vo Itage o rother hazarde. Refer allcervbing to qualified cervice perconrel. 19. REPLACEMENT PARTS When replacement parte are req uired, be c ure the cervice technician ueec replacement parte epee if ed by the manufacture r or t hoe e that have the came characteiietcc ac the o rig inal part. Unautho rized cubctitutionc may ree ult in fire, electrc chock or other hazarde. 20. SAFETY CHECK Upon completion of any cervice or repairc to thic product, ac k the cervice technician to perform cafety checkc to determine that the prod uct ic in proper ope rating condition. 21. WALL OR CEI LING M OUNT1 NG The product chould I» mounted to a v/all or ceiling only as recommended by the manufacturer 22. DAMAGE REQUIRING SERVICE Unplug the product from the wal I outlet arri refer servicing to qualified service perconrel urri er the fo lb wing corriitbrc: a. When the power-cupply cord or plug ic damaged. b. If Iq uid hac been c pi I led, o r objects have fallen into the product. c. If the product hac been expo ced to rain or water. d. If the prod uct doec ro t o pe rate ro rm ally by fo llov/i ng the o pe rati ng irctructiorc. Adjucto nly thoce contro fc that are covered by the operating irctructiorc, ac an adjustment o other contro b may recutt indamage and v/i 11 often require exterc rve work by aq ualifed technician to recto re the product to rtc normal operation. e. If the product hac keen dropped or the cabinet hac been damaged. f. W hen the pro duct exhi bite ad fctinct change in peifo nrtance - thic irriicatec a reed forcervce. 23. HEAT The product chould beeituated away from heat courcec euchae rad iato re, heat regicterc, ctovec, o rother prod uctc (including am pi if ie re) that produce heat. 24. NOTE TO CATV SYSTEM INSTALLER This reminder e provided to call the CATV system ire taler's attentbn to artcle 820-40 of the NECthat provides gurielires for proper-grounding arri, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be co nrected to the grounding system of the buifcJ ing, as close to the point of cable entry as practical. 25. NONUSE PERIODS The power cord of the appliarce should I» unplugged from the outlet v/he n left unuced fora bng perbd of time. 2 CONTROLS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 1 HEADPHONE 2 ANTENNA 3 AC IN jack 4 FUNCTION (AM/FM/CD/OFF) switch 5 VOLUME 6 REPEAT button 7 PLAY/PAUSE button 8 STOP button 9 SKIP DOWN button 10 SKIP UP button 11 PROGRAM button 12 CD OPEN 13 LED 14 BATTERY COMPARTMENT 15 TUNI...