Instructions Yamaha, Modèle DTPK95M
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if any item is missing, please contact the dealer from whom you purchased the set. Please refer to the Owner’s Manual for each product on the proper use and set-up. - Example : Connecting with the 9-Channel Snake Cable - ■ Connection Example 1 : The DTXPRESS III is set on the left-side. Follow the numbers indicated on the 9-channel snake cable (1: KICK, etc) and properly connect the pads as shown in the diagram below. DTXPRESS Input No. 1 KICK 2 SNARE 3TOM1 4 TOM 2 5 TOM 3 6 RIDE 7 CRASH 1 8 HI HAT HH CONTROL 9ch SNAKE Cable No. <-1 KICK «-2 SNARE ^3 TOM 1 «-4 TOM 2 «-5 TOM 3 ^6 RIDE <-7 CRASH <-8 HI HAT -HH CONTROL « =—, fl ^ --0-^-- -[k—«=— \ J I J JJ J I or* i ^ 4HI HATCONTROL PECALHH65 1 KICK HH CONTROL 2 SNARE KICK HI HAT CONTROL SNARE (KP65) PEDAL (TP65S) (HH65) 8 HI HAT I HI HAT (TP 65) 3TOM 1 I TOM 1 (TP65) 7 CRASH I CRASH (PCY65S) 4TOM 2 6 RIDE I I TOM 2 RIDE (TP65) (PCY65) 5TOM3«-9ch SNAKE j Cable No. TOM 3 «-Pads (TP 65) ■ Connections Example 2 :The DTXPRESS III is set on the right-side. The pads can be set as shown in the diagram below. Please note that in this case, numbers on the 9-channel snake cable (2: SNARE, etc.) will not match with the pad names and input numbers on the DTXPRESS m. 9chSNAKE Cable No. 4HI HAT CONTROL PECftL HH65 DTXPRESS II Input No. » 1 KICK * 2 SNARE > 3TOM1 » 4TOM2 » 5TOM 3 * 6 RIDE » 7 CRASH 1 » 8 HI HAT HH CONTROL-» HH CONTROL 9ch SNAKE-» 5 TOM 3 Cable No. Pads-i HI HAT (TP65) L L 4 TOM 2 7 CRASH 3TOM 1 1 CRASH 1 1 TOM 1 1 TOM 2 (PCY65S) (TP 65) (TP65) HH CONTROL 1 KICK I I HI HAT CONTROL KICK PEDAL (HH65) (KP65) * Cable length may not be sufficient for some setups. If the cable length Is Insufficient, please choose an optional cable (Yamaha C03S, etc.). \___/ ffi !Œ ü K-b'7 h DTPK95M& i> Jf-hiffftè t It n rÿVïtAT#l^DTPK95M(::|0]fle;tl'rv^7 -ifA©! KTfr(TP65/65S,PCY65/65S,HH65,KP65) kZ'D V > T THE# 1*1 ■#t5 {$m £ ÎT * -9 * i3 S-t b i> (T) vt,:, i3 M ± l f co Bfrb te« w * izmm'mt l tz.m â-M# 4- r ji ±if«PS^)fiït! KWJR&ffcgn n±mmemmai»x. i+. iL’’'fgtl