Par ce dispositif a également d'autres instructions :
Facilité d'utilisation
Back up your data
You can wirelessly back up your MacBook Air using Time Machine with
an AirPort Time Capsule (sold separately). Open System Preferences and
click the Time Machine icon to get started.
An important note
Please read this document and the safety information in the Important
Product Information guide carefully before you first use your computer.
Learn more
To view the MacBook Air Essentials guide in iBooks, open iBooks, then
search for “MacBook Air Essentials” in the iBooks Store. You can also find
information, watch demos, and learn about MacBook Air features at
You can find answers to your questions, as well as instructions and
troubleshooting information, in Mac Help. Click the Finder icon, click
Help in the menu bar, and choose Mac Help or “Get to know your Mac.”
OS X Utilities
If you have a problem with your Mac, OS X Utilities can help you restore
your software and data from a Time Machine backup or reinstall OS X
and Apple apps. If your Mac detects a problem, open OS X Utilities by
restarting your computer while holding down the Command and R keys.
Visit www.apple.com/support/macbookair for MacBook Air technical support.
Or call 1-800-275-2273. In Canada, call 1-800-263-3394.
Not all features are available in all areas.
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