Instructions Roland, Modèle RS-505
Fabricant : Roland Taille : 1.94 mb Nom Fichier :
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To help you master the know-how of sound creation, there are some set-up examples pro\-'\!ed at the end But remember, you are "e person at rontrol. Don'i limit your-sell io just the s/imple sounds Let your imagination run wild. SPECIFICATIONS KEYBOARD (49-key 4-octave, C-scale) STRINGS SECTION Tone Tablet....................2 Upper Strings Lower Strings 4’, 8’ Mix Control................2 Upper, Lower Attack Control..................1 SYNTHESIZER SECTION Tone Tablet....................6 Upper 4', UpperS', Lower 4', Lower 8\ Bass 8', Bass 16' Control Tablet..................1 Ensemble VCF Control....................4 Cutoff Frequency Resonance ENV Sensitivity, LFO Sensitivity Envelope Generator.............4 Attack Time Decay Time Sustain Level Release Time Second Touch Switch...........1 • RELEASE CONTROL Strings + Synthesizer • BASS SECTION (Priority on lower note) Tone Tablet....................3 Cello 8', Tuba 16', Contrabass 16' Control Tablet..................1 Ensemble Attack Control..................1 Release Control................1 • BALANCE Strings-Synthesizer Bass Volume • ENSEMBLE SWITCH...........1 • VIBRATO DEPTH...............1 • LFO CONTROL.................2 Rate Delay Time • TUNING (over ±50 cent.) • MASTER VOLUME..............1 • PITCH SHIFT CONTROL Pitch Slider....................1 Pitch Set (over 1 oct.)............1 Time .........................1 Pitch Mode Switch..............1 AUTO OFF/EXTERNAL CONTROL MANUAL • ENSEMBLE TONE (rear panel)—1 • POWER SWITCH...............1 • CONNECTION JACKS AUDIO OUT Jack...............3 Monaural, Stereo, synthesizer + Bass OUTPUT Level Selection Switch .............................2 H: 0dBm/!mp. 6.3k0 M: — 15dBm/8.6kO L: —30dBm/2.2kO (0dBm = 0.775vRMS, max. 10Vp-p) GATE VOLTAGE OUTPUT JACK . 1 OFF: Ov/ON: +15v TRIGGER SIGNAL OUTPUT JACK ................................1 OFF: Ov/ON: + 15v pulse, 2msec. EXTERNAL CONTROL JACK .... 3 VCF (FV-2), Sustain, Pitch (DP-2) • POWER CONSUMPTION.... 12W • DIMENSIONS 905(W)x 370(D) x145(H!mm 35.6(w) x 14.6(D) x5.7(H)in • NET WEIGHT...............14 kg .......................... 31 lbs. • ACCESSORIES 2.5m hookup cord..............2 Pedal Switch(DP-2).............1 Music Rack....................^ ’Specifications .ire subject to change without notice. BLOCK DIAGRAM * MASTER I | GENERATOR| jt ~t..... ! pitch [CONTROL ■\ J • Тггггттггп ; ЛШШ.Ш * Hímmii CÎD Si ПТПТГЛТТ î тшшп^ i î nminu^ S CD (....... ) TTTTTTTTTTi UJJimi СЩ Гии Тптгп ïïrf ТТГГГГПТТТ Л.11Ш тггггттттп * ШИ OID ï lilllUJIll г» Ùl о . ел а го '-и lUiilLLLLi 1Г11 fïï'l Г! Г í lDjj • f1 ТП ТТГГПТГПТ JH4U1U Ш11ШИ1 » ТПТГТГГПТ 1 illÉili m В ГГПТГПТТТ s* ишшт о тштпт ; сз| Ь L а‘ и iimiüui I Mlïïfffl ” штптпт ! timim.» i i птптттг 8 ЦШ11.Ш1 » S'inrnmT * CZD 1ДШ1Ш тттттгт 1° i 1 CÏZ) v UJJLiJLLLLLL id'll Пии OÍD um птптттг J-lliltLLl.LL птптттпт 1П11Я11М g ^nruuiîP i шшшц ï п"! ПI !"П Í "Г шшш CZD it итштптт тттгпггттт * í°~i i -П~ г V* л’ СО ш h О z ш _l û. S < со u lîtlIllMII ГПП ШБ ШШ1Ш ' ПЧТ1ТПТТТ Jill iHi ü I к 11ПТПТПТ * МИШИН ТШШТТТТ Ci b 9 S üiuiiiiri i ÇniTTfTTïï * П11И1ИИ _ г S ? TÏÏÏÏTTTTTf á (щцЦ © I ГоТП CD 6. HAWAIIAN GUITAR Connect the DP-2 (pedal switch! to the PITCH control jack on the rear panel. Lower the pitch by one octave with the PITCH SET knob. Release the pedal when coming to the note with under it. Emy Ce Ce Ge Ge $ -$■ Tf>~ _CL R.H. m m t C. P.<5b. P.*SbL r o @ © 0) © „J 8“: 5. HARPSICHORD AND STRINGS The score is from Vivaldi's "Four Seasons". The upper half of the keyboard is the harpsichord and strings ensemble sound and the lower half is the strings ensemble and bass sound. The attack time of the upper and tower strings is lengthened in order to enhance the sound of the harpsichord. tr .......0-5 ICO i 1 T ©i © @ © < ) 8=- I 0 1- fpso nkce 4. VIOLIN SOLO AND STRINGS The score is from Gossec's gavotte. The upper hnlf of the keyboard is the violin solo sound and the lowei half is the strings ensemble sound. Remember the t.i.-t that the low notes have the first priority lor the bass sound, while playing in legato. 3 -1.....y— i..... f.i i © 9 © 6 < ) OK 3. BRASS ENSEMBLE This is the jazzy brass-like ensemble sound. A 7 D7 G7 C7 A7 D7 G7 C7 ©>.. © © © ( ) 2. PiPE ORGAN The score is from Bach's toccata nd fugue. The use of an echo chamber will enhance the richness and expansion of sound. Synthesizer Bass Output - Echo Chamber - Amplifier SAMPLE SOUNDS «REGARDING SETUP EXAMPLES» Each slider is at a standard position. However the sound will vary depending on the amplifier and speakers used. Therefore, make adjustments for final retouchings during performance. It is possible to create complicated sounds with this 505 model. However because of this there will be some limitations in performance. Therefore in pr...
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