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Instructions Roland, Modèle HP-2700

Fabricant : Roland
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1 15 = ch. 16 ♦ When this message Is received, values of the controllers listed below are changed. control 1er value voluae 127(»axiiui) hold 1 0 (OFF) sostenuto 0 (OFF) soft 0 (OFF) • Local Control Status Second Third ВлН 7AH wH n = NIDI channel nuiber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 * ch.! 15 = ch. 16 w = value : 00H, 7FH (0. 127) 0 = OFF 127 = ON * When MONO Is received, all the On-Notes of tfte appropriate channel will be OFF. * POLY Status Second Third BnH 7FH 00H n s MID! channel nuiber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch. 1 15 5 ch. 16 * When POLY is received, all the On-Notes of the appropriate channel will be OFF. Mod« MT«bt* 1 POLY ON i »NO ON I m = i MONO ON ■с o 1 OMNI OFF I OMNI * OFF S OMNI = OFF I OMNI * ON I POLY I POLY Î POLY OMNI ON I OMNI = ON I OMNI = ON i OMNI = ON I POLY I POLY POLY ■ SYSTEM REAL TIME MESSAGE • Activ« S«n«ing Status FEH * Upon receiving this lessage, tiie Intervals between »essages are »easured. ff no data Is received within 300 li 11 ¡..seconds, all the MIDI On-.Votes will be turned off, and all controllers will be reset. The syste* then returns to nonal. ■ Sy«t«m Exctuaiv« M«t««g« Status data bvie F0H IIH. ddH.......eeH F7H F0H : syste» exclusive II = ID nuiber : 41H (65) dd.....ee * data : 00H-7FH (0127) F7H : EOX (End of Excluslve/Systes coition) 25 The fol lowing aeasases can be sent with exclusive ksmjk- n * MIDI channel nuaber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 - ch. 1 15 * ch. 16 w =■ control value : 00H, 7FH (0. 127) 0 = OFF 127 « ON brl11 lance reverb aode select ( BOOM, STAGE, HALL OS/OFF ) tecperaaent select aulti tlabre ON /Off chorus depth treaolo rate reverb Intensity Refer to 'Roland Exclusive Message" and section 5. [2. TRANSMITTED DATA] BCtwMwl VoIm Mtw«t • Net* Off Status Second Third 9nB kkB m n = MIDI channel nuaber : OR - FH (0 - 15) 0 * ch. 1 15 ■ ch. 16 kk * note nuaber : OFH - 71K Î15 - H3) • Not* On Status Second Thj rd Ml ttl Wl n - MIDI channel nuaber : OH - FK (0 - 15) 0 * ch, i 15 = ch. 18 kk - note nuaber : OFR * 71H (15 - 113) w = velocity : 01» - 7FH (1 - 127) • Note nuaber's ranee cm be chanced with ley Transpose: up a aailaua of 5, or town a asxlaui of 6 seal tones. The table below shows the degrees of transposition. transpose irMlMlUrt MW mittSI -6 15-102 -5 ie-103 -4 17-104 -3 ia-i05 -2 19-106 -1 20-107 0 21-108 ♦1 22-108 +2 23-110 +3 24-111 ♦4 25-112 >5 26-113 • Central Chanç* OHoW-t Status Second TMrd BnH 40» wH n 1 MIDI channel nuaber ; OH - FH {0 - 15) 0 = ch.1 15 1 ch. 16 w * control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) • Continuous value Is transacted. OSoatamito Status Second Third BnH 42« wH n - BID I channel raiaber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch. 1 15 * ch. 16 w * control value : 0QH, 7FH (0, 127) 0 * OFF 127 * ON OS«ft Status Ssmi Mrfl BnH 43H WH n = HID1 channel nuaber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch. 1 15 = ch. 16 w - control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) » Continuous value Is transaltted. OTrvmoio Status Second UlirJ BnH 5CH wH * Transastted when MIDI function Ml Is selected. OCtorua Status Second Third BnH 5DH wH n * MIDI channel nuaber : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch. 1 15 = ch. 16 w * control value : 00H. 7FH (0, 127) 0 = OFF 127 * OH * Transaitted ihen MID! function II! Is selected. * Program Chant« Status Second CnH ppH n = MIDI channel nuaber ; 0H - FH (0 - 15) 0 * ch.1 15 = ch.16 PQ = protraa nuaber : 00H - 1FH (0 - 117) * ihen the key related to PROGRAM CHANGE (GROUP A-8. BANK 1-8, HUMBER 1-8) is pressed while the MID! switch button is held down, a Pragma Change aessage will be transacted. KEY GROUP, BANK, HUMBER A 3 GROUP A B 3 CROUP B Ft 2 BANK 1 Gt 2 BANK 2 At 2 BANK 3 C# 3 RAM 4 01 3 BANK S Ft 3 BANK 6 Ct 3 BANS 7 Al 3 BASK 8 F 2 HUMBER 1 G 2 HUMBER 2 A 2 NUMBER 3 B 2 ««BER 4 C 3 NUMBER S D 3 NUMBER 6 E 3 HUMBER 7 F 3 HUMBER 8 The following table shows GROUP, BANK and HUMBER values related to key position which Is set while the TRANSPOSE/MIDI switch Is held down. NUMBER ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BANK 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 6 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 7 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 8 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 NUMBER ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BANK I 1 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 2 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 3 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 4 88 «3 90 91 92 93 94 95 5 96 97 96 99 100 101 10 2 103 6 104 10S 106 107 108 109 110 111 7 U2 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 8 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Ihen this piano Is set to MID! function til, pressing a TONE button win select a tone as usual. At this tlae. the Prograi Change aessage assigned to that button is sent. 86 tone select button ргод-м change nuaber ¡3. BASIC CHANNEL SETTING PIANO 1 0 PIANO 2 I HONIY TO« 2 HARPSICHORD 3 VIBRAPHONE 5 E. PIANO 6 PIMIO 1 « PIANO 2 IS PIANO 1 * BONIY TONI 24 PIANO 1 + HARPSICHORD 32 PIANO 1 ♦ VIBRAPHONE 40 PIANO 1 ♦ E. PIANO 48 PIANO 2 ♦ HONIY TONI 25 P...

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Instruments de musique - HP-3700 (1.49 mb)

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