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Instructions Panasonic, Modèle NNCT756

Fabricant : Panasonic
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Facilité d'utilisation

Rice, Pasta, Dried Vegetables & Jacket Potatoes
The cooking times for dried vegetables in the microwave are much the
Dried vegetables
same as with traditional cooking. On the other hand, these foodstuffs
Fully cover with water and leave to soak for one night. The next day,
heat up very quickly, without taking on a reheated flavour, so long as
rinse and drain. Cover with water. Do not salt before cooking (this
they are in a closed vessel, with butter or sauce mixed in.
hardens the dried vegetables). Cook for 10 minutes on 1000 W then 15
to 30 minutes on 250 W. Monitor the cooking and add water if necessary:
For the cooking, use a big vessel (to avoid any overspill). Fully cover with
the dried vegetables must always be covered with liquid.
water or stock. Leave to stand for at least 5 to 8 minutes after cooking.
Jacket potatoes
Varieties of potatoes vary in their suitability for cooking by microwave.
Once the liquid reaches boiling point, cook for approx. 20 minutes at
The ideal size of potato to be cooked by microwave or Combination is
250 W, regardless of the quantity of rice.
175 g-225 g. Microwaving jacket potatoes is quicker than Combination,
but will produce a soft result. Combination cooking will produce a drier,
crisper texture. If you wish to further enhance the browning at the end of
Semolina cooks perfectly in a microwave oven, with no risk of burning.
cooking, use the GRILL (see chart below).
Simply add a volume of water equal to that of the semolina, bring to the
Before Cooking wash potatoes and prick skins several times. Spread
boil covered on 1000 W for 2 min 30 sec (for 200 g of medium-grain
around edge of turntable.
semolina with 0.2 l of water), then cook on 250 W for about 3 min while it
After Cooking remove from oven and wrap in tin foil to retain the heat.
Leave to stand for 5 mins.
Jacket Potatoes - Manual Cooking Chart
Remember to salt the cooking water and stir once during cooking. When
Mins. on 1000 W
Mins. on Grill 1 to crisp
the liquid is bubbling, cook for 7 or 8 minutes on 1000 W for 250 g of
pasta (for 1 litre of water) and 10 minutes for 250 g of ravioli.
12 mussels
Dish: 3 litre soufflé dish Oven Accessory: glass tray
Serves: 8
12 clams
60 ml (4 tbsp) dry white wine
1.Scrub mussels and clams under cold
covered with kitchen paper on 1000 W
225g (8 oz) spicy hot fresh pork sausages, cut
water and remove beards from mussels
for about 5 minutes, until chicken is
into 2.5cm lengths
with a sharp knife. Arrange the clams
tender, stirring half way through cooking.
450g (1lb) chicken breasts, cut into 5 cm strips
around the edge of the soufflé dish, and
Remove chicken and reserve.
2 garlic cloves crushed
3 ml (1
place the mussels in the centre. Add the
5.Place green peppers, onion and prawns
/2 tsp) dried thyme
wine and cook, covered, on 1000 W
into the soufflé dish. Cook covered on
2 ml (1/4 tsp) salt
for 3-5 minutes, just until the shellfish
1000 W for 3-4 minutes, just until prawns
1 green pepper, chopped
turn pink, stirring half way through
1 onion, chopped
450g (1lb) raw king prawns, shelled and
2.Discard top shells of shellfish: rinse
cooking. Remove prawns and set aside.
shellfish in their own liquid to remove any
6.Add rice and saffron to the vegetables.
175g (6 oz) long grain rice
sand. Place shellfish on a plate and
Cook on 1000 W for 2 minutes,
3 ml (1/2 tsp) crushed saffron threads
reserve. Pour the juices into a jug, leave
stirring half way through cooking. Then
250 ml (9 floz) chicken stock
to stand until sand settles. Spoon off
add the reserved shellfish liquid, stock
225g (8 oz) crushed canned tomatoes
clear cooking liquid and reserve. Discard
and tomatoes. Cook on 1000 W for
the remainder.
15 minutes, or until rice is tender; stir
3.Place the sausages in the soufflé dish.
Cook, covered with kitchen paper on
7.Stir in carefully the reserved sausage,
1000 W for about 4 minutes, or until
chicken and shellfish to the rice mixture.
lightly browned. Remove and drain on
Cook on 1000 W for 2-3 minutes until
kitchen paper, reserve dripping.
hot. Be careful not to overcook. To serve
4.In mixing bowl, place the chicken, garlic,
place paella in a warmed serving dish,
thyme and salt. Add to the soufflé dish
arranging clams and mussels on top.
with the sausage dripping in. Cook,


Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :
fours à micro-ondes - NNCT766 (846.21 kb)
fours à micro-ondes - NNCT776 (846.21 kb)

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