Fabricant : Toshiba
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Also see 664-Bit Computingg Legal Footnote, if applicable. Certain MMicrosoft® software product(s) includedd with this computeer may use technoloogical measures fo or copy protection. IIN SUCH EVENT, YOU WILL NOT B E ABLE TO USE TTHE PRODUCCT IF YOU DO NOTT FULLY COMPLY WITH THE PRODDUCT ACTIVATIONN PROCEDURES. Product activationn procedures and MMicrosoft’s privacy ppolicy will be detaileed during inittial launch of the prroduct, or upon cer tain reinstallations of the software prooduct(s) or reconfiggurations of the commputer, and may bee completed by Inteernet or telephone (toll charges mmay apply). Some softtware may differ froom its retail versionn (if available), and may not include usser manuals or all pprogram functional lity. Offers. OOffer terms, duratio n and product avai lability all subject too change without nnotice 3 Processsor (Central Proceessing Unit). Also see 64-Bit Compuuting Legal Footnoote, if applicable. CPU perfoormance in your coomputer product maay vary from speciffications under the following condition ns: 1. use oof certain external pperipheral productss 2. use oof battery power insstead of AC power © Copyrightt 2011 Toshiba Americca Information Systemms Inc. All Rights rese rved. TAIS shhall not be liable for daamages of any kind forr use of this informatioon, which is subject to change without noticee. Portegee R835-SP3134L Page 2 off 4 Thhis product speciification is variabble and subject too change prior too product launch. 3. use oof certain multimed ia, computer generrated graphics or v ideo applications 4. use oof standard telephoone lines or low speeed network connecctions 5. use oof complex modelinng software, such aas high end computter aided design appplications 6. use oof several applicatioons or functionalitiees simultaneously 7. use oof computer in areaas with low air presssure (high altitude >1,000 meters or >>3,280 feet above ssea level) 8. use oof computer at tempperatures outside tt30°C (41°F to 86° Fall temperature refeerences are he range of 5°C to F) or >25°C (77°F ) at high altitude (a approximate andd may vary depend ing on the specific computer model – please visit the Tooshiba website at wfor detailss). CPU perfoormance may also vary from specificaations due to desig n configuration. Under somme conditions, you r computer productt may automaticallyy shut-down. This is a normal protecttive feature designeed to reduce the rissk of lost data or daamage to the produuct when use ed outside recommeended conditions. To avoid risk of losst data, always makke back-up copies oof data by periodic cally storing it on ann external storage mmedium. Use your computer product only unde r recommended coonditions. Read additional restrictionss under “Environmeental Conditions” in n your product “Detaailed Specs.” Conttact Toshiba Technnical Service annd Support for morre information. 4 Graphiccs (Graphics Proc essing Unit). GPUU performance mayy vary depending oon product model, ddesign configuratio on, applications, powwer management ssettings and featurees utilized. GGPU performance iis only optimized wwhen operating in AAC power mode andd may decrease co onsiderably when o perating in battery power mode. Total Avaailable Graphics MMemory is the total of, as applicable, DDedicated Video MMemory, System Viddeo Memory and SShared System Memmory. Shared Systeem Memory will va ry dependingg on system memoory size and other faactors. 5 Memoryy (Main System). Part of the main syystem memory mayy be used by the gr aphics system for ggraphics performannce and therefore rreduce the amount of main system memory aavailable for other ccomputing activitiess. The amount of mmain system memorry allocated to suppport graphics may vvary depending on the graphics systeem, applications utilized, syystem memory sizee and other factors . Computers configgured with a 32-bit ooperating system ccan address up to 33GB of system memmory. Only compuuters configured with a 64-bit opeerating system can address 4 GB or mmore of system memmory. 6 Storagee Drive Computerr (Internal) HDD Caapacity. One Gigabbyte (GB) means 109 = 1,000,000,0000 bytes using poweers of 10. The compputer operating sysstem, however, rep orts storage capacity using powwers of 2 for the deffinition of 1 GB = 2 30 = 1,073,741,8244 bytes, and therefoore shows less sto rage capacity. Avaailable storage cap pacity will also be leess if the computer includes oone or more pre-insstalled operating syystems, such as Mi crosoft Operating SSystem and/or pre--installed software applications, or meedia content. Actuaal formatted capacitty may vary. 7 Optical Drive. Due to mannufacturing and quaality variations in thhird party optical m edia (e.g., CD or DDVD) or optical meddia players/recordeers, in certain casess, your Toshiba opttical drive mayy not record on certtain optical media thhat bear the applicaable logo, or playbaack optical media rrecorded by other PPCs or optical meddia recorders. Addi tionally, c...