Instructions Roland, Modèle RA-50
Fabricant : Roland
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Le document est chargé, s'il vous plaît patienter
Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
Wollen Sie die Klänge des RA-50 hören, drücken Sie erneut ¡BYPASS WHOLE] (Das LED erlischt). RA-50 Keyboard 2. Nur die rechte Hand erklingt mit den Sounds des steuernden Keyboards. Vorgehen: Dürcken Sie 1 BYPASS UPPER] (Das LED leuchtet auf). * Bei dieser Einstellung erklingt das RA-50 ohne die steuernden Keyboards übernommen werden. Wollen Sie wieder alle Klänge vom RA-50 erzeugen lassen, drücken Sie erneut i BYPASS UPPER i (Das LED erlischt). 87 ■ Akkordliste СМа * CMa7 ★ C#Ma7*: DMa7 ★ Е bMa7*í ЕМа7 * ff ■■■■■*» il FMa7 дшштшвиштшттгот? C7 ★ C#7 * D7 ★ Eb7 ★ E7 * F7 ★ С rai ★ Dii * E bai * A Emi ★ Fai ★ E bai7*i§ËË Emi7 ★ Fai7 ★ ffi—■ С ф ★ .be- C#ç&* Dçl ★ E ЬФ+ Еф ★ F0 ★ CDin ★ CSu4 C#Su4 DSu4 EbSu4 ESu4 -eA- FSu4 зштоштштшнмшти CSu7 C#Su7 DSu7 E bSu7 A, ESu7 FSu7 шш! M i¥wm i ff ni 11 f f 11 fi-i m ш F #Ma * GMa * £?L_ fi I Ab Ma* AMa * BMa ★ F#Ha7*5E*3 GMa7 A bMa7*^^ô AMa7 * BbMa7*^^B BMa7 *: ffwiwiiTfiBfiffiffiPTiwiTffiffimmfflfWff F#7 G7 * Ab7* Al ★ Bb7* B7 * F#ai* Gai ★ A bai * sKfcnl Aai * B bai* ^EËB=fl Bai * F #ai7 ★5HrH....... Gai 7 * A bai7 * -I Aai7 * B bffli7*^fe№=l Bai7 ★ F#tf* G ★ Ab#* ^№3 Agi * Bbtf* B0 * F #Dia ★z--ji--11 GDim * AbDia★ '-t........!>.&> IADiic* B bDia *~a w>è' fi BDia* F#Aug GAug A bAug AAug B bAug BAug EffllLEOEffl [KEffl EKffl Elffl ÖHHD F#Su4 GSu4 A bSu4 ASu4 B bSu4 BSu4 ffMffîiTïïtrai iMfimMi [ffgffiffiiiww F#Su7 GSu7 A bSu7 ASu7 B b Su7 BSu7 WIWWIIW Iffl l.w llfflfffffTI 1111WHB IWWIW) fflfPt Mit einem versehene Akkorde sind "intelligente" Akkorde. ■User’s Setting Memo TITLE : DATE : ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF S-..& s. J = ON OFF ¡ШШШ! Iík" ■ "*' '. '■’" i".!»-к •■; ■ ON OFF ADVANCED BASIC OFF ON OFF ШнШ]^М£ ON OFF 1ШШ® WHOLE UPPER OFF ЫЩММ^Х-, G3 C4 OFF : г.- ■■?.:■' OFF ЩШМ OFF ШШШ®- .... OFF ífSÍÍ!Éil OFF ;-.^.;;DRüMS, , .... OFF . ... 1ШЖ “■prtfW1 "s ;гЛ: ' tt*. ■ ';* ¡Шив 1 1 2 ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 TITLE DATE I ON OFF ON OFF ■■■ ON OFF J = - ON j OFF ON OFF j ADVANCED BASIC OFF ON . OFF ! MANUAL .DRUMS ON 1 OFF 1 [ЕШЙ WHOLE G3 UPPER C4 1 OFF OFF ...,•4 BÄU>NC£.: ШШЯЩ OFF N0K OFF ¡ЯВЩ: .... OFF ¡1Й|Ш OFF ---„-- .... OFF ¡НШг ON OFF Ршжй YES NO VES N0 ÉIÉÍIBB YES NO i 1 2 I 3 ! i 4 5 6 1 7 1 8 jpg№ WÈÊÊ& : Ibbndçr range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 TITLE : DATE 'ШШЙЁ. CHORu lNTELL.1 ■ ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF flMS®:- j = ÏMSIS ON OFF flfSSlf. ON . OFF :má^l;¿rüms ON OFF WHOLE UPPER OFF C4 OFF ADVANCED BASIC OFF Ä:; ON Qpp ' .* :.:■■= v. ••- O-TONE^.eU . BALLAh ■ ■ ТЧ OFF OFF WËÊÊÊî OFF OFF .... ...... OFF ШЁШШ‘ ON OFF 1 PART' ' ' YES NO YES NO !ЩтШг YES NO ^!8ÉÍÉ: 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 92 Realtime Arranger Mode! RA-50 MIDI Implementation Date : Apr. 11 1989 Version : 1.00 1. ECHO-BACK SECTION When using MIDI (KBD) IN and MIDI (KBD) OUT. 1.1 RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA (ECHO - BACK SECTION) B Channel Vol Velocity :0H - FH (0 - 15) 0> : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) : 01H - 7FH (! - 127) ch.! 15 = ch.l 6 * Recognized when Rx.SYNC mode is AUTO SLAVE or REMOTE. • Continua ► Polyphonlo key pretiure Status AnH Second kkH n *« MIDI channel number kk ■> Note number w = Value • Control ohang* Status BnH Second kkH Third wH OH - FH (0-15) ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) Third wH 0 *> ch.t ! 5 — ch.16 Status FBH * Recognized when Rx.SYNC mode is AUTO SLAVE or REMOTE. # Recognized only as FAH. • Stop ' St3tus FCH # Recognized when Rx.SYNC mode is AUTO SLAVE or REMOTE. n »* MIDI channel number kk “ Control number w " Value OH - FH (0 - 15) 0-ch.! 15 *= ch.!6 ООН - 7ЭН (0 - (2t) ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) »Received when Rx.CTRL change is ON. *On Rx.A-UPPER, Rx.A ~ LOWER, Rx.CONTROL channels, always received control change. And transmitting for SOUND MODULE section when Rx.CTRL change, is ON. »Program change Status CnH Second ppH n = MIDI channel number pp = Program number :0H - FH CO - 15) 0 = ch.l t5 = ch.tS : ООН - 7FH (0 - T27) * Received when Rx.PROG change is ON, ♦ On Rx.A-UPPER. Rx.A - LOWER, Rx.CONTROL channels, always received program change. And transmitting for SOUND MODULE section when Rx.PROG change is ON. • Channel preuure Syttem Exclusive Menage data_ liH.ddH....