Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
You can set any value between J = 20-250. If you feel more comfortable at a slightly slower tempo, press TEMPO T instead. Note: You can hold down these buttons to quickly select significantly lower or higher values. To return to the preset tempo, press both buttons simultaneously. ING KEY START/STOP • If you press [INTRO/ENDING] while the Pianist is playing, Style playback will stop after playing an ending (coda). The Ending always starts on the next downbeat. Note: The [INTRO/ENDING] button doesn't work when the Pianist mode is switched off (see next page). Changing the split point As you know, the preset split point between the Upper section and the Pianist is set at C3 (C4 on ep-75). There may be times when that is just at little too far to the left or right. The ep-95 / ep-85 allows you to change the split point to any key between C2 and the C4 (C3-C5 on ep-75) that is, one octave up or down with respect to the preset value. Here is how to change it: 1. Press and hold down any Style select button until its indicator starts flashing. 2. Press the key on the keyboard is to become the new split point. This split point is memorized when you switch off your ep-95/ep-85/ep-75. Be aware, however, that the ep-95/ep-85/ep-75 will revert to C3 (C4 on ep-75) when you recall the factory settings. Stopping the Pianist To stop playback of the current Style, press [KEY START/STOP]. Please bear in mind that doing so will switch off the Pianist function, so that the keyboard is no longer split. You need to press [KEY START/STOP] again to switch the Pianist back on again. Intro/Ending The [INTRO/ENDING] button serves two functions: • If you press it while the Pianist is not playing, you select an introduction for the current Style. As soon as you play a note or chord in the Lower zone, Style playback will begin with an introduction. Note: You can also activate the Pianist by pressing this button. In that case, there is no need to press [KEY START/STOP] (both indicators will light). Let us now look at how to operate the ep-95/ ep~ 85/ep-75 to play piano, organ, etc. music without accompaniment. First steps 1. Connect all supplied accessories (see "Connections/powering up"). 2. Hold down [KEY START/STOP] and switch on the ep-95/ ep-85/ep-75. This is only necessary if you want to disable the Pianist (piano teachers may want to do this). Note: Please bear in mind that by selecting the piano-only mode, you will also disable the demo function and the [INTRO/ENDING] button. See “Initializing the ep-95/ep-85/ep-75" for how to activate the Pianist again. 3. Press the Tone selection button assigned to the sound you wish to use. Eight of the 241 sounds (let's agree to call them Tones) are assigned to front-panel buttons. These are the Tones you can select on the ep-95/ep-85/ep-75 itself. The remaining Tones (and Drum Sets) can only be selected via MIDI. The Tones you can select are: PIANO 1 PIANO 2 E. PIANO VIBRAPHONE HARPSICHORD ORGAN STRINGS CHOIR A realistic Grand Piano sound A bright piano sound An electric piano A refreshing vibraphone sound A brilliant harpsichord sound The sublime sound of a pipe organ The sound of a string ensemble The rich sound of a mixed choir 4. Use the [VOLUME] slider to set the desired volume. Adding effects 1. Press the [CHORUS] and/or [REVERB] button to add the corresponding effect (indicator lights). CHORUS REVERB the E.PIANO, VIBRAPHONE, or STRINGS Tones. The Reverb effect creates the same echo-like effect you hear in a church, in a large hall, etc. Use it to add deptli to your music. 2. Press the [CHORUS] and/or [REVERB] button again to switch off the effect (indicator goes dark}. Using the metronome Your ep-95/ep-85/ep-75 features a metronome you may want to use for practising purposes. Here is how to operate it: 1. Press the Style select button that corresponds to the time signature you need: BALLAD POP SL SWING SWING BOSSA N ROCK'N *-SHUFFLE-1 LSL ROCK -1 L LATIN LSL WALTZJ LRAG TIME-1 I Tj=180 J = 092 fj=120 j J = 160 ■4 J = 082 Use the preset tempo of the Style in question as a starting point but keep in mind that you can change the tempo with TEMPO A/V. 2. Press the [METRONOME] button (indicator fights). You can also change the volume of the metronome: 3. Hold down the [METRONOME] button until its indicator starts flashing. 4. Use the VOLUME A/V buttons to set the metronome volume. 5. Release the [METRONOME] button. To switch the metronome off again, press [METRONOME] one more time. Recalling the default metronome Volume To restore the metronome default volume, press both VOLUME A/V buttons. The Chorus effect gives the impression that several instruments (slightly out of tune) are playing the same part in unison. This effect creates a broad stereo image and is especially suitable for Layering two sounds You can also press two Tone selection buttons simultaneously. (Alternatively, hold down one button while pressing anothe...