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Instructions Roland, Modèle M-OC1

Fabricant : Roland
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. .. » * More than 20m sec time interval. [ Data set 1] .......................... | [Data set 11 11 ...............» •Device B requesting data from Device A Device B sends an RQ1 message to Device A. Checking the message, Device A sends a DTI message back to Device B. | Device A | | Device B j * ............ [Request data | I Data set Ij ...............»■ * More than 20m sec time interval. {Data set 1} - ¡Data set Ij ‘ .» 11 SOUND MODULE Model: Sound Expansion Series MIDI IMPLEMENTATION Date: Feb. 22, 1995 Version 1.00 1. RECEIVE DATA Channel Voice Message • Note Off Status Second Third 8лН kkH vvH 9nH kkH ООН n = MIDI channel number: OH _FH (ch.1 —ch.16) kk = Note number: ООН — 7FH (0 — 127) vv = velocity: ООН — 7FH (0 — 127) In fiie perfemfflice mode, ignored when if» "МММ receive iwiíá" к OFF for each parí. In the rhythm port (part 8), ignored when "ENV mode" is at "NO-SUSTAIN" for each rhythm tone. • Note On Status Second Third 9nH kkH vvH n = MIDI áonnel number: OH — FH |th.l — ch. 16) kk = Note number ООН — 7FH (0 — 127) w = velocity: 01H— 7FH|1 —127) in the performance mode, ignored when the “AUDI receive wlcft" is OFF for each port. Control chonqe • Bank select Status Second Third BnH ООН mmH BnH 20H IIH n = MID! channel number: OH — FH (ch.1 — dt.16) mm = MSB of the bonk number: 50H — 51H (80 — 81) “mm" is adjustable from 0,1 to 126,127. If * 158 of (he bank number: OH (Of The Bank Select is suspended until receiving о program change. This message is ignored when ‘'Program bank sel' of the system common is OFF. If the port which MIDI receive channel is set the same as the control channel, the performance is changed when receive the bank select message. The bank number specified as following. Bank select MS8 ISB_Program change Medio (Potch number) 80 81 -Î28 -127 Preset À (#1 — #128} Preset В (#129-—#255) When the module receives bank select LSB, it will always count as 0. • Modulation Status Second Third BnH 01H vvH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch. 16) w - Modulation depth: 00H — 7FH (0 — 127) The effect of the modulation depends on the value of "Modi — 4" of the pâté tone. This message is ignored when "Receive Modulation" of the system common is OFF. • Portamento time Status Second Third BnH 05H vvH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (th.1 — di.16) vv = Portamento tune: OOH — 7FH (0 — 127} You can adjust the portamento time of the patch common. this message is ignored when "Receive Control change" of the system common is OFF. • Volume Stotus Second BnH 07H Third vvH n = M10! channel number: OH — FH {ch.l — ch.16) vv = Volume: OOH —7FH (0—127) You can adjust the volume of specified channel. This message is ignored when "Receive volume” of the system common is OFF. In the performance mode, ignored when the "Receive volume switch* is OFF for each part. This message is ignored when “Volume switch" of the patch tone is OFF. • Pan Stotus Second BnH OAH Third wH n * MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch.16) w * Pan: OOH — 7FH (0 —127) 0 represents the left end, 64 the center, and 127 the right end. This message is ignored when 'Receive Control Change" of the system common is OFF. • Expression Status Second BnH OBH Third wH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch.16) w = Expression: OOH — 7FH (0 — 127) The eHect of the expression depends on the value of "Expl — 4° of the patch tone. This message is ignored when "Receive Control Change’ of the system common is OFF. • Hold ! Status Second BnH 40H Third vvH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch.16) w * Control value: OOH — 7FH {0 — 127) 0 — 63 = OFF, 64 —127 = ON Note played can be sustained for as long as the time that closes between turning hold on end off. This message is ignored when “Receive Control Change" of the system common is OFF. in the performance mode, ignored when Ihe “holdl receive switch" is OFF for each pari In the rhythm part (part8), ignored when "ENV mock1' is at “NO-SUSTAIN" for each rhythm tone. This message is ignored when "Hold-1 switch' of patch tone is OFF. * Portamento Status Second BnH 41H Third wH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch.l 6) w = Control value: OOH — 7FH (0 — 127) 0 — 63 = OFF, 64 — 127 = ON Switches over 'Portamento sw" of poté common. This message is ignored when "Receive control change" of the system common is OFF. • Sostenuto Status Second BnH 42H Third vvH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l — ch.16) w « Control vdue: ООН — 7FH (0 —127) 0 — 63 = OFF, 64 —127 = OH • Soft Status Second BnH 43H Third wH n = MIDI channel number: OH — FH (ch.l —ch.16) и = Control value: ООН — 7FH (0 — 127) The value is changed, and the "Soft" effect change. • Effect 1 depth (Reverb send level) Status Second Third BnH 5BH wH n = MIDI channel number. OH — FH (ch.l — ch.16) w = Control nto: ООН — 7FH (0 — ï 27) You an adjust the Reverb send level of specified channel. This message is ignored when ...

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