Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
.Data Entry (Controller Number 6, 38) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) mm,ll = the value of the parameter specified by RPN/NRPN mm = upper byte (MSB), ll = lower byte (LSB) .Volume (Controller number 7) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 07H vvH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv = volume : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) * Received only for the Other Tones Part. .Panpot (Controller number 10) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 0AH vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = panpot: 00H-40H-7FH (Left-Center-Right) * Received only for the Other Tones Part. .Expression (Controller number 11) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 0BH vvH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv = expression : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) * If you want to control all of the Organ Parts, transmit data on the channel specified by the CONTROL MIDI CH. setting (factory setting: channel 1). It is not possible to separately control each part of the Organ Part. * When the SUB KEYBOARD FUNCTION (p. 58) is ON, this has the same function as an expression pedal connected to the VK-8’s EXPRESSION PEDAL jack. .General Purpose Controller 1 (Controller number 16) (Other tones glide) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 10H vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv = control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 0-63 = OFF, 64-127 = ON * Received only for the Other Tones Part. * Not received when MIDI GENERAL CONTROLLERS SWITCH (p. 53) is OFF. .General Purpose Controller 2 (Controller number 17) (Wheel Brake) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 11H vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv = control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 0-63 = OFF, 64-127 = ON * When SUB KEYBOARD FUNCTION (p. 58) is OFF, this is received on the channel specified for CONTROL MIDI CH. (p. 54) (factory setting: channel 1). * Not received by the Other Tones part. * Not received when MIDI GENERAL CONTROLLERS SWITCH (p. 53) is OFF. .Hold 1 (Controller number 64) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 40H vvH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv = control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 0-63 = OFF, 64-127 = ON * When the SUB KEYBOARD FUNCTION (p. 58) is ON, this has same function as a hold pedal connected to the VK-8’s HOLD PEDAL jack. .Sound Controller 1-9 (Controller number 70-78) (Harmonic Bars) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH ccH vvH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) cc = control change number : 46H - 4EH (70-78) vv = control value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) * Receives harmonic bar values. * Not received by the Other Tones part. * When the SUB KEYBOARD FUNCTION (p. 58) is ON, the input to the KEYBOARD IN will be handled as messages for the LOWER PART, and the input to PEDAL IN will be handled as messages for the PEDAL PART. * Not received when MIDI SOUND CONTROLLERS SWITCH (p. 53) is OFF. cc |H.Bar Feet ----------+------------------------------------46H |16’ 47H |5 1/3’ 48H |8’ 49H |4’ 4AH |2 1/3’ 4BH |2’ 4CH |1 3/5’ 4DH |1 1/3’ 4EH |1’ * Control values and harmonic bars are related as follows. vv |H.Bar Level -------------+--------------------------------00H - 0EH |0 0FH - 1CH |1 1DH - 2AH |2 2BH - 38H |3 39H - 47H |4 48H - 55H |5 56H - 63H |6 64H - 71H |7 72H - 7FH |8 .RPN MSB/LSB (Controller number 100, 101) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 65H mmH BnH 64H llH n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) mm = upper byte (MSB) of parameter number specified by RPN ll = lower byte (LSB) of parameter number specified by RPN MIDI-Implementation <<< RPN >>> Control Changes include RPN (Registered Parameter Numbers), which are extended. When using RPNs, first RPN (Controller numbers 100 and 101; they can be sent in any order) should be sent in order to select the parameter, then Data Entry (Controller numbers 6 and 38) should be sent to set the value. Once RPN messages are received, Data Entry messages that is received at the same MIDI channel after that are recognized as changing toward the value of the RPN messages. In order not to make any mistakes, transmitting RPN Null is recommended after setting parameters you need. This device receives the following RPNs. RPN Data entry MSB, LSB MSB, LSB Notes 00H, 00H mmH, llH Pitch Bend Sensitivity mm: 00H - 18H (0 - 24 semitones) ll: ignored (processed as 00H) Up to 2 octave can be specified in semitone steps. * Not received by the Organ part. 00H, 01H mmH, llH Master Fine Tuning mm, ll: 20 00H - 40 00H - 60 00H (-8192 x 50 / 8192 - 0 - +8192 x 50 / 8192 cent) * Not received by the Organ part. 00H, 02H mmH, llH Master Coarse Tuning mm: 10H - 40H - 70H (-48 - 0 - +48 semitones) ll: ignored (processed as 00H) * Not received by the Organ part. 7FH, 7FH ---, ---RPN null RPN and NRPN will be set as “unspecified.” Once this setting has been made, subsequent Parameter values that were previously set will not change. mm, ll: ignored Program Change Status 2nd byte CnH ppH n = MIDI channel number : 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) pp = program number : 00H - 3FH (prog.1 - prog.64) (Preset...