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Facilité d'utilisation
nYou can switch between Part 1 and Plug-in Part 1 with the [1/5/9/13] button, and between Part 2 and Plug-in Part 2 with the [2/6/10/14] button. Voice You can select a Voice for each Part. PartSw Part Switch Determines each Part to on or off. Since a Performance can consist of up to four Parts, you can select four Parts from Parts 1 - 4 and the Plug-in Parts 1 - 2. Please note that “(on)” is displayed if selecting more than four Parts. “(on)” indicates no available Part. Settings: on, off Bank Number Bank Number Determines the Voice Bank and Voice Number for each Part. For details about the Plug-in Voice, refer to the owner’s manual for your Plug-in Board. Mono/Poly (Mode) Mono/Poly Selects monophonic or polyphonic playback for each Part. Select whether each Part is played back monophonically (single notes only) or polyphonically (multiple simultaneous notes). Settings: mono, poly n This parameter is not available for the Part to which the Drum Voice is assigned. ArpSwitch (ArpSw) Arpeggio Switch Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off for the currently selected Part. Settings: on, off 80 Ow ner’s Manual Performance mode Performance Edit Performance mode Performance Edit Note Limit Low/High Determines note ranges and velocity limits for each Part. Same as the Limit display in the Performance Voice Assign mode (page 79). n If you specify the highest note first and the lowest note second, for example “C5 to C4,” then the note range covered will be “C-2 to C4” and “C5 to G8” (except for the Plug-in Parts). If you specify the maximum value first and the minimum value second, for example “93 to 34,” then the velocity range covered will be “1 to 34” and “93 to 127” (except for the Plug-in Parts). VelLimitL/H (VlLmtL/H) Velocity Limit Low/High PortaSwitch (PrtSw) Portamento Switch Determines the Portamento parameters for each Part. Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to the next. Determines whether Portamento is on or off. Settings: off, on PortaTime (PrtTm) Portamento Time Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result in a longer pitch change time. Settings: 0 ~ 127 PortaMode (PrtMd) Portamento Mode Determines the Portamento mode. Settings: fingr (fingered), full (full time) fingr (fingered)...... Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one). full (full time) ......... Portamento is always applied. n The Mode setting is not available for the Plug-in Part. n These Portamento parameters above are not available for the Part to which the Drum Voice is assigned. PB Upper/Lower (PB Up/Low) Pitch Bend Upper/Lower These two parameters are available for Parts 1 - 4 to which the internal Normal Voices are assigned. These determine the pitch change range (in semitones) of the Pitch Bend wheel for the Part’s Voice. For example, a Lower setting of -12 would result in the pitch being lowered up to a maximum of one octave (12 semitones) when the Pitch Bend wheel is moved downwards. Similarly, setting the Upper parameter to +12 would result in a maximum pitch rise of one octave when the wheel is moved upwards. Settings: -48 ~ 0 ~ +24 VelSensDpt (VelDpt) Velocity Sensitivity Depth Determines the degree to which the resulting volume of the tone generator responds to your playing strength. The higher the value, the more the volume changes in response to your playing strength (as shown at right). Settings: 0 ~ 127 127 0 127 Depth = 127 Depth = 32 Depth = 64 Depth = 0 When Offset (below) is set to 64: Actual resulting velocity (affecting the tone generator) VelSensOfs (VelOfs) Velocity Sensitivity Offset Determines the amount by which played velocities are adjusted for the actual resulting velocity effect. This lets you raise or lower all velocities by the same amount. Settings: 0 ~ 127 127 0 12764 12764 12764 127 0 127 0 When Depth (above) = 64 and Offset = 32 When Depth (above) = 64 and Offset = 64 When Depth (above) = 64 and Offset = 96 Actual resulting velocity (affecting the tone generator) Velocity at which a note is played Output Volume Volume Determines the volume for each Part, allowing you to set the optimum level balance of all the Parts. Settings: 0 ~ 127 Pan Pan Determines the stereo pan position for each Part. Settings: L63 (far left) ~ C (center) ~ R63 (far right) VoiceELPan (ELPan) Voice Element Pan Determines whether the individual pan settings for each Voice (made in the AMP display (page 71) from the Voice Element Edit mode) are applied or not. When this is set to “off,” the basic pan position for the selected Part is set to center. Settings: on, off n The “VoiceELPan” is not available for the Plug-in Part. RevSend (RevSnd)/ ChoSend (ChoSnd) Reverb Send/Chorus Send Determines the send level for the Reverb/Chorus Effect of the selected Part, giving you detailed control over the Reverb/Chorus balance among the Parts. Settings: 0 ~ 127 DryLevel (DryLvl) Dry Level Determines the le...