Facilité d'utilisation
eledronicpercussion toglancellroughthis manual ll9":9 l?k".?.Aoment togaiira better undeFtandingof the ope;ationot the HR-16,the MMT-8, andthe HR-16:8. The operatingsystems of the Atesls HR-16and the HR.16|B are tdentlcatwlth a few exceptlons. All Instrucilons and descrlpilonsot HR-16funcilons h thls manual wlltapply to the operatlonof the HR-16:g except for those exceptlonswhlch ars noted throughout the manual. wh€n uslng the HR-16 and the xn.ie:a together as one untt, pleaserefer to the lnstructlon manual Ingen, "uslng the HR-16 wltti the HR.16r8.., orlo the Insert lnstructlon card located Inslde the lllp-up Instructlon ]ld. Both of these Inslructlons are Included wlth yout HR-16:8. PLEASEREADTHIS Concerningthe backup memory of the HR-16 and MMT-8. Thebackupmemoriesinthe HR-16 and the MMT-B They are non-volatile. areprotectedby a lithium cell battery withan expected life of 10years. This means youcan turn poweroff on both machines andyourwork willberetainedin memory. However,pleasebe aware that any computer baseddevicewithmemory - backupcan be subject to losing itsmemoryatanytime for the following reasons: 1) [ powerisinterrupted,evenbriefly,during RECORD, ERASE,or LENGTH CHANGE,youmayloseallmemoryor some minuteportionofmemory. This is possiblebecausethe MMT-8 and HR-l6's internal computersare movinginformation inmemory A power around duringthese operations. surge,orpowerinterruption cause memoryloss could an unfortunate duringthese vulnerable operations. 2) Static electricity can also cause a fullorpartialmemoryloss. Therefore,it is recommendedthat you frequently backup anyrlmportantwork you are involved in. lt ls a simple operatlon. Pleasemake it a habitual part of your use of the HR-16 and MMT-8, so that your enjoymentand musical progresswon't be interrupted,See the sections on TAPE in this tnstruction Manual, ALESISHR.16HIGH SAMPLE RATE16 BITDIGITAL DRUMMACHINE TABLEOFCONTENTS INTRODUCTION HR.16QUICK PATTERNMODE RECOFIDINIGAPATTERN OUAITIZE... STEPEDITMODE........ schGh/bDE SONGEDrr. coPY......... DYNAM|CS............................... zuTTON START/STOPF@TSWITCH....... PACE 3 4 6 6 8 10 12 ...,....,z o OUT SM/ L R tN @r tN w rc ff/OFFoulrur2 tAE mP Lf,tot l @rt I rtr | ttrr4t -w E@@ @@@: t,* | _E @EE EEtIEtr] TIEEEE tMt ::_) ldY,Lll "-,'I IMI ll tr | | lt ll ll ttttttitlttttl t||| l ftft. INTRODUCTION The Alesis HR-16(HighsampleRate/ 15 bit drum machine) iq a user {riendly,.yet exlremelypowerfulMlDl drum sequencer/ sound goneralor.Thesound.generation drum"voicss"'6achof which can bo ot the HR-16include 16 independent assignedto any ons of 49 digital samples(47in the HR-16:B), and can be routed with a 7 positionpanlo one of two iets of stereb outputs' Eachvoics can also bs tunsd independenttyin 32incremgntsovor an oclaveand a hal{. caoabiliti-es The ssquencing of lhe drums is accomplished by €ntering record, and.thon playingon thetouch-sensiiivedrum buttons on ths lrontpanel,which is thsn stored inlo a'pallern." Therecan be up to 1 OO patlernsin the HR-1 6's memory (00'99). Th€ss patternscanbe anywher€lrom 1 to 682 beats long. The patternscan be combinedinio lisls of pattsrns' whichare called "songs.' There cin bs up to 1oo songs in the HR'16's memory(00-99)' and each can contain a list of palternsup to 255 steps long. The 16 drumpadsatthe front of the HR-16 ar€ vslocity'sensitive'Howhard lho pad.is hit determinestlie volume ot the drum on 8 levels. 12 of the pads (all padssxcept Closod Hat, Mid Hat, Open Hat, and Crash) aro €ach direcfly assignedto a voice. This means thai playinga pad iepeatedlywill retriiger the same vo'ce, and no other padwill effect that voice. Any sounds assignedto the three Hi Hat padswillall b€ assigned 10tho same voice. This is io tnat playingthEClosed Hal will cut ott the Opon or Mkl Hal, for a mors realistic hi hat sound. The Ciash pad is assigned lo two voicEs that alternate. This means that repealedlyhitting the crashpadr-sultsin lwo independent crashes(oflhs same sound) thatcan ovorlap aslhoy dscay. More sounds can bs made to overlap by assigning the same sound to two diffErent pads and altsrnding whichpadispressedeach time lho sound is to beplaysd' Only 1s.voices have been used (12ndrmaliads, I voice lor Hi Hats, 2 lor Crash). Tho 1 6th voica is ussd for the Click, which can also be assignsd to b€ any of ihs available sounds. PLEASE NOTE THESE FEATURES PROGRAMCHANGETHROUGH MIDI ThisallowsMlDl programsolectionof patternsto work while a partis playing.lfa new programnumber is received over MlDl, lhis programnumber will be selected to be iheI.IEXT patternnumber to playwhen the cune-nt patternis finished. This functions exactly as if the new patternirurirber had been selecled with the keypad. ll a songis playing,MlDl programcommands will be ignored. SONG CHANGE THROUGH MIDI MlDl program changes will select songs it the HR-16 is in Song mode, and not prayrng. SPOT ERASING This allows soot erasino while in record mode whEn Quantize is OFF. The erase buttonand a drum buttoi ca...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Instruments de musique - HR-16:B (2.12 mb)
Instruments de musique - MMT-8 (2.12 mb)