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45° (in either direction). Do not lift unit by the holes in the panel assemblies! Flush the heating system prior to connecting the heat pump. The supplied strainer is to be fitted in the heat source inlet of the heat pump in order to protect the evaporator against contamina- tion. The brine must contain at least 25 % of a frost and corrosion protection agent on a monoethylene glycol or propylene glycol basis. The clockwise phase sequence must be observed when connecting the load line. Commission

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For detailed instructions concerning the connection and functioning of the heat pump controller refer to the operating manual supplied with the controller. MOUNTING CAUTION! correct). 7 An all-pole disconnecting device with a contact gap of at least 3 mm (e.g. utility company disable contactor or power contactor) as well as a 3-pole circuit breaker with simultaneous tripping of all external conductors must be provided . The required cross- sectional area of the conductor is to be selected accord

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a z ' 5 ' 1 © T c ___ __ A-XII 4.2 4.2 Legende / Legend / Légende dS] Absperrventil Shutoff valve Robinet d'arrêt Absperrventil mit Entleerung Shutoff valve with drainage Robinet d'arrêt avec purge Überströmventil Overflow valve Vanne de trop-plein r Sicherheitsventil Safety valve Vanne de sécurité o Umwälzpumpe Circulating pump Circulateur Q Ausdehnungsgefäß Expansion vessel Vase d'expansion Raumtemperaturgesteuertes Ventil Room temperature-controlled valve Vanne commandée

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Pumpenleistungsanteil) Coefficient of performance (incl. power input to pump) -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Soleeintrittstemperatur in [0C] Brine inlet temperature in [0C] Température d'entrée d'eau glycolée en [0C] Druckverlust in [Pa] Pressure loss in [Pa] Perte de pression en [Pa] 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 05 1 15 2 Heizwasserdurchfluss in [m3/h] Heating waterflow rate in [m3/h] Débit d'eau de chauffage en [m3/h] A-V Anhang ■ Appendix ■ Annexes Anhang ■ App

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5 Sensoren kon-N5 humidity sensors (maximum of 5 sensors can Capteurs d'humidite de N5 (raccordement de 5 nen angeschlossen werden) be connected!) capteurs au maximum !) T1 Sicherheitstrenntransformator 230/24 VAC-28VA Safety isolating transformer 230/24 V AC-28 VA Transformateur sectionn. secu. 230/24 VAC-28VA A-X 3.6 X1 Klemmenleiste Netz-Steuerung L/N/PE-230VACTerminal strip for mains control L/N/PE-230 V AC -Bornier commande reseau L/N/PE-230VAC-50Hz/ 50Hz/Sicherungen/N- und PE-Verteiler 50

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The additional heat consumption should be met using special devices provided by the customer. If a building is to be dried out in autumn or winter, we recommend installing an additional heating element (available as an accessory). ATTENTION! The device is not suitable for operation with a frequency converter. 2.2 Operating Principle Outside air is drawn in by the ventilator and fed via the evaporator (heat exchanger). The evaporator cools the air, i.e. it extracts heat from it. This extracted he

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An incorrect setting may result in various error symptoms and an increased elec-tric power consumption. To correctly set the overflow valve, the following procedure is recommended: Close all of the heating circuits which may also be closed during operation (depending on the type of heat pump usage) so that the least favourable operating state - with respect to the water flow rate - is achieved. Normally, these heating circuits are those of the rooms located on the south and west sides of buildi

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8 is dead and has no function Le brin no 8 est hors tensio et sans fonction A-XIV 3.8 3.8 Legende/ Legend/ Légende LA 12PS E1 Kurbelwannenheizung Verdichter Crankcase heater, compressor Chauffage à carter compresseur E3 E4 Pressostat Abtauende Düsenringheizung Ventilator Defrost end controller Nozzle ring heater, ventilator Pressostat fin de dégivrage Chauffage à couronne perforée ventilateur F4 Pressostat Hochdruck High-pressure switch Pressostat haute pression F5 Pressostat Niederdruck

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A-III Anhang Appendix Annexes 2 Anhang Appendix Annexes 2 Diagramme / Diagrams / Diagrammes 2.1 Kennlinien / Characteristic curves / Courbes caracteristiques LI 20TEL .................................................................. ......................................@ ................................................................ ..............................................@ ..........................................................................@ .....................................

Téléchargements : 6   Taille : 4 mb   Fabricant : Dimplex  
Catégorie : matériel de pompage

CAUTION! CAUTION! damage the surface. CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! Do not open the unit unless all electrical circuits have been disconnected from the During transport, the heat pump must not be tilted more than 45° (in either direction). Heat pump and transport pallet are only connected by the packaging film. The air intake and discharge openings must neither be constricted nor Clockwise phase sequence (in the case of multiphase units) must be observed: Damage to the compressor may be incurred if
