Évaluations - 3, GPA: 4 ( )

Instructions Roland, Modèle SR-JV80-08

Fabricant : Roland
Taille : 297.48 kb
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Langue d'enseignement: en
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However, such Patches will sound slightly different than they would if played on the JV-80/880/90/1000. L fc*-a T. %\7U Z < ti 11'* JV-80/880. JD-S90T* l£ » FS^nt Ztügiïb') its • JV-80/880/90/1000? li. JV-1080, XP-ôOîiS^^ "J * %&-i;C ttt • JD-990T. JV-80/88Q/90/1000Wraff)/,fv * £ □ >/'- I* ■ ° - FLTmmnzttfT'is ta- *0)4^. JV-80/880/90/îOOOTiSH L,fs t ÿ ') £ To HHRolancT 10452 UPC 1Q4S2 lui Roland® 10981...

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