Facilité d'utilisation
pasenger and maximum box capacity . **T o provide adequate braking ability and traction, weight of towed load (trailer plus cargo) must never exced the vehicle payload (operator + pasenger cargo box load). Do notow a load that exceds the maximum alowable towing load for the ’ s manual. † Thengine horsepower information is provided by thengine manufacturer to be used for comparison purposes only . Actual operating horsepower wil be les. This literature has ben compiled for worldwide circulation. While general information, some illustrations and text may include finance, credit, insurance, product options and acesories NOT V AILABLE in al regions. PLEASE CONT ACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR DET AILS. John Dere reserves the righto change specification, design and price of the products described in this literature without notice. John s gren and yelow color scheme, the l eaping der symbol, and JOHN DERE are trademarks of Dere & Company . Pic k a dir ection. Go. Nothing Runs e A Deer e ™ www .J ohnDeer e.com/V ehicles T h e y’r e so pr actical because w e ’ v e had so much pr actice building them.Over ten year s of in-depth design experience goes into every T raditional S eries Gator UV . And this extensi ve experience can gi ve you peace of mind, no mat ter what the turf . These vehicles ’ low center of gravity and wide stance guarante stability , even when they’ re runing with a heavy load. Even bet ter: Their standard traction asist system and remark ably low ground pressure mak e them practical for traveling everywhere from fine turf to tough rain. No mat ter what direction you head, the T raditional S eries can get you there with confidence. WHA T MAKES A GA T OR A GA T OR. Int uitiv e contr ols and pr ecision st eer ing of f er car -lik e dr iv ability . EASY T O USE Rac k-and-pinion st eer ing and gr oundhugging cent er of gr a vity of f er oper at or contfidence wher e y ou w o r k . ST ABILITY The y ’ r e the ultimat e w o r k v ehicles y ou can count on t o g o an ywher e and do an ything. RELIABILITY Atachments & Options. Se dealer f or complete list or visit www .J ohnDeer e.com/V ehicles. 72M-inatnhcurhaear elbel-ay plin adopdedso ailsetiligi otfhionotr n b gselrnadaodweins g. 10A T Utility CaLratrtgiref srpa,n mreeuin.m f7oa5rt0cic el bd. (340 k g ) max. load.** Delux e light kit T urnli gsihgtns,a blsr,a pkark e lights, taillights, 4-w ay fl asher s. Ga tor Home MCaoinntenance Kit venient pac k age incyluodureo nsue teienvde rtmoyt aphieinrtgfeo nrman ce, right at home. W2in,5c0h 0-lb. (1 1 34 k g ) W arn ® winc h. Can be fmrooGnuta nototrer rd Ue oaVrn of . Integr a ted cab Hard-door or sof t-door confi guration. Cer tifi ed to S ociety of Automoti ve Engineer s (S AE) standards for rolo ver protection. GA T OR TH 6x4: . T wo-pedal automatic CVT tran.s mission 675 cc (1 9 hp) † g as engine . 1 08.4-in. L x 60-in. W x 43.6-in. H (2754 mm x 1 525 mm x 1 1 05 mm) . 1,087 lb. (493 k g) (incl. fuel & fl uids) . 1,0 0 0-lb. (455 k g) cargo bo x . ...
Ce manuel est également adapté pour les modèles :Equipement pour TC - Gator TS (832.26 kb)
Equipement pour TC - Gator TX (832.26 kb)