Instructions Roland, Modèle MKB-1000
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Where the keyboard is devided into the Uppwer and Lower sections is called "Split Point''. It is initially set to C4 by the manufacturer, the keyboard higher than C4 being the Upper section and lower than B3, the Lower section. Bright CHANNEL / MODE Bright y LOWER Dot lighting UPPEH Dot Sighting KEY MODE SVT WHOl£ { k 1_1 CD ) 1 iO □ CH CD CD POLY c. POUT t r—3 j-1 TD □ OUT IN THRU ■ MKS' ■; | Sound Mo^ 1 : \ S; LOWER CH I UPPER CH 2 MID! CH I (Operating) MIDI CH 2 (Operating) 4} DUAL in the Dua) mode, the same voice messages are simultaneously sent on the two MIDI Channels assigned by the Upper and Lower sections. Bright CHAN№3- x MODE Bright CHANNEL / MODE KEY MODE DUAL BUT WHOCE t 1 A Ü3 i t POLY ' "7* D k o i ) POLY - rr a a • T I—1 1-1 i— , --- ▼ i CD LOWER MONO UPPER uono Dot lighting Dot lighting When a dot is lighted, the corresponding Sound Module is operating. (NOTE) MIDI Voice messages include Note On/Off, Program Change, Control Change, Pitch Bender, etc. Refer to the separate volume "MIDI". 10 5) Changing Split Point ®Hoid the Split Button ©down, and the right Display Window shows the split point currently set. *Spiit Point set to C4. KEY MOOE DUJkL fiPUT WMOL£ r o a cm en ~ 11 ACH en rsn C!**l FBT] P ▼ cm czd u ~ y CD CD Holding this button down \ C4 Transmitting Note ON/OFF message on the Channel assigned by the Lower section. Transmitting Note ON/OFF message on the Channel assigned by the Upper section. (2) Without releasing the Split Buxton, press the key for the new split point. The Display shows the new sprit point. * Changing the Split Point to C#4. n n Df~ ACU MODE □ POLY f 1=3 cd MODE r u I AO □ pour f CD □ UPPEH homo KEY MOOE DUAL ffUT WHOUE CH CD a t—1 New Split point C#4 lighting represents # Holding this button down Press C#4 key. AB ~ C4 Transmitting Note ON/OFF message on the Channel assigned by the Lower section. C#4 ~ C, -*■ Transmitting Note ON/OFF message on the Channel assigned by the Upper section. (3) Release the Split Button. d. Program Change Message Program Change message {0 to 127) is transmitted from the MKB to the connected Sound Modules or MIDI instruments, selecting a patch program to be in use. Refer to the separate volume "MIDI". Program Change Message and Program Number ■\NUMBER BANK 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 9 I 10 11 12 13 1-4 15 2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 23 i 24 I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 5 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 6 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 7 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 6 112 113 114 i 115 | 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 e.g) Pressing the Bank Button 1 and the Number Button 1 will select the Program Change message "O' Program Change message OUT IN MKB Sound Module Changing Patch Program number. Operation ©To transmit the Program Change message on the MiDI Channel assigned by the Lower section, press the Button . And to transmit on the Channel assigned by the Upper section, press the Button ®. When sending messages on the Channel assigned by the Lower section MEMORY PROGRAM CHANGE When sending messages on the Channel assigned by the Upper section. MEMORY PROGRAM CHANGE I—1 1=3 1~Л L U L U CD By pressing a Bank Sutton © and a Number Button ©, assign the Program Change number. BANK NUMBER Here, Key Mode should be set as shown below. When sending messages on the Channel assigned by the Lower section. DUAL SPUT WHOLE When sending messages on the Channel assigned by Upper section. DUAL SPUT WHOLE ш a сз L и m Г"“! t 1 a r~~i 1—i ш Г**1 СЗ С2 L и г~~> т CD 1=1 Г**1 ЕЛ CD т (NOTE) Program Change message cannot be sent on the two channels at the same time. C. MEMORY FUNCTION The MKB features memory capacity that retains 128 different combinations of four kinds of elements; MIDI Channel setting, Assign Mode setting, patch program number and Key Modes of Dual, Split, Whole L or Whole U. a. Combination Program (Writing > 0Make a program with combination of those four elements; MIDI Channel, Assign Mode, Key Mode and patch program number. a. Set the MIDI Channel number, Key Mode and Assign mode. CHANNEL MODE POLY T I I I i LOWER mono CHANNEL MODE A CD t i TOLY T t I I I UPPER mono KEY MODE DUAL SPOT WHOLE b. Press the Program Change Button to select a program change number. MEMORY PROGRAM CHANGE MEMORY PROGRAM CHANGE C3 m r***i f"**! L U c. Press the Bank Button and the Number Button. BANK NUMBER * In the Dual- or Split mode, repeat steps b and c. Press the Memory Button. MEMORY PROGRAM CHANGE C3 u (J)Set the Protect Switch to the OFF position. MEMORY WRITE PROTECT OFF ON nn 14 © Press the Write Button. MEMORY W...
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