Instructions Roland, Modèle GW-7
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Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default Value (H) Description 40 4x 22 00 00 01 00, 01 PART MFX ASSIGN 00:BYPASS 00 BYPASS 01:MFX .Drum setup parameters (Model ID=42H) m: Map number (0 = MAP1, 1 = MAP2) rr: drum part note number (00H - 7FH: 0 - 127) Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description 41 m1 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F PLAY NOTE NUMBER Pitch coarse 41 m2 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F LEVEL TVA level (=NRPN# 26) 41 m3 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F ASSIGN GROUP NUMBER Non, 1 - 127 41 m4 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F PANPOT -64(RANDOM), -63(LEFT)- +63(RIGHT) (=NRPN# 28, except RANDOM) 41 m5 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F REVERB SEND LEVEL 0.0 - 1.0 Multiplicand of the part reverb level (=NRPN# 29) 41 m6 rr 00 00 01 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND LEVEL 0.0 - 1.0 Multiplicand of the part chorus level (=NRPN# 30) 41 m7 rr 00 00 01 00, 01 Rx. NOTE OFF OFF/ON 41 m8 rr 00 00 01 00, 01 Rx. NOTE ON OFF/ON * When the Drum Set is changed, DRUM SETUP PARAMETER values will all be initialized. Roland GW-7 MIDI Implementation Roland GW-7 MIDI Implementation Minus-One parameters (Model ID=00 6CH) Only for internal Standard MIDI File use (not received via MIDI). Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter Description Default Value (H) Description 01 00 00 00 00 15 00 - 1F MINUS ONE ON/OFF bit4: Mute A on/off 00 All Minus One Off bit3: Mute C on/off bit2: (reserved) bit1: Mute B on/off bit0: (reserved) 01 00 01# 00 - 0F MINUS ONE CHANNEL bit3-0: Mute A ch. 16-13 00 Channel 10 01 00 02# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute A ch. 12-9 02 01 00 03# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute A ch. 8-5 00 01 00 04# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute A ch. 4-1 00 01 00 05# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute C ch. 16-13 00 Channel 2 01 00 06# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute C ch. 12-9 00 01 00 07# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute C ch. 8-5 00 01 00 08# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute C ch. 4-1 02 01 00 09# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 0F --01 00 0A# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 0D 01 00 0B# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 0F 01 00 0C# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 04 01 00 0D# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute B ch. 16-13 00 Channel 1 01 00 0E# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute B ch. 12-9 00 01 00 0F# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute B ch. 8-5 00 01 00 10# 00 - 0F bit3-0: Mute B ch. 4-1 01 01 00 11# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 00 --01 00 12# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 00 01 00 13# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 00 01 00 14# 00 - 0F bit3-0: (reserved) 08 .Information parameters (Model ID=00 00 07H) Only for internal Standard MIDI File use (not received via MIDI). Address (H) Size (H) Data (H) Parameter 7F 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 SETUP MEAS. ON 4. Bulk Dump Bulk Dump allows you to transmit all User performances/tones data at once, and is convenient for storing settings on a computer or sequencer. To make the GW-7 perform a Bulk Dump transmission, send it a “Bulk Dump Request” message. ¦System Exclusive Message (Model ID=00 00 07H) When an appropriate “Data Request 1 (RQ1)” message is received, the requested internal data will be transmitted as “Data Set 1 (DT1)”. .Data Request 1 (RQ1) Status Data byte Status F0H 41H, dev, 00H, 00H, 07H, 11H, aaH, bbH, ccH, ddH, F7H ssH, ttH, uuH, vvH, sum Byte Explanation F0H Exclusive status 41H ID number (Roland) dev Device ID (dev: 00H - 1FH, Initial value is 10H) 00H 00H 07H Model ID (GW-7) 11H Command ID (RQ1) aaH Address MSB bbH Address ccH Address ddH Address LSB ssH Size MSB ttH Size uuH Size vvH Size LSB sum Checksum F7H EOX (End Of Exclusive) * Regarding the checksum, refer to “5. Supplementary material”, Example of an Exclusive message and calculating a checksum (p. 19). Roland GW-7 MIDI Implementation Roland GW-7 MIDI Implementation Data Set 1 (DT1) Status Data byte Status F0H 41H, dev, 00H, 00H, 07H, 12H, aaH, bbH, ccH, ddH, F7H eeH, ..., sum Byte Explanation F0H Exclusive status 41H ID number (Roland) dev Device ID (dev: 00H - 1FH, Initial value is 10H) 00H 00H 07H Model ID (GW-7) 12H Command ID (DT1) aaH Address MSB bbH Address: ccH Address: ddH Address LSB eeH Data :: sum Checksum F7H EOX (End Of Exclusive) .User performance dump request (receive only) This is a command that requests a set of user performance data, and uses “Data Request 1 (RQ1)” format. Address: 10H bbH 00H 00H bb: user performance number (00H - 1FH: 001 - 032) Size: 00H ttH 00H 00H tt: request size (01H - 20H: 1 - 32) Example) Dump request for all user performances: F0 41 10 00 00 07 11 10 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 50 F7 .User tone dump request (receive only) This is a command that requests a set of user tone data, and uses “Data Request 1 (RQ1)” format. Address: 20H bbH 00H 00H bb: user tone number (00H - 7FH: 001 - 128) Size: ssH ttH 00H 00H ss tt: request size (00H 01H - 01H 00H: 1 - 128) Example) Dump request for all user tones: F0 41 10 00 00 07 11 20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 5F F7 .User drum dump request (receive only) This is a command that requests a set of user drum data, and uses “Data Request 1 (RQ1)” format. Address: 30H bbH 00H 00H bb: user drum number (00H - 0FH: 129 - 144) Size: 00H ttH 00H 00H tt: request size (01H - 10H: 1 - 16) Example) Dump request for all user drums: F0 41 10 00 00 07 11...
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