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Instructions Roland, Modèle BE-5

Fabricant : Roland
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Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :

Facilité d'utilisation

as shown in "CONNECTIONS", connect the AC adaptor to the AC Adaptor Jack. Now, the Power Indicator lights up showing that the unit is ready to be used. O0 P ©©of3 0000 ©00© 5"^" |a s> ---- 0 1 0 2 Set the control knobs as shown in "PANEL DESCRIPTION' (3I30BS BE-5 S£“»«!iï!5i'rfS!.? 0 — ■OO c oc»od Ö&QO ©Q©D J —- S IMIM 3 Set each effect unit: (T) Turn the effect unit you wish to use with the pedal switch. (When the effect is turned on, the corresponding Effect Indicator lights up.) * Make sure that the other effects are turned off. (2) Set the effect to your taste as explained in “PANEL DESCRIPTION" and "SETTING EXAMPLES". (D Repeat the above procedure (steps (T) and (2)) for the rest of effects. Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiemni wird bescheinigt, dat öer dte-aas BOSS GUITAR MULTIPLE EFFECTS BE-5 ¡r UbeternsiiiTimung mit den Bestimmungen ae< Amtsb!. Vfg 1046 19B4 funi-eristcn ist De' Dfcutscne'i fiu^despcfi ^jtde das ir>ve^ehrb':nger ü^ses Gerniet angeiergt und die Befestigung 2ui Ubefpruluna de' Serie au* i’nhaitung rie> Bestimmungen emgerau^t Roland Corporation Osaka Japan V""~ _ RADIO ANO TELEVISION INTERFERENCE 'WlfMtftg - Th»» «Qüipm«fiT ha« 9MA ro ecmplr w»r* ihc fir»U| tot t Gaal fl compiling d*v>t« (Mttuint to Su&ptfl J. o< firt IS, af rcc Op«faiiQn wnti w #quic- i< ifè«ky 10 r*tult 4fi iro*lr#owarrcv an«rpy K n >» nol a«d uaad pfop#riv. tnji i«. «tritt fcc«'d»flc« «viin our ftitiructiofli n «iay uutt rr\mritr-•*C* t*fliO an«a •* Subpat J. oi fart 1£ of FCC Autta ***** ruiaa ara daa^gnod io p'ovid* ta**on*bi« fwo**«*or' agamtt me* a »nttrfafanca ** a rta* ■ntft'faftnta «»M ««t occur a panicuiar mitatiation H it>.» tquigmant oooa cauaa m**rt*r#rie» to r*d>o O* ’ctv »r>i*ch can b« Miirmtnad b* iufrt«ng №0 *4u* at a ume H in« rniarfartncc atopi m * proper aK>a^dart c*b>« ha** your o*«ta< fo* oor< floiana o»»nc#i contact 1+1* tn#rtutjetuw o* d«a^ar n>f *»tnlar>tc H v&ut *ouiD>D o* ••c^iior vo^ can try 10 et#net mtaHaranet bv ua»ftQ o*«a O' mo/» of th* lfilto«wing mtiiu«ii • Tgtr- tr>* Tv or fad'd «ntanna uoiti Ehe * aid« 0« iha a* ihc TV o' r#ö*o • Mov« it>r aqutpntfni fa^ft«r i«av ♦»fit* iti» TV ot radio • Plug ih* «Qurpmaot >nto an oudat mat ar in» TV o> r*d.c ’Thar n m»*f cartaiM th« «qutprrcfl) *rif rh* r«tio or te^vi*fO^ tat *r« ar c»n;utt« cQot«t»n«n b* cte.uit • Co^iidt' inttaiiitig a loohop tiinr’tiop coa»«a( (itft Hiä m fft» ania^ni* anö TV it n*cfttaarf you »^ouia co^autr yuur oca»*' o» ar b«p*h*«c*o faOic> iat»vi»»ri to» fcOO'>»o«H twfig*at»frn« m«i imts 4oUow>nç hoo«i*' b**p« ih* Com muoitlH‘On* Co^>m>ipio^ O C J04D3 Sinr» Ne, OO^ OCXi OüWi.^ ■ PANEL DESCRIPTION Chorus This creates rich and spacious chorus sounds. IP Depth Control Knob This sets the depth of the chorus effect. (Ol: The chorus effect is made deeper. [Q]; The chorus effect is made weaker © Rate Control Knob This sets the rate of the chorus effect. [Q|: The chorus effect is made quicker and deeper iOl: chorus effect is made slower and weaker. Noise Suppressor This cuts The noise or hum that may be heard at break or interval between songs. When the guitar sound becomes Sower than the set level Ithreshold level), this effect starts working. ($ Threshold Level Knob This sets the threshold level where the noise suppressor is activated. Adjust this depending on the input and noise levels. (Ol: The threshold level is set higher. |T)}: The threshold levei is set lower. * When the noise is high, rotate the knob clockwise so that the decay will sound natural. * H the threshold levei is set higher and the guitar's volume lower, the noise suppressor may work, causing no sound to be output. Digital Delay This adds slightly delayed sound to the actual guitar's sound, making richer sound, it also can create special effects. The BE-5 adopts the digital aelay. so that delay effect can be obtained without deteriorating the sound quality from 3.8 to 1000 msec continuously. ® Range Control Knob This sets the delay time together with the Fine Control Knob. The Range Control Knob allows you to set the delay time in 8 levels. [Ql: The delay time is made longer. Use this for long delay eff...

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