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Instructions LG, Modèle M237WA-PZK

Fabricant : LG
Taille : 2.5 mb
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Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN Vivid Standard Cinema Sport Game User1 User2 V Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen User1 DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN GBacklight 100 Contrast 100 Brightness 50 Colour 70 Sharpness 70 Tint 0 User1 DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN GBacklight 100 Contrast 100 Brightness 50 3 4 5 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select U UUs sse eer rr1 11 or U UUs sse eer rr2 22. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the desired picture option. • T TTV VV/ //A AAV VV/ //C CCo oom mmp ppo oon nne een nnt tt/ //H HHD DDM MMI II:Backlight, Contrast, Brightness, Colour, Sharpness and Tint • R RRG GGB BB- --P PPC CC/ //D DDV VVI II- --P PPC CC:Backlight, Contrast, Brightness Press the F / // G button to make appropriate adjustments. D Backlight 100 F G E • Press the MENU button to close the menu window. • Press the RETURN button to move to the previous menu screen. PICTURE CONTROL Auto Colour Tone Control(Cool/Medium/Warm) To initialize values (reset to default settings), select the Cool option. Choose one of three automatic colour adjustments. Set to warm to enhance hotter colours such as red, or set to cool to see less intense colours with more blue. This menu is activated after selecting “User1” or “User2” in the Picture Mode. 1 Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee menu. Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN Cool Medium Warm User V Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen 2 3 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select C CCo ool llo oou uur rr T TTe eem mmp ppe eer rra aat ttu uur rre ee. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select either C CCo ooo ool ll, M MMe eed ddi iiu uum mm, W WWa aar rrm mm or U UUs sse eer rr. Auto Colour Tone Control (9300K/6500K/sRGB) (RGB-PC, DVI-PC input only) To initialize values (reset to default settings), select the 6500K option. This menu is activated after selecting “User1” or “User2” in the Picture Mode. 1 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select either 9 993 330 000 00K KK, ,, 6 665 550 000 00K KK, ,, s ssR RRG GGB BB or U UUs sse eer rr. Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN 9300K 6500K sRGB User V Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen • Press the MENU button to close the menu window. • Press the RETURN button to move to the previous menu screen. ! NOTE G GG Auto colour tone is displayed with cool/medium/warm in the following mode. RGB-PC(1080i), DVI(480i, 1080i) PICTURE CONTROL Colour Tone -User Mode To adjust red, green, blue to any colour temperature you prefer. This menu is activated after selecting “User1” or “User2” in the Picture Mode. 1 Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee menu. Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN Cool Medium Warm UserV Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen 2 3 4 5 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select C CCo ool llo oou uur rr T TTe eem mmp ppe eer rra aat ttu uur rre ee. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select U UUs sse eer rr. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select R RRe eed dd, G GGr rre eee een nn or B BBl llu uue ee. Press the F / // G button to make appropriate adjustments. Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN 9300K 6500K sRGB UserV Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen User Red G0 .................... Green 0 Blue 0 DE F G O OO K KK R RR E EE T TT U UU R RR N NN Red 0 F G D ........................ E • Press the MENU button to close the menu window. • Press the RETURN button to move to the previous menu screen. PICTURE CONTROL -PICTURE IMPROVEMENT TECHNOLOGY XD is LG electronic's unique picture improving technology to display a real HD source through an advanced digital signal processing algorithm. It is not possible to use this function in RGB-PC/DVI input. This menu is activated after selecting the U UUs sse eer rr1 11 or U UUs sse eer rr2 22 of P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee. 1 Press the MENU button and then D DD / // E EE button to select the P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee menu. Picture G DE F G OO KK RREETTUURRNN Auto Manual V Picture Mode Colour Temperature XD Advanced Aspect Ratio Picture Reset Screen 2 3 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select X XXD DD. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select A AAu uut tto oo or M MMa aan nnu uua aal ll. * Manual Selection 1 2 Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select X XXD DDC CCo oon nnt ttr rra aas sst tt, ,, X XXD DD C CCo ool llo oou uur rr or X XXD DD N NNR RR. Press the G button and then D DD / // E EE button to select O OOf fff ff, L LLo oow ww or H HHi ii...

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