Instructions Roland, Modèle C-280
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1999 Model: C-280 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION Version: 1.00 Classic Organ Date: Oct. 1. 1999 Model: C-280 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION Version: 1.00 1. Receive data ¦ Channel Voice Messages . Note off Status 2nd byte 3rd byte 8nH kkH vvH 9nH kkH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) kk = note number: 00H-7FH (0-127) vv = note off velocity: 00H-7FH (0-127) . Note on Status 2nd byte 3rd byte 9nH kkH vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) kk = note number: 00H-7FH (0-127) vv = note on velocity: 01H-7FH (1-127) * Note numbers outside the range of 18-113 are transposed to the nearest octave within this range. * Transpose function does not affect the recognized note numbers. . Control Change * The value specified by a Control Change message will not be reset even by a Program Change, etc. . Data Entry (Controller number 6, 38) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H llH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) mm, ll = the value of the parameter specified by RPN * Data entry messages are recognized only when received on the basic channel. . Volume (Controller number 7) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 07H vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = Volume: 00H-7FH (0-127), Initial Value = 7FH (127) . Expression (Controller number 11) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 0BH vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = Expression: 00H-7FH (0-127), Initial Value = 7FH (127) . Hold 1 (Controller number 64) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 40H vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = Control value: 00H-7FH (0-127) 0-63 = OFF, 64-127 = ON . RPN MSB/LSB (Controller number 100, 101) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 65H mmH BnH 64H llH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) mm = upper byte of parameter number specified by RPN ll = lower byte of parameter number specified by RPN * The value specified by RPN will not be reset even by messages such as Program Change or Reset All Controller. * RPN messages are recognized only when received on the basic channel. **RPN** The RPN (Registered Parameter Number) messages are expanded control changes, and each function of an RPN is described by the MIDI Standard. To use these messages, you must first use RPN MSB and RPN LSB messages to specify the parameter to be controlled, and then use Data Entry messages to specify the value of the specified parameter. Once an RPN parameter has been specified, all Data Entry messages received on that channel will modify the value of that parameter. To prevent accidents, it is recommended that you set RPN Null (RPN Number = 7FH/7FH) when you have finished setting the value of the desired parameter. On the C-280, RPN can be used to modify the following parameters. RPN Data entry MSB LSB MSB LSB Explanation 00H 01H mmH llH Master Fine Tuning mm, ll: 00 00H - 40 00H - 7F 7FH (-100 - 0 - +99.99 cents), Initial Value = 40 00H (± 0 cent) 7FH 7FH --- ---RPN null Set condition where RPN and NRPN are unspecified. The data entry messages after set RPN null will be ignored. (No Data entry messages are required after RPN null). Settings already made will not change. mm, ll: ignored . Program Change Status 2nd byte CnH ppH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) pp = Program number: 00H..37H (prog.1..prog.56) Received program change message are assigned as follows. prog. tone 1 Organ Manual 2 Ensemble Chime 3 Ensemble Celesta 4 Ensemble Choir 17 Ensemble Chime + Organ Manual 33 Ensemble Celesta + Organ Manual 49 Ensemble Choir + Organ Manual * “+” indicatesadualtone.' * Program numbers not in the above table are ignored. * The switch to the requested Ensemble Tone is made when the first new Note On message arrives after the Program Change has been received. Organ Tones are changed immediately after reception of the Program Change. * When the C-280 receives Program Change messages that include requests for Organ Tones, the [Manual] button is selected. * Organ Tones are set by mean of Program Changes, and System Exclusive messages that indicate the status of Draw knobs. For more information about the System Exclusive messages that indicate the status of Draw knobs, refer to "3. Parameter Address Map." Copyright © 2001 ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. n Channel Mode Messages l Reset All Controllers (Controller number 121) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 79H 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) * When this message is received, the following controllers will be set to their reset values. Controller Reset value Expression 127 (max) Hold 1 0 (off) RPN unset; previously set data will not change . Local Control Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7AH vvH n=MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) vv=Value: 00H, 7FH (0, 127) 0=OFF 127=ON . All Notes Off (Controller number 123) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 7BH 00H n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) * When All Notes Off is received, all notes on the corresponding ...
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