Instructions Roland, Modèle SBX-80
Fabricant : Roland Taille : 740.65 kb Nom Fichier :
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Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
. 1} Tempo Setting with Tempo Control Knob............... 2) Tempo Setting with Ten Keys .... 3) Tempo Setting with Tap Button. . . c. Setting Beat.................. d. Count In.................... e. Song Seiect.................. f. Measure Select................ 2. Record Mode................... a. Tempo Data Programming 1....... 1) Programming with Tap Button. . . . 2) Tempo Programming with Click Signal.................... 3) Changing Beat in the middle of a piece..................... 4) Programming Count in......... b. Tempo Data Programming 2 (using SMPTE Time Code)........ 1 ) Recording SMPTE Time Code (Basic).................... 2) Tempo data Programming with Tap Button.............. . . 3) Tempo Data Programming by Click Signal 1............... 4} Tempo Data Programming by Click Signal 2............... 5) Changing Beat in the middle of a piece................... 6) Recording SMPTE Time Code (Advanced)............... c. About SMPTE Time Code........ 3. Edit Mode (Basic}............... a. Tempo Data Programming by Ten Keys................... 4. Play Mode..................... 19 a. Master Tempo Control Mode..............19 1} Basic Sync..................................19 2) Start sync'ing from the measure you select..................................19 3) Total Time Display......................20 4) Repeat (Loop Play}......................20 5) Remote Control..........................20 b. Sync using SMPTE Time Code...... 21 1) Basic Sync................. 21 2) Sync with Set Sync Function..... 22 3) Total Time Display........... 22 5. Edit Mode..................... 23 a. Editing the Programmed Tempo Data . 23 b. Adding Tempo Data..........................23 c. Copy Function............- . . . 24 d. Delete............................................25 e. insert............................................26 f. Song End........................................27 g. Bar Line........................................27 6. Save, Verify, Load................................29 a. Saving......... ..........................29 b. Verification.............................30 c. Loading..................... 31 [5] Applications.................... 32 1. Tempo Time Display.............. 32 a. About Display "2"..........................32 b. Editing with Display "2" Mode..........32 2. Changing Offset Time....................34 3. Time Display up to a certain beat............35 4. Time Base..........................................35 [ITj Specif ¡cations....................................36 3 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 b. A song including different Time Signature............... 18 _jj Panel Description O Display Selector Switch 1. Front Pane! © Record Switch © Play Switch ® Manual Switch © Count In Switch 0 Edit Switch ® Copy/Song End Switch ® Delete Switch © Insert/ßar Lmfl Switch Tap Respcr?se Switch Stan/Tap Button © Sub Tsp Button Stop/Contmue Buitün 2. Rear Panel O Sî du Remote Jack-© Stop/Connnu* Remote Jack Ô Ses Switches O SMPTE OFfSei Switch 0 Total Time Switch 0 BtMC Backward Switch O 6y> S-U Otvi'n-T.Ttr 0 AC VoMatjo b £> AC ■ Important Notes •Using the SBX-80 near a neon or fluorescent lamp may cause noise interference. If so, change the angle or position of the SBX-80. •Avoid using the SBX-80 in extreme heat or humidity or where it may be affected by dust. • Use a soft cloth and clean only with mild detergent. • Do not use solvents such as paint thinner. ■ Memory Back-up- The SBX-80 features memory back-up system that retains the data even when switched off. The SBX-80 relies on its batteries for its back-up circuit. Be sure to keep the battery securely connected even during AC operation. Also, always replace with a complete set of the new batteries once a year. If you have changed the batteries with the SBX-80 switched on, the memory can retain the data. • ff the SBX-80 is not to be used for long periods of time, please be sure to switch the power off and remove the batteries, or various troubles may be caused by battery ieakage. • Please observe the following "Battery Replacement”. • Please be sure that the polarities of the batteries are correct. ■ Battery Replacement- Use two 1.5V {UM-3} batteries. (X) Remove the battery cover on the bottom of the unit. (2) Take out the battery case. (3) Remove the batteries from the battery case. (4) Place a new set of batteries taking care of the polarities. (5) Return the battery case into the housing (6) Return the battery cover. I • Please be sure to do the entire battery replacing pro- ! cedure with she unit switched on. Then the data *n memory wifi be retained. • Piease do not puif the cord hard. [2] Outline of the SBX-...
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