Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
It m ight cause short or other unexpected dam ages due to the 2.5V stand by voltage. Rem ove m em ory m odules only when AC Power cord is disconnected. + - 9) 2X_DET When an A GP 2X (3.3V) car d is installed th e 2X_DET will light up, indicatin g a nonsupported graphics card is in serted. Inform ing us ers that system m igh t not boot up norm ally due to AGP 2X (3. 3V) is not supported by the ch ipset. - + GA-8TRX330(-L) M otherboard -22 10) PWR_LED PWR_ LED is c onnect with the system power indicator to indicate wh ether th e syste m is on/ off. It will blink when the system enters suspend m ode. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 M PD+ 2 M PD3 M PD 11) F_PANEL (Front Panel Jumper) Please connect the power LE D, PC peak er, reset s witch and p ower switc h etc of yo ur chassis front panel to the F_PAN EL connecto r according to the pin assignm ent below. 12 1 9 2 0 H D H D+ RES+ RE SNC SPEAKM SGM SG+ PW PW + SPEAK+ Me ssa g e L E D/ Po we r/ Sle e p L ED Po we r S wit ch Sp e a ke r C o n n e c to r ID E H a rd Di sk Ac ti ve L ED Re se t S wit ch HD ( IDE Har d Disk Ac tive LED) (Blue) Pin 1 : LED ano de(+) Pin 2: LED c athode(-) SPEAK ( Speaker Conn ec tor) (Am ber) Pin 1: VCC (+) Pin 2-Pin 3 : NC Pin 4: Dat a(-) RES (Rese t Switc h) (Green) Open: Norm al Operation Close: Reset H ardware System PW (Power Switc h) (Red) Open: Norm al Operation Close : Power O n/Off M SG(M essage LED/Power/Sleep LED) (Yellow) Pin 1 : LED ano de(+) Pin 2: LED c athode(-) NC( Pu rple) NC English -23 -Hard ware In stalla tion EnglishEnglish 12) F_AUDIO (Front A udio Connector) If you wa nt to use Front Audio connector, you m ust rem ove 5-6, 9-10 Jum per. In order to utilize the front audio header, your chassis m us t have front audio conn ector. Also please m ake sure the pin assigm ent on the cable is the sam e as the pin assigm ent on the M B head er. To find out if the chassis you are buying support front audio connector, please contact your dealer.Please note, you can have the alternative of using front audio connector or of using rear aud io connector to play sound. 91 0 12 Pin No. Definition 1 MIC 2 GND 3 M IC_BIAS 4 POWER 5 FrontAudio(R) 6 RearAudio(R) 7 Reserved 8 No Pin 9 FrontAu dio (L) 10 RearAudio(L) 13) CD_I N (CD IN) Connect CD-ROM or DVD-ROM audio out to the connector. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 CD-L 2 GND 3 GND 4 CD-R GA-8TRX330(-L) M otherboard -24 14) SPDI F_IO (SPDIF In/ Out) The SPDIF output is capable of providing digital audio to external speakers or com pressed AC3 data to an exte rnal Dolby Digital Decoder. Use this featu re only when y our stereo sys tem has digita l input function. Use SPDIF IN featu re only when you r device has digital output func tion. Be ca reful with the polar ity of the SPDIF_IO connector. Check the pin assig nm ent care fully while you connect the SPDIF ca ble, incorrec t connection between the cable and con nector will m ake the device una ble to work or eve n dam age it. For o ptional SPDIF cable, please contact your local dealer. 2 6 1 5 Pin No. Definition 1 VCC 2 No Pin 3 SPDIF 4 SPDIFI 5 GND 6 GND 15) COMB ( COM B Conn ector) Be car eful with th e polarity o f the COM co nnector. Ch eck the pin assignm ent c arefully while you connect the COM cable, inco rrect connection b etween the cable and connector will m ake the device unable to work or even dam age it. For optional COM cable, please c ontact your local dealer. 2 1 0 1 9 Pin No. Definition 1 NDCD B2 NSI N B 3 NSOUT B 4 NDT R B5 GND 6 NDSR B7 NRT S B8 NCT S B9 NRI B10 No Pin English -25 -Hard ware In stalla tion EnglishEnglish 16) F_ USB1 / F_USB2 (Front USB Connector) Be ca reful with the polar ity of th e front US B connector. Check the pin as signm ent carefully while you con nect the front USB cable, incorrect conne ction between the cable an d connector will m ake the device unable to wor k or even dam ag e it. For option al front USB ca ble, please contact your local dealer. The "USB Device Wake up From S3" is only supported by r ear USB ports. 1 0 9 2 1 Pin No. Definition 1 Power 2 Power 3 USB DX4 USB Dy5 USB DX+ 6 USB Dy+ 7 GND 8 GND 9 No Pin 10 NC 17) IR Be ca reful with the po larity o f the IR connecto r while you conne ct the IR. Please contact your nearest dealer for optional IR device. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 VCC 2 No Pin 3 IR RX 4 GND 5 IR T X GA-8TRX330(-L) M otherboard -26 18) CLR_CM OS (Clear CMOS) You m ay clear th e CM OS data to its default values by this jum per. To clear C M OS, tem porarily short 1-2 pin. Default doesn't include the "Shunter" to pre vent from im proper use this jum per. Open:Norm al 1 1 Short: Clear CM OS 19) BAT(Battery) Danger of explosion if batte ry is inc orrec tly replac ed. Replac e only with the sam e or equivalent type rec om m ended bythe m anufac turer. Dispose of used batteriesac c ording to the m anufac turer's instruc tions. If yo u want to erase CM OS... 1.T urn OFF the c om puter and unplug the power c ord. 2.Rem o ve the bat tery, wait for 30 se c ond. 3.Re-install the batt e...