Woods Tech Services 05.16.07
Woods Tech Services 05.16.07
Sliding the screen release lock forward viewing will unlock the screen and it will drop down slightly. (Pivot the screen downward until a comfortable angle is reached). After the unit has been turned on and displaying a picture, adjustment to the viewing angle can be made by pivoting the screen to optimize the picture quality. The internal friction detent will hold the screen in position while the system is in use. 2. Pressing the power button on the pod will alternately turn the system on When
Woods Tech Services 05.04.07
Please read this manual thoroughly priorto beginning. All Voyager Observation products are strictly intended to be installed as a supplemental aid to standard rear-view mirror systems that may already exist in your vehicle. Voyager Observation products are not intended for use as substitutes for rear-view mirror devices orfor any other standard motor vehicle equipment required by law. While Voyager observation products contribute to improving the vehicle operator's field ofview, these products
Elkhart, IN 46514 1-800-688-3135 US PATENT # D413, 856 Important Notice It is unlawful in most jurisdictions for a person to drive a motor vehicle which is equipped with a television viewer or screen that is located in the motor vehicle at any point forward of the back of the driver’s seat, or that is visible, directly or indirectly, to the driver while operating the vehicle. In the interest of safety, the LCM0802TV should never be installed where it will be visible, directly or indirectly, by t