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Instructions Gigabyte, Modèle GA-8IPE1000 Pro-G

Fabricant : Gigabyte
Taille : 5.22 mb
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Langue d'enseignement: en

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GA-8IPE1000 Series M otherboard -9 0 M etho d 2 : C o n n ec t th e fr o n t c h a nn e ls to th e " L IN E O U T " po rt loc ate d o n the aud io p ane l a nd the re ar cha n- n e ls to th e " L IN E IN " p o r t. C o n ne c t the c e n te r / s ub wo o fe r ch a nn els to th e " M IC IN" po rt lo ca te d o n the au d io pa n el an d th e R /L ch a nn e ls to th e S u rr o u n d -K it " SU R B A CK " p o rt. ( Th is m eth o d r eq u ir e s U AJ fu n ction ) S TE P 4 : Followin g ins tallation of the au dio d rive r, yo u fin d a icon a Soun d Effe ct icon on the lo wer right hand ta skb ar . Click th e icon to se le ct the fu nc tio n. S TE P 5 : Click "S pe ake r C onfigu ratio n" and se lec t both the " UA J F un c tion " a nd "O nly S u rr ou n d-Kit". T he n clic k o n th e le ft s e le ctio n ba r a nd s e le c t "8 C H Speaker" to com plete 8 cha nnel audio configuration. S o u n d E ffe c t C o n fig u r a tio n : A t th e s o u n d e ff e c t m e n u , u s e r s c a n a d ju s t s o u n d o p t io n s e ttin g s a s d e s ir e d . English -9 1 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish SPDIF Output Device (Optional Device) A "SPDIF output" device is available on the motherboard. Cable with rear bracket is provided and could link to the "SPDIF output" connector (As picture.) For the further linkage to decoder, rear bracket provides coaxialcable and Fiber connecting port. 1 . Conne ct the S PDIF outp ut devic e to the rear br ac ket of P C, an d fix it with sc re w. 2. C onnect SPDIF d evice to the m otherbo ard. 3. C onnect S PDIF to the SP DIF deco der. GA-8IPE1000 Series M otherboard -9 2 Jack-Sensing(UAJ) Introduction Jack-Sensing provides audio connectors error-detection function. Install Microsoft DirectX8.1 or later version before to enable Jack-Sensing support for Windows 98/9 8SE/2000 /M E. Jack -Sensin g includes 2 parts: AUTO a nd M ANU AL. Following is an exam ple for 2 channe ls (Win dows XP ): Introduction of audio connectors You m a y c o nn e ct CD R OM , Wa lk m an or oth er s au dio inpu t de vice s to Lin e In ja ck, spea kers , ea rph on e or o th er s o utpu t de vice s to Line O ut jac k, an d m icrop hon e to M IC In jac k. Auto-detecting: Plea se co nne ct the de vic es to the righ t jac ks a s ab ov e. A win do w will ap pe ar a s righ t picture if you s etu p th e d ev ice s pr ope rly. Ple a se n o te th at 3D au dio fu nc tio n will o nly ap pear wh en 3D a udio inputs. English -9 3 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish If yo u se t wron g with the co nne cto rs, the wa rning m es sage will c om e ou t as right pictu re. Manual setting: If the de vic e pictu re shows d ifferen t from wha t y ou se t, plea se pre ss " M an ual Selection " to se t. UAJ Introduction U AJ ( Un iv er sa l Au dio J ac k) h as a v er y s m a rt fea tu re : It will s witc h sign al a uto m a tica lly wh en u se r plu gs his audio dev ice to the wrong jack (Line -in/ L ine-o ut). That m eans users do no t nee d to worry the a ud io d ev ic e sh o uld be p lu g in Line -in or L ine -o ut jac k, th e de vice will wor k pe rfec tly a fter U AJ is a ctiv ated . Enable UAJ function: You c a n c lick "U A J Au tom a tic" bu tto n to e na ble UA J fun ctio n. GA-8IPE1000 Series M otherboard -9 4 Xpress Recovery Introduction What is Xpress Recovery? Xpress Recovery utility is an utility for backing up and restoring O.S. partition . If the hard drive can not work properly, you can restore it to the original state. 1. It supports FAT16, FAT32, NTFS format . 2. It must be connected to IDE1 Master . 3. It's only allows you to install one O.S . 4. It must be used with IDE hard disk supporting HPA . 5. The first partition must be setas the boot partition. When the bootpartition is backed up, please do not change the its size. 6. It is notrecommend to use Xpress Recovery if you had ever used Ghost to return boot managemer toNTFSformat. 1. System data and hard disk's reading/writing speed will affect backing up speed. 2. We recommend that you installXpress Recovery immediately after installing O.S , drivers and applications. Howto use the Xpress Recovery There are two ways to enter the Xpress Recovery utility. (see the below) 1. TextMode: press F9 during powering on the computer. Press F9 during powering on the computer . 2. BMP Mode: boot from CD-ROM Awa d Modu a B O S v6 00 PG An Ene gy S a A y Copy gh C 1984 2002 Awa d So wa e nc n e 865PE AGPSe B OS o 8 PE1000MT F1 Check Sys emHea h OK P ess DEL o en e SETUP Q F a 08 16 2002 845GE6A69YG01C 00 F9 ForXpress Recovery Please go to "Advanced BIOS" setting menu and set boot from CD-ROM , then save and exit the BIOS menu . Later,please insertMB driver CD into your drive when "Boot from CD:" appears at the Boot from CD:D bottom of the screen , press any key to enter Xpress Recovery. English -95 -Technical Reference EnglishEnglish You can highlight the item by using the arrows keys on your keyboard and enter key to enter the menu. Text Mode: Xpress Rec overy V1.0 (C) Copy R...

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